The First Dog of Downing Street: Sajid Javid and his family, including cavapoo Bailey, move into the No11 flat – but had to wait moe than two weeks for Philip Hammond to pack up
- Mr Hammond only left his flat on Friday, it has emerged
- He is known as a ‘rampant Remainer’ but the delay was seen as ridiculous
Philip Hammond took more than two weeks to move out of his Downing Street flat, delaying the arrival of new Chancellor Sajid Javid’s family, The Mail on Sunday has learned.
Downing Street sources said the former Chancellor was still moving possessions from the flat, reserved for the Treasury’s top man, on Friday morning. A source said: ‘We know he is a rampant Remainer, but this is ridiculous.’
The Chancellor’s flat is actually above No 10, with the more spacious No 11 apartment reserved for Prime Ministers ever since Tony Blair and his family moved in.
On the move: Mr Hammond took two weeks to move out of Downing Street
But sources say there was no ill-feeling from father-of-four Mr Javid about Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie bagging the bigger accommodation.
‘Despite reports of sour grapes, they actually came to an amicable solution over their living arrangements,’ one source said.
Meanwhile, Mr Hammond was spotted looking glum on the London Underground on Friday by the Twitter user EyeSpy.MP.
The ex-Chancellor kept two hands on his bags as he waited for his train to depart Leicester Square station in Central London.
Sajid Javid and his wife Laura who have been delayed moving in to their flat because of Philip Hammond
First Dog of Downing Street: Bailey is right at home after the Chancellor moved his family in
Mr Hammond pointedly gave up the trappings of high office – including an armoured limousine – by resigning on the very day Theresa May left office.
Meanwhile, Sajid Javid’s cute cavapoo pup Bailey became the First Dog of Downing Street this weekend, as the Chancellor moved his family into his official residence.
Bailey, above, became a breakout star of the Tory leadership election after appearing in Mr Javid’s campaign videos, and was yesterday snapped in the garden the Javids share with Boris Johnson. On Friday, the PM asked all staff at No 10 to vote on whether he should get a rescue dog for Downing Street, with the vote overwhelmingly in favour.
A source close to the Prime Minister said: ‘Boris will always respect the result of a referendum, so that’s that.’