picture of All Black Aaron Smith’s airport disabled sex

Photos of the woman at the centre of the Aaron Smith sex scandal can finally be revealed, putting a face to the lawyer who claims Smith tried to buy her silence and pressured her to lie under oath. 

Video showing Smith and the mystery lawyer leaving a toilet at a New Zealand airport after a sexual encounter made headlines last year, prompting a tearful apology from the rugby star.

And now – after messages between Smith and the woman were revealed by Daily Mail Australia this week – she has opened up on the toll of having their two-year affair come to an end in such public fashion.

Photos of the woman at the centre of the Aaron Smith scandal can finally be revealed

The woman (pictured) claims Smith offered her money to lie about their affair under oath

The woman (pictured) claims Smith offered her money to lie about their affair under oath

When approached by Daily Mail Australia the woman asked not to be named 'for legal reasons'

When approached by Daily Mail Australia the woman asked not to be named ‘for legal reasons’


She has also justified her decision to go public, saying her efforts to resolve the issue privately were ignored, and she was frustrated by a ‘sexist’ and high-handed attitude from New Zealand Rugby.

When approached by Daily Mail Australia the woman asked not to be named ‘for legal reasons’.

New Zealand Rugby has re-opened its investigation into the affair after new information, which revealed an alleged cover up of the scandal, was exposed by Daily Mail Australia.

Detailing intimate details about their toilet tryst, the woman said trolls bombarded her in the days after news of their affair broke, and claimed Smith had offered her money in an effort to buy her silence, One News reported. 

The woman at the centre of the Aaron Smith sex scandal has broken her silence, revealing she (pictured) was offered money by the All Blacks star in exchange for her silence on their affair

The woman at the centre of the Aaron Smith sex scandal has broken her silence, revealing she (pictured) was offered money by the All Blacks star in exchange for her silence on their affair

Smith told the woman he had lied to his partner Ms Voykovich (pictured) about the toilet tryst

Smith told the woman he had lied to his partner Ms Voykovich (pictured) about the toilet tryst

The Facebook conversations revealed by Daily Mail Australia showed the pair’s affair had been going on for two years before the airport toilet cubicle incident, having met at a Dunedin gym.

She said the airport tryst was purely coincidental.

‘I was at the airport on my own, minding my own business, and I got a message on my phone from Aaron,’ she said.

‘It just said: “Hey, I see you’re at the airport, I’m here too, let’s catch up?”.

‘As soon as I got to the bathroom things did turn sexual.’

But in the days after it became public the woman was hit by a flurry of vitriolic abuse online.

‘I’ve been called every name under the sun, a ho, a whore, a cheat myself… and these are people who don’t even know me,’ she said.

‘I’d received death threats, I’d had people ringing my work.’

But despite the seriousness of the threats the woman kept quiet, saying she feared ending the champion halfback’s career and hurting the All Blacks if she spoke up.

And that evidently was also the concern of Smith after video of the toilet encounter emerged.

Her revelations come after Daily Mail Australia published messages between the pair showing they had been seeing each other for more than two years before being caught. They met at a local gym in Dunedin

Her revelations come after Daily Mail Australia published messages between the pair showing they had been seeing each other for more than two years before being caught. They met at a local gym in Dunedin

 Smith begged the woman to keep to the story he had told his partner Ms Voykovich (right)

 Smith begged the woman to keep to the story he had told his partner Ms Voykovich (right)

Aaron Smith issued a tearful apology after being caught having sex in an airport bathroom last year

Aaron Smith issued a tearful apology after being caught having sex in an airport bathroom last year

Smith's partner Teagan Voykovich (pictured) has stood by him throughout the scandal

Smith’s partner Teagan Voykovich (pictured) has stood by him throughout the scandal

The woman claims Smith told Ms Voykovich they didn't have sex in the airport bathroom

The woman claims Smith told Ms Voykovich they didn’t have sex in the airport bathroom

Seemingly scared that the woman may back down on her earlier promise to not go public, Smith offered her money to buy her silence, she claims.

When she rejected his request to sign an affidavit denying the pair had ever had sex because it was illegal and would endanger her career, he opened his checkbook.

‘He acknowledged that he did understand it was wrong, but he said: “Look I really need this… I feel bad asking but would it help if I compensated you financially?”,’ she said.

‘I understand he was just really desperate at the time for this not to come out.’ 

Now with the revelations occurring on the eve of the Bledisloe Cup clash between Australia and New Zealand, Smith is facing speculation he could be axed from the team.  

An All Blacks spokesman refused to comment on the story at a press conference on Thursday, while also barring Daily Mail Australia from the media event.

