People to be charged for looking up terror material online

People could be charged for looking up terror-linked material online under new laws being proposed by the federal government. 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will urge state and territory leaders to consider the proposal at a special national security summit in Canberra on Thursday.

Possessing material that could be used by someone to prepare or carry out a terrorist attack would also be illegal under the measures. 

Such a law would allow agencies to respond to a concerning behaviour and activity before a person has the capability or intent to act – similar to laws around the possession of child porn material.


People could be charged for looking up terror-linked material online under new laws being proposed by the federal government

‘People who are using the internet to spread terrorist propaganda and instructions will be tracked down and caught,’ he said.

‘They must face the full force of the law.’

Mr Turnbull is also expected to propose laws to allow police country-wide to hold suspected terrorists without charge for up to 14 days – bringing all other states and territories in line with NSW.

As it stands, most states only allow a maximum detention period of seven days.

It’s understood the government has been working on a way to strengthen the pre-charge detention regime while addressing legal roadblocks it has come up against in the past.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will urge state and territory leaders to consider the proposal at a special national security summit in Canberra on Thursday

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will urge state and territory leaders to consider the proposal at a special national security summit in Canberra on Thursday

The proposal is also set to double the initial investigation period from four to eight hours before a person has to be released, or an extension is sought.

‘We need nationally consistent pre-charge detention laws so that those who seek to do us harm can be held to account no matter where they are,’ Mr Turnbull said.

In addition, the prime minister will push the case for a nationally-consistent approach to people behind terrorism hoaxes.

A new specific commonwealth offence would make sure the broad nature of hoaxes are criminalised, recognising the significant alarm and disruption they cause.

Mr Turnbull is also expected to propose laws to allow police country-wide to hold suspected terrorists without charge for up to 14 days. Above, a counter-terrorism raid in Sydney in July

Mr Turnbull is also expected to propose laws to allow police country-wide to hold suspected terrorists without charge for up to 14 days. Above, a counter-terrorism raid in Sydney in July

It would cover things such as falsely claiming a knife or vehicle attack in a public attack, as well as traditional hoaxes such as those around explosives.

There have been five terrorism attacks on Australian soil since the national threat level was raised in September 2014, and 13 major counter-terrorism disruptions – including the alleged plot to blow up a plane in Sydney earlier this year.

Mr Turnbull announced Thursday’s special meeting following the deadly Brighton siege in Melbourne in June, in which a man was shot dead and three police officers injured.

It comes just days after the massacre in Las Vegas that killed at least 59 people and injured more than 500.