Parents’ outrage at ‘gendered’ children’s toys in Target

A photo of children’s toys in a Target Australia store has drawn criticism online, with two pieces in particular dividing parents.

The picture shows two toys for preschool-aged children: a medical kit and a beauty kit.

The toys, one blue and one pink, have been the subject of online debate between parents.

While the toys are not explicitly advertised as being for boys or girls, many have claimed the the message is clear.

This photo of children’s toys in Target Australia has drawn criticism after parents’ claimed the toys were enforcing gender stereotypes

Australian journalist Tracey Spicer shared the picture on Facebook with the caption, ‘Er, Target Australia, WTF…? Please, you can do better’.

Her sentiments were echoed by many online, with author Melinda Tankard Reist also sharing the picture.

‘Beauty studio for the girls, Medical Centre for the boys,’ Ms Tankard Reist said.

‘Yes of course we can still buy the blue one for our girls. But the stereotyping of what’s appropriate for girls and boys remains.’

The ‘Young Ones My First Carry Along’ medical kit includes scissors, glasses, a clamp and syringe for aspiring medical professionals.

The pink beauty kit, also from the same brand, includes a toy hair dryer, toy nail polish, toy lipstick and a mirror.

The pink beauty kit includes a toy hair dryer, toy nail polish, toy lipstick and a mirror

The blue medical kit includes scissors, glasses, a clamp and syringe

Target Australia toys for preschool-aged children – a blue medical kit and a pink beauty kit – are being called out for gender stereotyping

Target Australia is being called out on social media for their 'gender specific' children's toys

Target Australia is being called out on social media for their ‘gender specific’ children’s toys

Many comments attacked Target with claims of gender stereotyping.

‘Welcome back to the 50s,’ one comment said. 

‘[I] think I might just have to write to Target about this one. How do we change this when we are fighting social conditioning from birth basically?,’ one outraged woman wrote.

Another said: ‘Not all girls are sugar and spice and all things nice and some boys would love a beauty kit.’

The toys retail for $12 each and are marketed for children three years and over

The toys retail for $12 each and are marketed for children three years and over

The beauty kit includes toy nail polish and lipstick, while the medical kit contains scissors, glasses and a syringe

Others were quick to note the toys were not specifically gender related. 

‘I don’t see the problem. One daughter would have loved the pink make up case and the other would’ve loved the blue medical case,’ said one woman. 

She continued: ‘It only becomes gender specific when the adults make it so!’

The toys retail for $12 each and are marketed for children three years and over. 

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Target Australia for comment.