Paul Manafort spotted walking through Manhattan

Paul Manafort was spotted this boxing day as he casually strolled through a Manhattan subway before getting into a cab.

The 68-year-old former Trump campaign chairman was released from house arrest just in time for the holidays after reaching a bail agreement with prosecutors on November 30, a month after surrendering to the FBI. 

Manafort was the first of Trump’s allies to be formally indicted by the FBI in charges related to the alleged collusion between the president’s 2016 campaign and the Kremlin. 

And despite the mountain of charges filed against he and his business associate, Rick Gates, he looked entirely at ease as he walked through the station and up onto the streets of New York.  

Paul Manafort (top right) was spotted this boxing day as he casually strolled through a Manhattan subway before getting into a cab

The 68-year-old former Trump campaign chairman was released from house arrest just in time for the holidays after reaching a bail agreement with prosecutors on November 30, a month after surrendering to the FBI

The 68-year-old former Trump campaign chairman was released from house arrest just in time for the holidays after reaching a bail agreement with prosecutors on November 30, a month after surrendering to the FBI

Manafort was the first of Trump's allies to be formally indicted by the FBI in charges related to the alleged collusion between the president's 2016 campaign and the Kremlin

Manafort was the first of Trump’s allies to be formally indicted by the FBI in charges related to the alleged collusion between the president’s 2016 campaign and the Kremlin

And despite the mountain of charges filed against he and his business associate, Rick Gates, he looked entirely at ease as he walked through the station and up onto the streets of New York

And despite the mountain of charges filed against he and his business associate, Rick Gates, he looked entirely at ease as he walked through the station and up onto the streets of New York

The pair were charged in October of engaging in a conspiracy against the United States, engaging in a conspiracy against the United States, engaging in a conspiracy to launder money, failing to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts, acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, making false and misleading statements in documents filed and submitted under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and making false statements. 

Prosecutors claim Manafort laundered more than $18million while doing consulting work for a pro-Russian government in Ukraine.  

Manafort pleaded not guilty to the charges in court October 30 – and his bail was set at $10million.

He was then placed under house arrest because prosecutors believed he would be a flight risk. 

He reached a bail agreement with prosecutors on November 30 that freed him of his house arrest, and offered bail in the form of $11.65million of real estate.   

And now, experts in Washington legal circles think special prosecutor Robert Mueller will file a superseding indictment of Manafort and Gates, according to the Daily Beast.

Manafort pleaded not guilty to the charges in court October 30 - and his bail was set at $10million

But now experts in Washington believe special prosecutor Robert Mueller is preparing to file a superseding indictment against Manafort, and he could face tax charges for foreign financial transactions

Manafort pleaded not guilty to the charges in court October 30 – and his bail was set at $10million. But now experts in Washington believe special prosecutor Robert Mueller is preparing to file a superseding indictment against Manafort, and he could face tax charges for foreign financial transactions

Though both pleaded not guilty, a superseding indictment would replace Mueller’s current indictment – in which his team hints there may be more charges coming.

In particular it is thought that the pair could face tax charges for foreign financial transactions. 

Federal prosecutors can charge Americans if they have money in foreign banks and don’t disclose on their tax forms – so both men could be formally charged with violating tax laws.   

Several other Trump associates also have been indicted by Mueller, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents and is cooperating with the investigation

Several other Trump associates also have been indicted by Mueller, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents and is cooperating with the investigation

Mueller has been building his case against Manafort and Gates since he was appointed in May. 

In July 26 the FBI raided Manafort’s home in Alexandria, Virginia with a search warrant. 

The agency found a trove of material, and reminded the White House that, no matter the success or failures of the moment, the cloud of the Russia probe loomed on the horizon.  

Trump had grown furious at the distraction, fuming to advisers that he had done nothing wrong while railing that it was a conspiracy by Democrats and the so-called ‘deep state’ to delegitimize his presidency.  

Scores of top aides and allies, including Kushner and Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr, have been questioned by Mueller and congressional investigators. In October, Manafort was charged with money laundering and other financial crimes related to his political consulting work in Ukraine. 

Several other Trump associates also have been indicted by Mueller, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents and is cooperating with the investigation.