Photo gallery captures people in the midst of a nightmare

If life feels like it’s all getting a little heavy, take heart that somebody, somewhere is having a much worse day than you are.  

One minute you’re ambling through life, the next you’re wondering how your foot suddenly got drenched in paint, or why the cake you were carrying is flying through the air, or why that bee chose to sting your bottom lip.

As the bad day photo gallery below shows, catastrophe can strike at any moment and, in the social media age, leave your mortifying moment caught on camera.  

Femail has gathered together some of the worst minor disasters captured on film:

Final adventure: A coffin plunges through the back of a funeral car and tips on to the tarmac below – as the driver hangs his head

'Nothing to see here, I'm just hanging out, in a chair...' A woman finds herself wrapped in metal after slipping through a seat

‘Nothing to see here, I’m just hanging out, in a chair…’ A woman finds herself wrapped in metal after slipping through a seat

She made the bus...but might regret the dash: A woman travels - with her head stuck in the closed doors - on public transport

She made the bus…but might regret the dash: A woman travels – with her head stuck in the closed doors – on public transport

Freeze frame: A rider's front wheel falters, leaving him cruising for a bruising 

Freeze frame: A rider’s front wheel falters, leaving him cruising for a bruising 

No-one wants to see a three-tiered cake in this pose

When a wasp gets to work on your bottom lip

No-one wants to see a three-tiered cake in this pose! Right: when a wasp gets to work on your bottom lip

Guess the cacti liked him! A nature enthusiast is left with dozens of prickly cacti on his body after falling over in the bush

Guess the cacti liked him! A nature enthusiast is left with dozens of prickly cacti on his body after falling over in the bush

A sunbather, engrossed in her music, fails to notice a tarantula is sat on her shoulder

A sunbather, engrossed in her music, fails to notice a tarantula is sat on her shoulder

Kitchen drama: A man sits, head in hands, amidst a bubble bath he doesn't want to be in

Kitchen drama: A man sits, head in hands, amidst a bubble bath he doesn’t want to be in

Birthday inferno: This lady gets a little too close to her birthday cupcakes and finds her hair in flames

Birthday inferno: This lady gets a little too close to her birthday cupcakes and finds her hair in flames

A pigeon targets a little boy - and hits the bullseye

A paint job on the interior of a car is never going to work out

A pigeon targets a little boy – and hits the bullseye. Right: a paint job on the interior of a car is never going to work out

Spiked! A man gets a head-ful of prickles after putting his head into a bush

Spiked! A man gets a head-ful of prickles after putting his head into a bush

Putting your foot in it - literally! This person steps where they shouldn't have - and makes an awful mess

Putting your foot in it – literally! This person steps where they shouldn’t have – and makes an awful mess

Anyone fancy a gargantuan omelette? A lorry driver watches as his load - hundreds of eggs - hurtle out the back of his truck

Anyone fancy a gargantuan omelette? A lorry driver watches as his load – hundreds of eggs – hurtle out the back of his truck

When a puddle is actually a sink-hole... a woman looks on as her car goes for a burton 

When a puddle is actually a sink-hole… a woman looks on as her car goes for a burton 

Don't use our car roof as a trunk rest! A huge grey elephant dwarfs - and terrifies - safari-goers

Don’t use our car roof as a trunk rest! A huge grey elephant dwarfs – and terrifies – safari-goers

Don't mess with the animal kingdom: A cheetah takes out a warden at a wildlife reserve

Don’t mess with the animal kingdom: A cheetah takes out a warden at a wildlife reserve

Sunshine and showers: A smirking Audi driver puts his foot down in a giant puddle, offering a soaking to innocent bystanders

Sunshine and showers: A smirking Audi driver puts his foot down in a giant puddle, offering a soaking to innocent bystanders

Put the key in, pull the entire lock out...and you still can't open the car door

This person finds themselves walking straight into a swarm of wasps

Put the key in, pull the entire lock out…and you still can’t open the car door. Right: This person finds themselves walking straight into a swarm of wasps

'I'm a bit tied up at the moment': A police officer radios for help after being called to a prank that the victim certainly isn't laughing at

‘I’m a bit tied up at the moment’: A police officer radios for help after being called to a prank that the victim certainly isn’t laughing at

Nowhere to run: A painter hasn't thought his roof work through - let's hope it was a sunny day

Nowhere to run: A painter hasn’t thought his roof work through – let’s hope it was a sunny day