People are losing their minds over the two ways people read calendars

People are losing their minds over the two ways people read calendars: ‘This is messing with my head’

  • Man shares the two ways people read calendars 
  • As an example, some might say ‘this Sunday’ as the coming Sunday 
  • But others say ‘next Sunday’ and argue it depends on how the week starts 

Thousands have been baffled by the two different ways people read calendars. 

Steve, from the UK, was in disbelief when he discovered some people describe the coming Sunday as ‘this Sunday’ while others say it as ‘next Sunday’.

‘This is f****** with my head. How do you read a calendar?’ Steve said in a video.

‘If you read it how I read it, then next Sunday is the 25th. THIS Sunday is the 18th. But I’m guessing that some people read it as the 18th is next Sunday because it hasn’t actually happened yet.’ 

‘Next Sunday means next Sunday, not this Sunday. Tell me I’m not wrong.’

UK TikToker Steve, who goes by the username @steves_bored, shared the two ways people read calendars.In a video posted on a Wednesday, he said some people read the coming Sunday as ‘this Sunday’ while others read it as ‘next Sunday’. ‘This is f****** with my head. How do you read a calendar?’ Steve said in the clip


How do you say this coming Sunday?

  • This Sunday 1 votes
  • Next Sunday 0 votes

Opinions were divided on TikTok with most agreeing with Steve’s stance while others say he was ‘wrong’. 

The video has since been viewed a staggering 3.2million times.  

‘You are correct,’ one person commented, another agreed and said: ‘I’m with you’. 

‘This week is this week next week is next week,’ a third added.   

Some argued it ‘depends’ on whether the calendar used starts with Sunday as the first day of the week. 

The phrases thousands have been saying wrong their whole lives

1. Nip it in the butt vs Nip it in the bud

Somewhere along the line the word ‘bud’ became ‘butt’ and entered the mainstream vocabulary, but this doesn’t make sense as a sentence. 

2. Hunger pains vs Hunger pangs

While both of these phrases mean the same thing – the individual is experiencing tension in their lower abdomen associated with hunger – ‘pangs’ is the correct way to finish that sentence. 

3. You’ve got another thing coming vs You’ve got another think coming 

‘To have another think coming’ means ‘to be greatly mistaken’ and is the correct form of this sentence. 

4. Scapegoat vs Escape goat 

When you do something wrong but you place the blame on someone else, you are making them your ‘scapegoat’. 

5. Statue of limitations vs Statute of limitations

Statutes of limitations are laws passed by legislative bodies in systems to set the maximum time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated. 

6. For all intents and purposes vs For all intensive purposes 

For all intents and purposes means in every practical sense or virtually. 

7. Butt naked vs Buck naked 

Both of these lines mean the same thing – to be completely naked – but ‘buck naked’ is the original and grammatically correct form of the phrase. 

8. Mute point vs Moot point 

A moot point can be either an issue open for debate, or a matter of no practical value or importance because it’s hypothetical. 

9. One in the same vs One and the same 

By saying something is ‘one and the same’ you’re effectively saying the two things you’re talking about are identical. 

Others admitted they call the coming Sunday ‘next Sunday’.

‘Next Sunday is the next Sunday, so 18th,’ one wrote. 

‘I moved to Ireland and they would say the 18th is next Sunday, and the 25th as Sunday week. I’ve had many an argument about it,’ another said. 

A third said: ‘Depends how your weeks start and finish.’

Many also say ‘Sunday week’ instead of ‘next Sunday’.
