Pensioner tries to kick man off the bus in Kazakhstan

  • Footage shows a pensioner confronting the young man sitting in a priority seat 
  • She orders him to get off the bus before pushing him and kicking him in the legs
  • The clip was filmed in an unknown city in Kazakhstan by another passenger

This is the moment a feisty pensioner attacks a drunken young man and tries to throw him off a bus. 

The clip, which was filmed in an unknown city in Kazakhstan, shows a pensioner dressed in traditional Kazakh clothing confronting the young man, who appears to be sitting in a priority seat.

She starts wagging her finger at the man, who is wearing jeans and a quilted jacket.

The clip, which was filmed in an unknown city in Kazakhstan, shows a pensioner in traditional Kazakh clothing confronting the young man, who appears to be sitting in a priority seat

The clip, which was filmed in an unknown city in Kazakhstan, shows a pensioner in traditional Kazakh clothing confronting the young man, who appears to be sitting in a priority seat

He turns away as if to ignore her, but this only makes her more angry, and she grabs hold of him, shouting: ‘Get off the bus! I don’t like drunks around me! Get off quickly!’

The young man yells back: ‘Take your hands off me!’ but she continues to push him away from her and kicks his legs.

She shouts: ‘Take that, a******! I’m going to kick you in the crotch right now! I know karate, I’ll kick your a**! I don’t like drunkards!’

Other passengers can be seen smiling at the confrontation but nobody does anything to intervene as the woman continues to kick the man.

The woman was heard shouting: 'Take that, asshole! I'm going to kick you in the crotch right now! I know karate, I'll kick your ass! I don't like drunkards!'

Other passengers can be seen smiling at the confrontation but nobody does anything to intervene as the woman continues to kick the man

The woman was heard shouting: ‘Take that, asshole! I’m going to kick you in the crotch right now! I know karate, I’ll kick your ass! I don’t like drunkards!’ Nobody does anything to intervene as the woman continues to kick the man

According to reports, the woman eventually left the man alone after he walked off to sit at the other end of the bus. 

The footage has been widely shared on social media, with one viewer, Gennadiy, commenting: ‘A young man who does not know how to behave himself is not a man.’

But Anonimous argued: ‘Why did they not throw her off the bus? She started the fight!’ 

It was not clear what had happened before the video started to provoke the woman’s furious reaction.