Pervert banned from using the internet

Russell Dawkes, 26, kept the extreme images on his phone which he would show his friends after drinking sessions in the pub

A pervert who had more than 100 pictures of women having sex with animals has been banned from using the internet unless he tells police first.  

Russell Dawkes, 26, kept the extreme images on his phone which he would show his friends after drinking sessions in the pub. 

Dawkes, of St John’s Worcester, admitted one count of possessing extreme pornographic at Worcester Crown Court on Wednesday.

He was handed a 15-week prison term, suspended for two years, ordered to do 120 hours unpaid work and told to pay £535 in court costs.

Judge Nicolas Cartwright said: ‘The public should understand that possession of these images is a serious criminal offence.

‘The market for photographs like this is a market driven by supply and demand.

‘Your behaviour had led to the exploitation of the women who are required to engage in this activity.’

Dawkes was also given a five year sexual harm prevention order banning him from using any device capable of accessing the internet unless he first notifies police first.

He must also keep the browser history on the device which can be examined by police on request.

The court heard police were speaking to Dawkes about unrelated matters in January this year when they examined his mobile telephone and found 115 extreme pictures.

Prosecutor Paul Whitfield said: ‘The images depicted adult females having sexual relations with various types of animal.

‘When he was interviewed Mr Dawkes freely admitted that the phone was his and he had, together with others, dallied with such sites and downloaded the material.’

Mark Sheward, defending, said: ‘This started when he was with a group of friends in a public house messing about with their phones.

‘Someone found an image of this nature. He searched himself for images of that nature out of curiosity.’