Parents outraged at middle school assignment which asks students who they would leave behind

Students at an Ohio middle school were given an assignment to rank who they would save and who they would leave behind if the the world – basing their decisions on a person’s race, age, religion, sexuality and other factors.

The assignment entitled included descriptions of 12 hypothetical people, eight of whom could be brought on a spaceship to another planet and four would be left behind to face the end of the world.

Options included a ‘militant African-American medical student’, a ’33-year-old female Native American manager who does not speak English’ and a ‘racist armed police officer who has been accused of using excessive force’. 

Parents at Roberts Middle School in Cuyahoga Falls caught wind of the bizarre assignment entitled ‘Whom to Leave Behind’ and shared it on social media, sparking widespread outrage.

Parents are outraged after students at Roberts Middle School in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, were given an assignment to rank who they would save and who they would leave behind if at the end of the world – basing their decisions on factors such as race, age, religion and sexuality

One of the outraged parents, Bernadette Hartman, told WKYC that her son was uncomfortable with completing the assignment. 

‘What does her being Muslim have to do with it? What does being female have to do with it?’ Hartman said.

‘This paper divides. It doesn’t pull anybody together.’ 

A copy of the paper was passed along to Ward 8 Councilman Russ Iona, who told the Cleveland Plain-Dealer: ‘I was kind of surprised by all the stereotypes on this.

‘I’m not sure of where they are going with this or what purpose it was to serve.’

District Superintendent Todd Nichols has said the assignment is under investigation, and that he has not personally received any complaints about it from students

District Superintendent Todd Nichols has said the assignment is under investigation, and that he has not personally received any complaints about it from students

Ward 6 Councilman Adam Miller shared a copy on Facebook last week, revealing that he had personally spoken to the teacher.  

‘Inappropriate project for young kids. In my view, it clearly uses conjecture which is suggesting this fictious [sic] behavior is somehow an accepted pattern,’ Miller wrote.

‘Additionally, it’s implanting prejudicial thoughts in these young impressionable minds. This is NOT building a – “culture of caring” – this is building a culture of animosity, antagonism & hostility! 

‘Why can’t kids be kids? Sad to see this indecent indoctrination forced upon our kids…’ 

The school district is now investigating the assignment, and Superintendent Todd Nichols planned to meet with the unidentified teacher Monday.

‘We take the matter very seriously, we are investigating it and we expect it to be completed very early next week with a resolution,’ Nichols told the Plain-Dealer.

He also said that he hadn’t gotten complaints from any students in the classes where the assignment was handed out.  

Teachers at Robert Falls Middle School (above) have reportedly discontinued the assignment

Teachers at Robert Falls Middle School (above) have reportedly discontinued the assignment