Panda in China filmed wearing a baseball cap

  • Qing Qing the panda was filmed showing off his new look at his enclosure
  • He looks the picture of relaxation as he kicks back and chomps away on his food
  • The video was uploaded to YouTube earlier today by iPanda 

Amusing footage has emerged of a panda wearing a baseball cap in its enclosure.

The clip, believed to have been filmed in China, shows the furry animal, called Qing Qing, showing off his new look.

And he looks the picture of relaxation as he kicks back and chomps away on his food.

The video was uploaded to YouTube today by iPanda with the title: ‘Hey Qing Qing! Are you going for the hip hop style today?’

He’s not the only of his kind that likes to look his sharpest.

Yesterday footage emerged of another panda, called Ping Ping grooming himself in a pond while getting ready to meet his best friends.

The young bear arrived at a zoo in east China on October 16 after being transferred from a panda reserve.

The two-year-old panda could be seen walking around his enclosure on his first day at the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo before being reunited with his playmates He He and Jiu Jiu. 

Qing Qing the panda dons a baseball cap as he chomps on food at his enclosure in China