Palestinians seek UN vote blaming Israel; US wants changes

UNITED NATIONS (AP) – The Palestinians and their supporters have called an emergency meeting of the U.N. General Assembly hoping to adopt a resolution Wednesday deploring what it calls Israel’s “excessive use of force,” particularly in Gaza. It also would seek recommendations for protecting Palestinian civilians.

The U.S. is demanding changes.

The Palestinians decided to go to the assembly, where there are no vetoes, following the U.S. veto of virtually the same resolution in the Security Council on June 1. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called that resolution “grossly one-sided” for blaming Israel while not mentioning Gaza’s Hamas rulers.

Haley sent a letter to U.N. ambassadors Tuesday calling the proposed General Assembly resolution “fundamentally imbalanced” for not mentioning Hamas. She said the U.S. will seek an amendment condemning Hamas for firing rockets into Israel.


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