The salacious Facebook messages obtained by Daily Mail Australia show Smith had begged for sex in parks and ‘good luck’ sex before games.

In proposing their toilet liaison he asked for a ‘special toilets f***’, saying the pair had to be ‘sneaky’ as his All Black teammates were nearby set to fly out to South Africa.

Despite the revelation of the messages between the pair, Smith (pictured) was in a jovial mood at All Blacks training on Thursday

Despite the revelation of the messages between the pair, Smith (pictured) was in a jovial mood at All Blacks training on Thursday

Smith asks the woman for a 'quick good luck f*** and s***' before an All Blacks game

Smith asks the woman for a ‘quick good luck f*** and s***’ before an All Blacks game

Smith messaged the woman asking her to meet him for sex at a park near his house

Smith messaged the woman asking her to meet him for sex at a park near his house

Smith first messaged the woman in 2014, saying he felt 'like [a] creep' for reaching out

Smith first messaged the woman in 2014, saying he felt ‘like [a] creep’ for reaching out

Smith, 28, was suspended by the All Blacks and issued a tearful apology after he was caught following the toilet cubicle ‘incident’.

At the time, a visibly shaken Smith said he had made a ‘huge mistake, a huge error in judgement’, and management decided to send him home from the South Africa tour and suspend him for one game as punishment.

The star halfback has been named to start for the All Blacks in the opening test of the Bledisloe Cup series against the Wallabies at ANZ Stadium in Sydney this Saturday. 

Smith’s partner Tegan Voykovich has stood by him throughout the scandal.

Messages between him and the woman also show that he met her the night before his 50th test for the All Blacks in Dunedin last year away from the team hotel.

Aaron Smith’s sordid airport affair

– Smith was spotted having sex in a disabled toilet at Christchurch Airport

– Witnesses reported seeing him spend 10 minutes inside with a woman

– Smith then emerged wearing his All Blacks uniform

– The woman followed shortly afterwards

– He returned to his teammates smiling as if nothing had happened 

– The All Blacks were on their way to South Africa at the time

– Smith made a tearful public apology and claimed the incident was a one-off 

– He was suspended from the next game 

– Text messages reveal a two-year affair between the pair, and show Smith asking the woman to lie about the incident

Smith asks for a 'good luck drive' the night before his 50th test for the All Blacks

Smith asks for a ‘good luck drive’ the night before his 50th test for the All Blacks

After All Blacks coach Steve Hansen was notified of the scandal, Smith asked the woman to lie

After All Blacks coach Steve Hansen was notified of the scandal, Smith asked the woman to lie

Calling the woman 'baby', he tells her to 'stop freaking' and delete messages between the two

Calling the woman ‘baby’, he tells her to ‘stop freaking’ and delete messages between the two

After that meeting, Smith said he ‘owes’ the woman while she says she hopes he doesn’t get in trouble with ‘skip’ – All Blacks captain Kieran Read – for leaving the team hotel at night. 

The woman said she contacted Smith’s manager Warren Alcock a few weeks ago to resolve the issue via a private apology from the player, but was told to wait until the end of the British and Irish Lions tour of New Zealand.

‘I agreed to give him a few weeks’ grace, but instead of addressing it Aaron was seen holidaying in Fiji with his partner.’

Lawyers for the woman sent a letter to New Zealand Rugby boss Steve Tew, Highlanders chief executive Roger Clark and Alcock last week asking for Smith to make a public statement, but that letter had yet to receive a reply.

Smith asks the woman to lie about what happened, and for her to sign a false statement

Smith runs through a game plan with the woman as he seeks to limit the public relations fallout

Smith runs through a game plan with the woman as he seeks to limit the public relations fallout

Smith says he will take the lie to his 'grave', while asking her twice to delete the message

Smith says he will take the lie to his ‘grave’, while asking her twice to delete the message

‘Now they do know the truth and they haven’t acknowledged it.’

‘[New Zealand Rugby] is a really big organisation with a lot of power but they’re not about doing what’s right… if they can cover this up, they will.

‘This is no longer an issue of a player having an affair. This is now a much wider and more serious issue of the sexist rugby culture New Zealand has demonstrated.’

‘It’s clear that New Zealand has a serious problem with its rugby culture and misogynist attitude.’

New Zealand Rugby and Warren Alcock have been contacted by Daily Mail Australia for comment.

Smith, pictured against the British and Irish Lions, is one of world rugby's best halfbacks

Smith, pictured against the British and Irish Lions, is one of world rugby’s best halfbacks

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