Passenger divides the internet after making a foot hammock during a flight

Plane passenger is praised for making a ‘genius’ foot hammock with a blanket – but others slam her for ‘endangering hundreds of lives’ by hanging it in front of the emergency exit

  • Anonymous woman, from the US, created a foot hammock while on a plane 
  • She used the curtain by emergency exit. leading some to raise safety concerns
  • Others praised passenger’s ‘creativity’ and branded the clever device ‘genius’  

A passenger has caused a stir online after she created a ‘genius’ foot hammock during a flight.  

The anonymous woman, believed to be from the US, can be seen fast asleep with her feet hanging comfortably in the self-made device next to the emergency exit of the plane.  

But the innovative idea, which was shared to Facebook group Passenger Shaming and created using a blanket, split the internet in two.  

While some praised the woman’s creativity, others slammed her for being inconsiderate and ‘rude.’ 

‘Brilliant! That’s thinking outside of the box,’ enthused one, while a second admitted: ‘That’s pretty ingenious, actually!’ 

An anonymous woman (pictured), believed to be from the US, has caused a stir online after a photo of her self-made foot hammock went viral

While many took to social media to praise the ingenious device, others slammed the passenger for causing a safety hazard on board the flight

While many took to social media to praise the ingenious device, others slammed the passenger for causing a safety hazard on board the flight

A third commented: ‘I’m not going to lie, I’m impressed,’ while a fourth added: ‘That’s genius, I’m not even mad.’

However, a select few took to the comments section to raise an issue with the safety hazards. 

‘I guess the handle next to the door must not be used for this due to safety reasons,’ wrote one, while a second penned: ‘In front of the exit row door. Endangering hundreds of lives. Genius indeed.’

A further added: ‘If it wasn’t so rude, intrusive, and dangerous, it’s actually a smart idea. Too bad.’

Several fans of the foot hammock jumped to the passenger's defense and praised her 'creativity' and 'genius' invention (pictured)

Several fans of the foot hammock jumped to the passenger’s defense and praised her ‘creativity’ and ‘genius’ invention (pictured)

But others quickly jumped to the passenger’s defense and offered nothing but praise for the ingenious device.

‘It’s probably a safety hazard and not allowed but I have to give her props for ingenuity,’ wrote one, while another admitted:    

‘Honestly, I think she is brilliant. And. no, that’s not a handle to operate the exit door as some people have speculated.’

‘And no, if there was an emergency, I’m pretty sure she would wake up the same as every other person on that aircraft and comply with FA instructions. She is winning in my book!’

A further added: ‘I can think of lots worse things passengers do.’

Others criticized the woman for blocking the exit row door and endangering her fellow passengers (pictured)

Others criticized the woman for blocking the exit row door and endangering her fellow passengers (pictured)