Petition for the Queen to help Alfie Evans gets 110,000 signatures

A petition asking the Queen to intervene and help save brain-damaged Alfie Evans has gathered more than 110,000 signatures in just over two days.

The petition, which is fast approaching its target of 150,000 names, asks the Queen to step in after a High Court judge ruled doctors could turn off Alfie’s life-support.

The child’s parents, Liverpudlians Tom Evans and Kate James, had asked for a delay.

Supporters shared this photo of mother Kate James cradling her son at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, where doctors have withdrawn life support

But this was refused by the judge and doctors turned off Alfie’s systems 24-hours ago

This evening Alfie’s father told reporters outside the hospital that his mother ‘was giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to keep him alive’ after his lips began to turn blue.

The petition, started by Kayleigh Price on, begins: ‘We the undersigned humbly petition Your Majesty for protection of life and liberty of your 23-month-old subject Alfie Evans.’

The petition had gathered an astonishing 112,000 names at the time of writing

The petition had gathered an astonishing 112,000 names at the time of writing

An intervention by the Queen would mark an extraordinary turn in the tale - but would likely trigger a constitutional crisis

An intervention by the Queen would mark an extraordinary turn in the tale – but would likely trigger a constitutional crisis

It continues, making a number of claims about the treatment of the child.

‘The judges in Your Majesty’s Court have given orders: to kill Alfie on an appointed hour at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool by withdrawing his life support.

‘For the day and hour of that killing to be kept secret from the public to avoid any protest or hindrance; For Alfie to be detained in Alder Hey until his death – any attempt to release him to be resisted by force, and punished by imprisonment.’

The petition also attacks the judges who have ruled on Alfie’s case including from the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the European Court of Human Rights.

Tom Evans, Alfie's father, pictured speaking to supporters outside the Liverpool hospital today

Tom Evans, Alfie’s father, pictured speaking to supporters outside the Liverpool hospital today

It claims rulings handed down by the courts have not been ‘authorized by any law ever passed in a democratic Parliament’, adding ‘judges pretend to exercise Your Majesty’s ancient autocratic jurisdiction over the life and death of your subjects’.

One signee commented underneath the petition: ‘I’m signing this because this is murder.’ 

Another added their name to the growing list, writing: ‘Alfie needs the right to live’. 

Kayleigh Price previously launched a petition demanding doctors at Alder Hey released the terminally-ill toddler to a hospital of his parents’ choice which was signed by nearly 400,000 people.

Her connection to the family is unclear.