Personal trainer, 29, shows off her incredible body transformation after dropping body fat

A personal trainer has showed off her incredible body transformation after dropping 2.5kg and four per cent body fat in 75 days from a new fitness challenge called ’75HARD’.

’75HARD’ is a fitness and diet challenge created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella that sees you take on 75 days of diet and exercise challenges. 

If you miss any task on a particular day, you have to go back to day one and start all over again.

Jasmine Tong, 29, from the Gold Coast, recently took on the challenge – with impressive results.

A personal trainer has showed off her incredible body transformation after dropping two and a half kilograms and four per cent body fat in 75 days (Jasmine Tong pictured now)

Jasmine Tong , 29, from the Gold Coast, recently took on the challenge - with impressive results (pictured after doing '75HARD')

Jasmine Tong , 29, from the Gold Coast, recently took on the challenge – with impressive results (pictured after doing ’75HARD’)

'75HARD' is a fitness and diet challenge created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella that sees you take on 75 days of diet and exercise challenges (Jasmine pictured working out)

'75HARD' is a fitness and diet challenge created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella that sees you take on 75 days of diet and exercise challenges (Jasmine pictured working out)

’75HARD’ is a fitness and diet challenge created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella that sees you take on 75 days of diet and exercise challenges (Jasmine pictured working out)

‘I re-started a couple of times, but third time lucky I made it with determination,’ Jasmine told FEMAIL.

What is involved in ’75HARD’? 

* Two 45 minute workouts, one of which has to be outdoors.

* Four litres of water daily.

* Dedicated meal plan.

* Read 10 pages of a self-development book.

* No cheat meals or alcohol.

* Regular progress photos every day.

* Take a five-minute cold shower every day. 

* Perform other unrelated tasks like a random act of kindness or talk to someone in person daily. 

If you miss any task, you must go back to day one and start again. 

‘The easy days were easy and the hard days were hard, really hard. 

‘There were days when my body was tired and needed rest, weekends away and dinners out where I could have easily given up, but I stayed strong and truly did win the war with myself.’ 

The challenge includes two 45 minute workouts daily, one of which has to be outdoors, as well as a dedicated meal plan, four litres of water each day, no cheat meals and zero alcohol.

’75HARD’ also requires you to read 10 pages of a self-development book every day and take regular progress photos. 

‘Before the challenge, I was sitting around 61.5 kilograms, whereas by the end I weighed 59,’ Jasmine said.

‘It wasn’t a huge weight loss, but I went from 23 per cent body fat to 19.9 per cent, and gained 1.1 kilograms of muscle mass.’ 

The 29-year-old said she did the challenge because she is ‘very good at starting things but never completing them’.

‘I am also someone who never says no to a bar of chocolate or a slice of cake, so I wanted to show myself I have control over them,’ she said.

Jasmine chose to follow a diet that suits her macronutrients – or her personal protein, carb and fat requirements.    

Jasmine's healthy diet saw her tailoring her food to her macros; typically she'd eat something like protein oats for breakfast and stir fries for dinner (meals pictured)

Jasmine's healthy diet saw her tailoring her food to her macros; typically she'd eat something like protein oats for breakfast and stir fries for dinner (meals pictured)

Jasmine’s healthy diet saw her tailoring her food to her macros; typically she’d eat something like protein oats for breakfast and stir fries for dinner (meals pictured)

The 29-year-old said she did the challenge because she is 'very good at starting things but never completing them', and because she has 'terrible eating habits'

The 29-year-old said she did the challenge because she is 'very good at starting things but never completing them', and because she has 'terrible eating habits'

The 29-year-old said she did the challenge because she is ‘very good at starting things but never completing them’, and because she has ‘terrible eating habits’

Typically, she’d have something like protein oats for breakfast topped with fruit and sugar-free maple syrup.

Then, lunch was rice, vegetable sausages with vegetables and coconut siracha.

‘Dinner was a noodle stir fry or a homemade miso ramen,’ Jasmine said.

‘Sometimes I’d have a vegetable sausage and mashed potatoes – this became a go-to as I love big home-cooked dinners.’ 

While she missed her favourite cheat meals like hot chips and pizza, by making delicious healthy foods at home, Jasmine was able to get through the 75 days.

Alongside the diet plan, Jasmine embraced the rule of two workouts daily, one of which has to be outdoors - she said she would walk for 45 minutes regardless of the weather (pictured)

Alongside the diet plan, Jasmine embraced the rule of two workouts daily, one of which has to be outdoors – she said she would walk for 45 minutes regardless of the weather (pictured)

Alongside the dedicated diet plan, Jasmine also embraced the rule of two workouts daily, one of which has to be outdoors.

‘I would do a 45-minute walk every single day – no matter sun, rain or hail,’ she said.

‘Then, I’d do some weight training in the gym five times a week, and on the other two days I’d do a group fitness class or reformer Pilates.’

If her body was really tired on one particular Sunday, she would either do a yoga class or go on two walks. 

Jasmine (pictured) said she is delighted with the results of the challenge, and even though it was a 'rollercoaster', she would recommend it to anyone

Jasmine (pictured) said she is delighted with the results of the challenge, and even though it was a ‘rollercoaster’, she would recommend it to anyone

Jasmine said she is delighted with the results of the challenge, and even though it was a ‘rollercoaster’, she would recommend it to anyone.

‘It’s really useful as I’ve managed to keep some of the habits from the challenge,’ she said.

‘I didn’t drink for five months and have managed to keep that going, I rarely drink now. I want to get back to drinking four litres of water per day though – I felt so good doing that!’ 

The 29-year-old also shared her tips for others thinking they might like to try ’75HARD’.

‘I would definitely recommend listening to Andy’s podcast talking about the challenge, as it really helps to give a good insight and understanding of what it is really about,’ she said.

‘I’d also recommend getting the app, as it makes it much easier to track your progress and tick everything off each day.’

Finally, Jasmine said you should try and get your workouts in ‘early’ and drink your water as early as possible too.

‘I had a few too many trips to the toilet in the middle of the night!’ she said. 

To find out more about Jasmine Tong, please visit her profile here. You can also find out more about the challenge by visiting the website here