Pauline Hanson sprays Champagne comparing alcohol tax rape

Pauline Hanson has popped a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate hitting the campaign trail – just hours after comparing the alcohol duty to rape.

The One Nation party leader hit the campaign trail in her ‘Battler Bus’ on Monday, on a road trip that will take her from Brisbane to central and northern Queensland.

Senator Hanson was pictured popping a bottle of $6.95 Yellowglen Pink before she hit the road, just one day after she likened Australia’s alcohol taxes to rape in a tweet sent out to her 214,000 followers. 

Pauline Hanson has popped a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate the start of her campaign trail after comparing the alcohol tax to rape

‘I’m just in transit at Singapore looking forward to being home,’ she told her 214,000 followers on Sunday. ‘Anyone want some duty free?

‘It’s times like this you realise how much money the government are reaping (or raping, depending on which way you look at it) from Aussie consumers on alcohol.’

While travellers are able to bring in up to 2.25 litres of alcohol into Australia duty free, pure alcohol is taxed at more than $34 a litre if full-strength beer is sold in a 48-litre keg.

Beer sold in small containers, such as bottles, attracts excise of close to $49 a litre.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson told her supporters alcohol excise was like 'rape' 

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson told her supporters alcohol excise was like ‘rape’ 

The One Nation party leader hit the campaign trail in her 'Battler Bus' on Monday, on a road trip that will take her from Brisbane to central and northern Queensland

The One Nation party leader hit the campaign trail in her ‘Battler Bus’ on Monday, on a road trip that will take her from Brisbane to central and northern Queensland

Senator Hanson was pictured popping a bottle of $6.95 Yellowglen Pink before she hit the road on her campaign trail

Senator Hanson was pictured popping a bottle of $6.95 Yellowglen Pink before she hit the road

As she began campaigning, Senator Hanson announced One Nation would preference Katter’s Australian Party ahead of Labor and the LNP because they share a vision for Queensland.

‘We will preference them ahead of the major political parties,’ Ms Hanson told reporters on Monday, saying the two parties are ‘in line’ in many policy areas.

‘I’m not here to just prop up the Labor party or the LNP.’

Asked if the two parties would vote together as a block in the next Queensland parliament, Ms Hanson said it was too soon to think about that.

‘That’s putting the cart before the horse.

‘We’re quite happy to work with anyone, whether it be the Labor party, the LNP or the Greens. I think everyone has someone to offer. Let’s see what’s best for the people.’

Pauline Hanson is embraced by One Nation's sole Queensland parliament MP Steve Dickson

Pauline Hanson is embraced by One Nation’s sole Queensland parliament MP Steve Dickson

Ms Hanson believes One Nation’s Queensland leader Steve Dickson will win the seat of Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, and that the party can beat its 1998 record.

‘I honestly do believe he will be he most influential politician in this state after the next election,’ Ms Hanson said.

‘I think it’s time for One Nation and honestly I think this is going to be bigger than what it was in 1998.’ 

Pauline Hanson (pictured with former One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts) drank champagne last year to celebrate Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential race 

Pauline Hanson (pictured with former One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts) drank champagne last year to celebrate Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential race 

Pauline Hanson has little political baggage as she is greeted by supporters at Brisbane airport

Pauline Hanson has little political baggage as she is greeted by supporters at Brisbane airport

In a media conference at Brisbane airport on Sunday, Senator Hanson used the time to hammer her message about the need for Australia to cut back its annual immigration intake.  

‘It was a fantastic trip going to India but just to open up my eyes and why we have to stop further immigration in this country until we get our construction and everything right,’ she said.

She was greeted by One Nation’s only MP in the Queensland parliament Steve Dickson, a defector and former minister from the Liberal National Party.

Her arrival came a day after a Galaxy poll showed her party’s support had risen from 15 per cent to 18 per cent during the past three months.

Backing for the major parties had fallen since the January 2015 election, with the LNP dipping to 32 per cent and Labor down to 35 per cent.