PETER HITCHENS: The Americans would laugh in our faces if we tried to seize a man who has broken no law – like they are with Julian Assange. We all have an interest in saving him

Even a self-respecting poodle would object to the way we are currently behaving towards the USA. We are on the brink of allowing the American government to reach into this country and seize a man who has broken no British law.

Once they have hold of him, there is every chance that he will be buried alive in some federal dungeon, quite possibly until he dies. We would not allow Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Turkey to behave like this. And quite right too. There is every reason to believe that if the circumstances were reversed, the Americans would laugh in our faces and refuse to hand over such a person.

The man involved is the Australian journalist Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks organisation is hated by the USA because he embarrassed them, and who has languished in Belmarsh maximum security prison ever since being arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in 2019.

As I asked in The Mail on Sunday nearly four years ago: ‘Do we really want the hand of a foreign power to be able to reach into our national territory at will and pluck out anyone it wants to punish? Are we still even an independent country if we allow this?’

Julian Assange is hated by the USA because he embarrassed them, says Peter Hitchens

You will have heard many bad things about Mr Assange. I had too, but – while I disagree with him politically about most things – I found when I inquired that he has in fact been the victim of many smears which do not stand up to examination.

Ignore claims that he carelessly endangered the lives of Americans when he released material provided by the US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning. In the words of my distinguished and far from Leftist colleague Andrew Neil, who, like me, opposes Mr Assange’s extradition, the material revealed: ‘War crimes covered up. Torture. Brutality. The rendition and incarceration of suspects without due process. The corruption of inquiries trying to hold it to account. The bribery of foreign officials to look the other way when America did bad things.’

In short, Julian Assange published scandalous facts which proper journalists in a free society are entitled – and in fact obliged – to disclose, for the benefit of that society.

But Julian Assange took great care to edit the material to prevent individuals being endangered, and no evidence has ever been produced that any such harm resulted.

Interestingly, Chelsea Manning was pardoned by President Barack Obama. His administration also decided not to proceed with charges against Mr Assange. But they were then revived by President Donald Trump.

This is the clearest possible evidence that the prosecution is openly political, not criminal. As the text of the US-UK extradition treaty states, using the American spelling of ‘offence’, in a document bearing the Royal Coat of Arms: (Article 4, clause 1): ‘Extradition shall not be granted if the offense for which extradition is requested is a political offense.’

It is quite astonishing that the British courts and more than one home Secretary have been persuaded by lawyers to pretend that this is not such an offence.

The law under which Mr Assange is being pursued is the notorious US Espionage Act, once used against the heroic Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971.

These documents showed that the administration of Lyndon Johnson had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about the Vietnam War (which later turned out to be a futile disaster). The Nixon White House responded by ordering a break-in at the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in the hope of finding material that could be used to smear him.

The significance of his extradition case reaches far beyond the person of Mr Assange and his courageous and indomitable wife Stella, pictured with him, says Peter

The significance of his extradition case reaches far beyond the person of Mr Assange and his courageous and indomitable wife Stella, pictured with him, says Peter

Partly thanks to this grotesque behaviour, a courageous judge dismissed the charges. Ellsberg himself strongly sided with Julian Assange until his death in June last year, seeing a close parallel between the two cases.

Interestingly, Mr Assange’s supporters allege that he too has been subjected to CIA surveillance. In the light of what undoubtedly happened to Mr Ellsberg, this is far from impossible to believe.

But next week there is at least an even chance that the British legal system will rule against Mr Assange and so meekly hand him over to the US government.

He is seeking leave to appeal against Home Office and judicial rulings that his extradition must go ahead. If his case fails, he may find himself on a fast track to an American maximum security prison.

US officials have argued that America’s First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech there, does not apply to Mr Assange. Mike Pompeo, then director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said on April 13, 2017, of Mr Assange and his WikiLeaks colleagues: ‘They have pretended that America’s First Amendment freedoms shield them from justice. They may have believed that, but they are wrong.’

This is itself admission that this case is truly about free speech. And of course it is. If the extradition goes ahead, no non-American journalist, who receives confidential information about US government activities from a whistleblower, will ever again be safe from being marched off in handcuffs to the USA.

It is important for the honour of this country that this does not happen. The significance of the case reaches far beyond the person of Mr Assange, his courageous and indomitable wife Stella and his small children – who have endured years of tension and misery while they await the outcome of this affair.

A protester holds a banner in support of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange outside Westminster Magistrates Court in London

A protester holds a banner in support of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange outside Westminster Magistrates Court in London

For me, it is a question of whether this is a proper sovereign country governed by its own laws, or a servile satellite, bearing the same relation to Washington DC as the Warsaw Pact states once bore to Moscow.

But that is not all. I live and work in the capital of the country which more or less invented liberty. We still have in London one of the biggest concentrations of independent media in the world, newspapers with long histories of opposition to government and critical scrutiny of the courts and of foreign policy.

During the Iraq and Vietnam wars – and during many creepy prosecutions of honourable people wrongly prosecuted for revealing inconvenient facts about the state and its actions – our capital has always been full of loud and concentrated protest.

But as the day of decision approaches on the Assange case, the media silence is so total that you could hear a mouse sneeze. There are exceptions. In a fine article in Prospect Magazine, former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger wonders if too many in British public life have been seduced by the supposed glamour of our security and spy services.

He writes: ‘I will never forget a distinguished editor, at the height of the Edward Snowden revelations, writing: “If the security services insist something is contrary to the public interest … who am I to disbelieve them?” In other words, trust the state. If they say “jump”, your role is to ask “how high?”’

Well done, Alan. But where are the rest of you? Right-wing patriot, wishy-washy liberal or Left-wing radical, we all have an interest in saving Julian Assange. And we have days in which to act.

I’d love to hear about this from some of the most powerful voices in British journalism, such as Charles Moore, Danny Finkelstein, Janice Turner and Matthew Parris. It is never too late to join a just cause.
