People reveal funniest drunken messages they’ve received

They say the truth comes out when you’re drunk, but some people end up revealing rather too much after imbibing one too many. 

People have shared their funniest examples of drunk texting with Reddit, proving that it’s probably best to step away from the phone if you’re feeling tipsy. 

One ebullient mother texted her daughter from the bar while enjoying a two for one offer on Chardonnay, signing off with ‘I’m glad I kept you.’

And an emotional man texted multiple declarations of love to his girlfriend Julia before adding, without explanation: ‘I throw my hands up in the air sometimes.’

From requests for FaceTime sex to unintelligible ramblings, these hilarious messages will at least have taken the edge off the sore head the next day. 

An ebullient mother couldn’t resist checking in with her daughter in the midst of a two for one chardonnay offer 

Everyone dreams of getting a compliment such as 'lady pants' from an intoxicated suitor 

Everyone dreams of getting a compliment such as ‘lady pants’ from an intoxicated suitor 

Julia received an outpouring of affection, before her suitor decided to have a little dance 

Julia received an outpouring of affection, before her suitor decided to have a little dance 

It's an easy mistake to make! A drunken reveller was convinced his friend had a miniature lion in his house 

It’s an easy mistake to make! A drunken reveller was convinced his friend had a miniature lion in his house 

Life lesson 101: Do not remove bottle caps with your teeth, especially while intoxicated 

Life lesson 101: Do not remove bottle caps with your teeth, especially while intoxicated 

Marisaa's hope that she wasn't too drunk was brought down to earth with a bang

Marisaa’s hope that she wasn’t too drunk was brought down to earth with a bang

It's probably safe to say that no sexual encounter will be happening in the future either after this message 

It’s probably safe to say that no sexual encounter will be happening in the future either after this message 

Just when you've convinced yourself that you really weren't that tipsy, there's always someone there to remind you off your frolics with tampons 

Just when you’ve convinced yourself that you really weren’t that tipsy, there’s always someone there to remind you off your frolics with tampons 

Patty may be drunk, but at least she  now has a fetching new accessory 

Patty may be drunk, but at least she  now has a fetching new accessory 

Note to self: Waking someone up with a request for FaceTime sex is never likely to end well 

Note to self: Waking someone up with a request for FaceTime sex is never likely to end well 

It seems that this person was feeling the worse for wear after  having one too many 

It seems that this person was feeling the worse for wear after  having one too many 

The morning after the night before: The downside to a big night out is paying for it the next day 

The morning after the night before: The downside to a big night out is paying for it the next day 

When you're in a vulnerable state, there's always a 'friend' there  to take advantage 

When you’re in a vulnerable state, there’s always a ‘friend’ there  to take advantage 

This could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship 

This could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship 

When you're so drunk you think a truck is a Transformer, it's probably time to go home 

When you’re so drunk you think a truck is a Transformer, it’s probably time to go home 

Who hasn't been overcome by the feeling that they are in fact Batman, during a drunken session?

Who hasn’t been overcome by the feeling that they are in fact Batman, during a drunken session?

This person's plea for help didn't get too far as they were too intoxicated to type any sense

This person’s plea for help didn’t get too far as they were too intoxicated to type any sense

I think it's safe to say that this request for a smooch came from someone who had been on the beer 

I think it’s safe to say that this request for a smooch came from someone who had been on the beer 

No embarrassment here: Apparently singing songs into the fish tank is not drunken behaviour 

No embarrassment here: Apparently singing songs into the fish tank is not drunken behaviour 

It looks like this woman could have received a marriage proposal hidden in this outpouring 

It looks like this woman could have received a marriage proposal hidden in this outpouring 

Even when he's had a lot to drink, Jason is still the epitome of charm 

Even when he’s had a lot to drink, Jason is still the epitome of charm 

Let's hope she doesn't want the damage fixed before the hangover has blown over 

Let’s hope she doesn’t want the damage fixed before the hangover has blown over 

At least it's much more sensible to pretend you're driving with a paper plate as the steering wheel if you're over the limit

At least it’s much more sensible to pretend you’re driving with a paper plate as the steering wheel if you’re over the limit