Perth mum Tracy Ridout fighting for life with rare infection after a small bite from a German Shepherd

Perth mum Tracy Ridout fighting for life with rare infection after a small bite from a German Shepherd

A mum is fighting for life in an induced coma after a dog bite left her with a rare bacterial infection.

Tracy Ridout, 53, was dogsitting a friend’s German shepherd earlier this month and was trying to throw a toy when the pooch gave her a playful nip on the finger.

The mother, from Perth, began suffering immense pain days later and eventually drove herself to Rockingham General Hospital early on August 18, where she found out she had an infection in her kidneys, liver and blood.

Ms Ridout had contracted capnocytophaga canimorsus, an extremely rare bacterial infection passed on from an animal from a bite or lick.

She was transferred to Fiona Stanley Hospital as her condition rapidly deteriorated and her organs began shutting down.

Doctors told her devastated family on Friday there was nothing more they could do. 

Perth mum Tracy Ridout (right with daughter Sophie) contracted contracted capnocytophaga canimorsus, an infection which ended up in her kidneys, liver and blood

Ms Ridout was placed in an induced coma so her body can fight the bacteria.

Her family say she will keep fighting for life, despite the doctor’s dire prognosis.

‘It has also put her in septic shock – so mostly all of her body has gotten infected at this point,’ daughter Sophie told Nine News.

‘I’ve gone through shock, um I’ve just broken down crying, I’ve also just thought no this isn’t happening this isn’t real.’

Their mum was originally unsure why she was in so much pain as she had been in a car crash a few weeks prior to being bitten.

Sophie and her brother Kieren have spoken out to warn others about seeking urgent medical attention for a dog bite, regardless of how minor.

‘Even if it’s just a little dog bite – because that’s what happened to my Mum, it wasn’t a vicious attack,’ she said.

Kieren added: ‘Obviously, we didn’t know what to look out for and Mum didn’t know what to look out for and I don’t think any of us did.’

‘When Granddad explained to us what was going on I was kind of shocked that it’s gone from a dog bite to – we don’t know what.

‘I’m just trying to be strong … the knowledge needs to be out there because God forbid it happens to someone else’s mum or someone’s family member in any way.’

Doctors say there's nothing more they can do for Tracy (pictured in hospital)

Doctors say there’s nothing more they can do for Tracy (pictured in hospital)

Sophie has set up an online fundraiser to help pay for medical bills and funeral expenses.

‘We have gotten told exactly 7 days later, 25/08 that there is nothing left for the doctors to do and that they will make her comfortable until we are ready to let her go,’ she wrote.

‘Any donations will go straight to helping all the medical bills, funeral costs, bills, etc.’

The bacteria is commonly found in the mouths of cats and dogs but rarely causes illness in humans.

Symptoms include blisters near the wound, redness, swelling, pain or fever. 

‘The people at high risk of having an infected animal bite are those with compromised immune systems, including people with diabetes,’ Australian Medical Association WA president Dr Michael Page said.

‘We would recommend that nearly every animal bite is seen by a doctor so it can be properly cleaned out and had a close eye kept on it.’ 

Tracy Ridout's family are now speaking out about  the ordeal to raise awareness of seeking urgent medical attention after a dog bite

Tracy Ridout’s family are now speaking out about  the ordeal to raise awareness of seeking urgent medical attention after a dog bite
