Pastor with ties to Trump wants followers to send her cash

An evangelical pastor with close ties to President Donald Trump has urged followers to send her a month’s pay in order to win ‘divine blessings from God.’

Paula White, a Florida-based gospel preacher who was named by Trump to head an evangelical advisory board, warned on her website that those who do not send her donations could face ‘consequences’ from God.

She writes that god is entitled to ‘first fruits’ as a divine offering which would then yield benefits to the person who gives it in the future.

‘The reason is God lays claim to all firsts,’ she writes.

Paula White, a Florida-based gospel preacher who was named by President Donald Trump to head an evangelical advisory board, warned on her web site that those who do not send her donations of a month’s pay could face ‘consequences’ from God

‘So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God.’

The ‘firsts’ she refers to in this case is money, which ‘supernaturally unlocks amazing opportunity, blessing, favor and divine order for your life.’

White, who has previously been described as a ‘Charlatan’, says she contributes a month’s salary every year as a ‘seed’ that eventually grows into other blessings.

‘When you honor this principle it provides the foundation and structure for God’s blessings and promises in your life, it unlocks deep dimensions of spiritual truths that literally transform your life!’ she writes.

‘When you apply this everything comes in divine alignment for His plan and promises for you.

‘When you don’t honor it, whether through ignorance or direct disobedience there are consequences.’

Although these firsts ‘belong to God and God alone,’ she invites her followers to send donations to her ministries.

White has advised Trump despite the fact that she has her fair share of critics.

Trump pulls a chair out for White during a meeting at the Roosevelt room of the White House in February 2017

Trump pulls a chair out for White during a meeting at the Roosevelt room of the White House in February 2017

Trump and White have been friends for 15 years, after he called into a Christian TV station where he had seen her preach to voice his admiration.

Ahead of the inauguration, White came under scathing attack from fellow evangelicals, with critics branding her a ‘heretic’.

A video was published showing her describing Jesus Christ as the firstborn of God’s creation.

In a strongly-worded editorial, conservative blogger Erick Erickson wrote: ‘Christians have an obligation to speak in defense of their faith. Trump letting this heretic pray in Jesus’s name should offend every Bible believing Christian.’

And Southern Baptist public policy spokesman Russell Moore tweeted earlier this year: ‘Paula White is a charlatan and recognized as a heretic by every orthodox Christian, of whatever tribe.’

White hit back at her critics, CBN reported, responding that she believed ‘in the exclusivity and divinity of Jesus Christ, His saving grace and substitutionary atonement made available to all by His death on the cross’.