People share cutting replies they received from texting their exes

Delete my number! Singletons share the VERY cutting texts they’ve sent to exes looking to rekindle their romance

  • Messages from people around the world show how risky texting your ex can be 
  • The texts were collated and shared by Instagram account Texts From Your Ex 
  • Among the responses were people asking who the unrequited texts were from
  • Meanwhile some of the original texts sent by exes were also less than savoury

A series of hilarious texts between exes have been shared online, showing why sometimes it really is better to have a clean break. 

The messages, which were collated and shared by Instagram account Texts From Your Ex, were sent by former flames from across the globe who were often desperate for a second chance. 

One cutting singleton messaged back to ask for the sender’s identity, pretending they no longer hand the number saved. 

Another simply said they ‘definitely don’t’ want to catch up when their ex asked if they were around for a date. 

Here, FEMAIL shares some of the most hilariously brutal examples… 

The sound of silence: sometimes, no response is the worst response of all, however this texter isn’t getting the message

Brutal: The former partner seems like they took some time building to courage to share their true feelings - only to be brushed off

Brutal: The former partner seems like they took some time building to courage to share their true feelings – only to be brushed off 

Sorry, I'm washing my hair! At least both parties are straightforward and honest. When one ex asked the other to meet up, the other was not shy in making their feelings clear

Sorry, I’m washing my hair! At least both parties are straightforward and honest. When one ex asked the other to meet up, the other was not shy in making their feelings clear

No nonsense: It probably would have been better if this had read the room before sending this text to their ex - who was clearly not interested

No nonsense: It probably would have been better if this had read the room before sending this text to their ex – who was clearly not interested 

Box office disaster: Describing your former relationship as a 'horror movie' may well be accurate for many, but it has to be cutting to see it written in black and white

Box office disaster: Describing your former relationship as a ‘horror movie’ may well be accurate for many, but it has to be cutting to see it written in black and white

Change of address: If you thought there was nothing worse than receiving an unwanted text from an ex, this message shows there is - a whole letter

Change of address: If you thought there was nothing worse than receiving an unwanted text from an ex, this message shows there is – a whole letter

No longer interested: This person engaged in some deeply unhealthy mind games, by reaching out to their ex, who it seems still holds a flame for them, before revealing they are not interested in talking further

No longer interested: This person engaged in some deeply unhealthy mind games, by reaching out to their ex, who it seems still holds a flame for them, before revealing they are not interested in talking further

One last favour? Sometimes, it appears, people don't reach out to their exes because they miss them or because they have unresolved issues, rather they need help getting treatment for worms

One last favour? Sometimes, it appears, people don’t reach out to their exes because they miss them or because they have unresolved issues, rather they need help getting treatment for worms

Don't hold back! At least they know where they stand: this ex was told in no uncertain terms that their former loved ones thought of their time together as a bit of a nightmare

Don’t hold back! At least they know where they stand: this ex was told in no uncertain terms that their former loved ones thought of their time together as a bit of a nightmare

A lucky escape: can you imagine how frustrating it would be to have a relationship with someone who is totally incapable of acknowledging they may have flaws?

A lucky escape: can you imagine how frustrating it would be to have a relationship with someone who is totally incapable of acknowledging they may have flaws?

All physical: When you break up, part of you may hope that your ex misses your towering intellect, or your glittering personality, but this texter makes it clear there's just one thing they miss

All physical: When you break up, part of you may hope that your ex misses your towering intellect, or your glittering personality, but this texter makes it clear there’s just one thing they miss

Ouch! Just picture it, you miss your former flame, you want to talk to them, you spend hours building up the courage to reach out...and they've forgotten you exist

Ouch! Just picture it, you miss your former flame, you want to talk to them, you spend hours building up the courage to reach out…and they’ve forgotten you exist
