Paul Schrader mad at Weinstein movie recut not sex assault

The mounting allegations against Harvey Weinstein focus on sexual harassment and rape claims against him, yet screenwriter Paul Schrader’s complaint diverged when he said the biggest issue was how he drastically re-cut movies.

In a tone deaf Facebook post the writer of ‘Taxi Driver’ and ‘Raging Bull’ wrote ‘Of course I knew Harvey Weinstein was a sexual gangster. So did most people who crossed his path. It was an odor that preceded him,’ the post says.

‘That’s not what offended me most about the man. It was the fact that he purchased films by both Bernardo Bertolucci and Wong Kar Wai and then recut them. TWC offered to purchase Bret Ellis and my The Canyons on the proviso that Harvey could recut it — Why would Bret and I, I screamed into the phone, undergo the sacrifice of self financing a movie only to let an as**hole like Harvey recut it?’

Paul Schrader

The mounting allegations against Harvey Weinstein (left) over the past week have been almost entirely about sexual harassment, but Paul Schrader (right) took the opportunity during the scandal to call out the producer for how he would re-cut movies

Tone deaf. In light of the enourmous scandal surrounding Weinstein, the screenwriter thought it was an appropriate time to complain about how the Miramax exec would re-cut movies 

Tone deaf. In light of the enourmous scandal surrounding Weinstein, the screenwriter thought it was an appropriate time to complain about how the Miramax exec would re-cut movies 

Dozens of women from Hollywood elite to budding actresses have spoken out against Weinstein’s treatment of them behind closed doors.

The comments from Schrader were quickly deleted, but not before people were able to screen grab it and share it online.

The post caused a hailstorm of outrage- as people were quick say that the writer is saying sexual assault is less repugnant than having a film re-cut.

‘Ladies and gentlemen – recutting films is worse than sexually assault – according to Paul Schrader,’ one Twitter user vented.

Paul Schrader's public dismissal & 'so what' attitude is part of the reason women don't report

Paul Schrader’s public dismissal & ‘so what’ attitude is part of the reason women don’t report

People also took aim at how Schrader used the term 'sexual gangster' as opposed to some more appropriate ways to define Weinstein's behavior 

People also took aim at how Schrader used the term ‘sexual gangster’ as opposed to some more appropriate ways to define Weinstein’s behavior 

Barbra Crampton, whose profile says she is an actress and producer took to Twitter to lash out at Shrader for downplaying the severity of the allegations against Weinstein.

‘Paul Schrader’s public dismissal & ‘so what’ attitude is part of the reason women don’t report. Thanks to the ‘gentleman’ who support us,’ Compton tweeted. 

Last week a New York Times piece with an interview which included actress Ashley Judd recounting how Weinstein asked her to watch him shower, began the unraveling of decades of allegations against the Miramax executive. 

The shocking allegations against Weinstein emerged in a Thursday report revealing that Weinstein had settled with at least eight women in sexual harassment claims over the past three decades.

Actress Ashley Judd went on the record for the New York Times report, saying Weinstein had greeted her in a bathrobe in his hotel room in 1996, inviting her to give him a massage or watch him shower. 

Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow accused film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. They spoke out on Tuesday

Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow accused film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. They spoke out on Tuesday

Ashley Judd went on the record for a New York Times bombshell piece that was published last week. In it she detailed how Harvey invited her to watch him shower

Ashley Judd went on the record for a New York Times bombshell piece that was published last week. In it she detailed how Harvey invited her to watch him shower

‘How do I get out of the room as fast as possible without alienating Harvey Weinstein?’ Judd told the newspaper she recalled thinking.  

Weinstein was seen out and about in New York City on Friday morning, carrying some papers under his arm and smiling for the cameras as he made his way to the waiting SUV outside his home. 

Stars including Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Judd, Rose McGowan, Rosanna Arquette and Mira Sorvino are just some of the names that have spoken out about their own encounters with Weinstein as the scandal continues to grow.

As allegations against him mounted his position at his company became untenable and he was fired on Sunday.