Personal trainer Alyce Crawford who suffers from IBS shares her simple non-bloating pasta recipe

An Aussie personal trainer has revealed her simple and healthy pasta recipe that can keep bloating at bay. 

Alyce Crawford, who has been open about her struggles with severe bloating and IBS, shared her ‘famous’ low FODMAP meal with her 21,000 followers in an Instagram video. 

The former Australia’s Next Top Model star, from Sydney, said she makes the ‘easy, nutritious and delicious’ pasta dish with vegetables, tomatoes, chilli flakes, dried herbs and parmesan at least once a week. 

The former Australia's Next Top Model star, from Sydney, said she makes the 'easy' pasta dish with vegetables, tomatoes, chilli flakes, dried herbs and parmesan at least once a week

Model Alyce Crawford (pictured) who has been open about her struggles with bloating and IBS, shared her ‘famous’ low FODMAP pasta recipe

‘I have been meaning to share this for the longest time, and tonight was the night!!’ the 32-year-old said in the clip’s caption. 

‘The “sauce” is the best part, simply made from the flavours in the pan (predominantly the oil, tomatoes and parmesan combined with the heat). Do yourself a favour,’ she said.

Alyce starts by heating up some garlic infused olive oil in a pan and sautéing cherry tomatoes, spinach, and steamed green beans. 

She sautés spinach, cherry tomatoes and spinach then adds cooked pasta, and parmesan cheese and seasons with salt, smoked paprika, chilli flakes and mixed herbs

Alyce stirs the pan to combine all the ingredients then finishes with mixing in some cooked broccoli and zucchini pieces

Alyce combines spinach, green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, and a bunch of seasonings in a pan with garlic-infused olive oil

The model has suffered from IBS and bloating since 2013 and previously shared what eating a high FODMAP meal can do to her body

The model has suffered from IBS and bloating since 2013 and previously shared what eating a high FODMAP meal can do to her body

She then adds cooked gluten-free pasta, and a handful of shredded parmesan cheese then seasons with salt, smoked paprika, chilli flakes and mixed herbs. 

Alyce stirs the pan to combine all the ingredients then finishes by mixing in some cooked broccoli and zucchini pieces. 

The model has suffered from IBS and bloating since 2013 and previously shared what eating a high FODMAP meal can do to her body. 

Alyce showed a snap of her stomach on Sunday morning ‘after a night of consuming high FODMAP food and wine with friends’, and the morning of the event, before she ate the food.

While the 32-year-old continues to struggle after periods of eating and drinking the wrong things, she has lessened the effects of her IBS through diet and exercise (pictured before and after a flare up)

While the 32-year-old continues to struggle after periods of eating and drinking the wrong things, she has lessened the effects of her IBS through diet and exercise (pictured before and after a flare up)

She also told of how she intended to deal with the festive season with her severe bloating, and how you can too.

‘First picture = Sunday morning after a night of consuming high FODMAP food and wine with friends,’ Alyce wrote, alongside a photograph of her bloated stomach.

‘Second picture = Saturday (the morning of, before the high FODMAP party) after a morning workout and following a low FODMAP diet consistently.’ 

'First picture = Sunday morning after a night of consuming high FODMAP food and wine with friends,' Alyce wrote, alongside a photograph of her bloated stomach.

'Second picture = Saturday (the morning of, before the high FODMAP party) after a morning workout and following a low FODMAP diet consistently,' she added.

‘First picture = Sunday morning after a night of consuming high FODMAP food and wine with friends,’ Alyce wrote, alongside a photograph of her bloated stomach (left) – the second picture was before the party (right)

'I try my hardest to manage, but life happens, and sometimes I decide to feed my soul. At this time of year in particular, there are more social gatherings than usual,' the model said

‘I try my hardest to manage, but life happens, and sometimes I decide to feed my soul. At this time of year in particular, there are more social gatherings than usual,’ the model said

What are the foods to add to your diet to beat the bloat?


Kiwi fruit



Almond milk



Plain cooked meat

Dark chocolate

Pumpkin seeds



Source: Monash 

She posted the images to show the ‘unfortunate reality’ of IBS and said while it may not look bad to some, the pain is ‘not a fun time’. 

‘I try my hardest to manage, but life happens, and sometimes I decide to feed my soul. At this time of year in particular (Christmas and summer are life), there are more social gatherings than usual,’ she said.

‘The bad news, there are repercussions. The good news, I now know how to deal with an IBS flare up.’

Speaking about her tips for dealing with an IBS flare up, which often happens over the Christmas period, Alyce said it’s important to spend the next day entirely focusing on your health.

‘Low FODMAP and nutritious food for the win. I will always exercise, even during a flare up, because it makes me feel better,’ he said.

She said that while exercise doesn’t get rid of her bloating completely, her body feels ‘a little lighter after I’ve moved it’.

‘Usually when I am bloated and sore, I will only exercise for 30 minutes max.’

Alyce also counteracts her severe bloating, abdominal pain and digestive problems with a nutritious diet 80 to 90 per cent of the time, while allowing herself to eat as she likes for 10 per cent of the time.
