Photographer claims United Airlines staff ‘made jokes’ after a man masturbated next to her

A photographer claims that flight attendants made jokes after she told them that a man was masturbating next to her.

Genevieve Pascolla, 26, said in an Instagram post that she was traveling on a United Airlines flight from Heathrow Airport to Chicago when the incident occurred.

After she reported the man’s actions to the flight attendants, she and another female passenger were given new seats.

However, Pascolla says that the staff then began snickering and joking, implying that he was masturbating because of her.


Genevieve, Pascolla, 26, a photographer (pictured) was on a June 4 flight from Heathrow to Chicago where she said a male passenger was masturbating next to her 

After alerting a flight attendant to the scene (left and right) she and another female passenger were moved to new seats

However, Pascolla says that the staff then began snickering and making jokes, implying that he was masturbating because of her

After alerting a flight attendant to the scene (left and right) she and another female passenger were moved to new seats. However, Pascolla says that the staff then began snickering and making jokes, implying that he was masturbating because of her

‘They then started making jokes about the situation asking: “What perfume are you wearing?: and excusing him, saying: “He’s had a bit of wine”,’ Pascolla wrote in her post on Instagram.

She also alleges the male passenger was ‘allowed to finish with a child sitting closely by.’

Pascolla claims that she first approached a security guard upon deplaning  and was asked if she would like an apology from the man, which she denied.

She then says that she sent a complaint to United Airlines headquarters, and didn’t receive a reply until six weeks later.

It seems Pascolla asked to be refunded for her flight because, in part of the email she shared on Instagram, a customer care employee writes: ‘Unfortunately we are unable to honor your request for a refund from London to Chicago or offer goodwill compensation.’

‘I am appalled at the lack of action taken in this situation in which as a woman, I was terrified. This man is clearly capable of much more,’ Pascolla wrote. ‘(See email) your lack of action is disgusting.’  

Pascolla sent a complaint to United and says the company didn't reply (pictured) until six weeks later

Pascolla sent a complaint to United and says the company didn’t reply (pictured) until six weeks later

She seems to have asked for a refund but was told that United wouldn't be able to do so. United says the company did call Pascolla (pictured) for a 'wellness check' the day after the incident occurred

She seems to have asked for a refund but was told that United wouldn’t be able to do so. United says the company did call Pascolla (pictured) for a ‘wellness check’ the day after the incident occurred

Pascolla told BuzzFeed News that she was given a voucher for half the cost of her ticket after she tweeted about she what she experienced. Pictured: United Airlines planes in San Francisco, April 2018

Pascolla told BuzzFeed News that she was given a voucher for half the cost of her ticket after she tweeted about she what she experienced. Pictured: United Airlines planes in San Francisco, April 2018

In a statement to BuzzFeed News, United Airlines spokeswoman Maddie King called the incident ‘inappropriate and offensive’ but said that cases like these are ‘extremely rare’. 

‘That’s why, in this case, our customers were promptly moved to different seats in a different section of the plane and law enforcement officials were summoned in advance to meet the perpetrator when the plane pulled into the gate,’ King told the website.

She also said that Pascolla was compensated ‘as a goodwill gesture’ and was called for a ‘wellness check’ the day after the incident occurred.

Pascolla told BuzzFeed News that she was given a voucher for half the cost of her ticket after she tweeted about she what she experienced. 

Despite, this Pascolla said she is still upset by the conduct of the flight attendants.

‘They were excusing his disgusting behavior and making jokes,’ Pascolla told BuzzFeed News. 

‘I understand you can’t control the situation, but you can control how you handle it.’