People spend FOUR HOURS a month discussing their sex lives

It might just be the two of you in the bedroom, but chances are the details of your sex life are reaching a much bigger audience.

A new study into how much Americans talk about their sex lives shows your partner’s friends may know more about you than you think. 76 per cent of survey respondents admit to sharing intimate details about their sex lives with a friend at least once a month.

In fact, the average person studied spent nearly four hours a month talking about their sex life in some way—which works out to a total of six days a year just talking about personal sexual encounters.

Opening up: The average person spends four hours a month discussing their sex life

Getting into it: Research revealed that the most popular sex-related topics of conversation include whether the encounter was satisfying, where it took place, and how long it lasted

Getting into it: Research revealed that the most popular sex-related topics of conversation include whether the encounter was satisfying, where it took place, and how long it lasted

The survey of 2,000 adults in committed relationships conducted by EdenFantasys looked into how much detail Americans reveal about their sex lives.

Results showed that as many as one in five (21 per cent) have complained to friends about the size or tightness of their current partner’s genitals.

Respondents also revealed they’ve spoken with three separate people on average about the sex life they share with their current partner.

The most frequently discussed topic was whether the sex was satisfying, followed by the setting of the encounter, and how long sex lasted.

Women were more likely to share with others, but men weren’t too far off when it came to expressing explicit details.

43 per cent have spoken to more than one person at a time about their sex lives on an average of about 37 times each year.

Most of these sex talks happen face-to-face with friends. Phone conversations were the next most popular contact method, followed by text messages. 

Some respondents said they also shared details ‘over a few drinks.’

Nearly three-quarters of respondents say they’ve learned intimate sex-relevant details about their friends’ partners—and the knowledge has changed their impression of their friend’s partner.

Awkward! One in five people have complained about the size or tightness of their current partner's genitals

Awkward! One in five people have complained about the size or tightness of their current partner’s genitals

Fred Petrenko, owner of EdenFantasys said: ‘The poll confirmed that Americans are extremely sociable and open-minded, even about very intimate details of their lives. This is great not only for our business, but also for stronger, healthier, more satisfying relationships.

‘As a purveyor of intimate products, EdenFantasys relies heavily on product reviews from our customers for insights. This study confirms what we already knew—that most people are honest and straight-forward with their opinions about what works and doesn’t work when it comes to sex.

Of the respondents who’ve been told details about a friend’s love life, 28 per cent said it changed the way they looked at the partners of those friends—some for the better, and others for worse.

‘My friend told me her husband has a huge penis, and he’s great in bed!’ one respondent revealed. ‘I think he’s extremely sexy now!’

‘It was just too much information—and it wasn’t flattering,’ another respondent admitted. ‘When I see him, I can’t help thinking he’s a loser in the bedroom.’

It doesn’t take long for the fine points of a recent encounter to get around. Typically, one in seven surveyed said they share details the same day as the sexual encounter.

The good stuff: Embarrassing moment and the positions used also made the list of topics

The good stuff: Embarrassing moment and the positions used also made the list of topics

According to 46 per cent of survey respondents, getting caught up with friends is the main reason for revealing details about a sexual encounter. Best friends are usually on the receiving end of these sex confessions, followed by a group of friends and co-workers. Nearly one in ten actually reveal intimate facts to ex-partners about their current sex life.

Thirty-six per cent say talk about their sex lives in order to get feedback, while about a third (32 per cent) say they pretty much ‘tell their best friend everything.’

Thirty-seven per cent claim to be very honest while recounting sexual encounters—no matter how embarrassing the details—but 30 per cent confess to exaggerating their stories.

Embellishing sexual details happens for several reasons: One in six say their sex life is boring, and they want it to sound more exciting than it is. A third fibbed to make others jealous, while 18 per cent revealed that they wanted people to think that they are great in bed.

One in seven admit they were too embarrassed to tell the truth, and 36 per cent did not want to make their partner look bad.

‘In addition to the ‘size matters’ discussion, what we found most interesting was the sheer amount of time people actually spend talking about their sex lives,’ Fred added. ‘Being an informative part of this important conversation is the EdenFantasys objective.’