Parents sue school district over bullied daughter’s death

Rosalie Avila, 13, hanged herself on November 28 after being bullied for nearly two years by her classmates

The parents of a 13-year-old girl who committed suicide in November after being bullied for two years are suing her school district over a wrongful death claim.

Rosalie Avila, 13, hanged herself inside her family’s Yucaipa, California home on November 28 and was later declared brain dead before being taken off life support December 4.

Her parents, Freddie and Charlene Avila, allege that their eighth-grade daughter was relentlessly bullied at Mesa View Middle School by fellow classmates who taunted her by saying ‘she had ugly teeth, that she was ugly, a whore, a slut, and had sexually transmitted diseases,’ according to a news release, KTLA reported.  

The teen’s classmates allegedly circulated a video showing what an ugly girl looked like and what a pretty girl looked like and used a picture of Rosalie to portray the ugly girl,’ the release stated. 

‘In her suicide note, she apologized to her parents for being ugly.’ 

Weeks after her tragic death, the alleged bullies still targeted her on social media, according to her parents. One recent post read, ‘Rosie is still annoying me from the grave.’  

Her parents were also subjected to cruel bullying comments and messages. 

One person sent them a message with a meme that said ‘hey mom,’ next to a picture of Rosalie’s face.

Her parents, Freddie and Charlene Avila (above), have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District claiming they repeatedly contacted the district about the verbal abuse the teen was subjected to

Her parents, Freddie and Charlene Avila (above), have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District claiming they repeatedly contacted the district about the verbal abuse the teen was subjected to

During a press conference held outside of the school on Monday, her heartbroken father, Freddie (above), said: "She had so much to give to this world. She was so wonderful. She’s going to be in my heart until the day that I die."

During a press conference held outside of the school on Monday, her heartbroken father, Freddie (above), said: ‘She had so much to give to this world. She was so wonderful. She’s going to be in my heart until the day that I die.’

It then showed her face cut out and put onto a body who was giving a thumbs down to a bed, saying ‘Next time don’t tuck me in this,’ and then the her face onto a body pointing at an open grave with the words ‘Tuck me in THIS.’   

During a press conference held outside of the school on Monday, her heartbroken father, Freddie, said: ‘She had so much to give to this world. She was so wonderful. She’s going to be in my heart until the day that I die.’

Her parents have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District claiming they repeatedly contacted the district about the verbal abuse the teen was subjected to and told administrators that as a result she had begun to cut herself.

Their attorney, Brian Claypool, said that instead of making sure she was safe, officials tried to bury the issue.  

The school district said in a press release on Monday that the school community is still mourning her death alongside her family.   

‘We strive every day to be a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment,’ the statement reads. 

The school district (above) said in a press release on Monday that the school community is still mourning her death alongside her family. 'We strive every day to be a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment,' the statement reads.

The school district (above) said in a press release on Monday that the school community is still mourning her death alongside her family. ‘We strive every day to be a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment,’ the statement reads.

Even after her death, the bullies began targeting her parents. In one message, a malicious bully sent them an image that showed a photo of their daughter pointing at an open grave. has chosen to show this picture to reflect the cruelty of the bullies who drove Rosalie to take her own life

Even after her death, the bullies began targeting her parents. In one message, a malicious bully sent them an image that showed a photo of their daughter pointing at an open grave. has chosen to show this picture to reflect the cruelty of the bullies who drove Rosalie to take her own life

‘We will continue to raise awareness and work with students and the community to support our children. The issue of suicide awareness and prevention is very important to discuss and address as a community.’

In addition, the school district said it is cooperating with an investigation being conducted by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department and has ordered its own internal review. 

Her parents also don’t want to see any more children die as a result of being bullied by peers. 

‘We don’t want to see no more kids hanging themselves. We don’t want to see no more kids get bullied,’ Freddie Avila said. 

‘We don’t want nobody to get hurt from these bullies anymore.’

They are working with their attorney and Congressman Adam Schiff to introduce Rosie’s Law. 

Her family is working with their attorney and Congressman Adam Schiff to introduce Rosie's Law. The proposed legislation calls for school districts to require written reports of all reported bullying incidents, immediately notify parents of such incidents and more

Her family is working with their attorney and Congressman Adam Schiff to introduce Rosie’s Law. The proposed legislation calls for school districts to require written reports of all reported bullying incidents, immediately notify parents of such incidents and more

More than $65,000 had been donated to a GoFundMe created to raise money for her funeral - surpassing the $15,000 goal. 

More than $65,000 had been donated to a GoFundMe created to raise money for her funeral – surpassing the $15,000 goal. 

The proposed legislation calls for school districts to require written reports of all reported bullying incidents, immediately notify parents of such incidents, treat verbal abuse the same as physical abuse and set up campus suicide prevention centers.       

Days after her death, her father said that although his daughter’s smile could light up a room, he noticed something was off in the recent months. 

He said he found that she was carrying a journal around with her that had names in it of all of the people who used to bully her. 

He told ABC 7 that Rosalie would often cut her wrists.

‘I remember a couple nights she’d come home, telling me that the kids are calling her names about her teeth,’ he said. 

‘I go, ‘You have braces, honey, don’t worry. The braces are going to come off,’ and she said, ‘Yeah, but my teeth are straight and they’re still making fun of me.” 

More than $65,000 had been donated to a GoFundMe created to raise money for her funeral – surpassing the $15,000 goal. 

For confidential support call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255.