Pictured – British woman quizzed by police alongside friend over Amalfi cathedral nude photoshoot

Jemma Hopson, 29, who herself claims to work for West Yorkshire Police, was spoken to by Italian officers after shocked bystanders on the steps of the cathedral reported the risqué photoshoot

A British tourist has been quizzed by police in Italy after her friend sparked outrage by posing naked at the top of the majestic steps of the Amalfi cathedral for an Instagram stunt.

Jemma Hopson, 29, who herself claims to work for West Yorkshire Police, was spoken to by Italian officers after shocked bystanders on the steps of the cathedral reported the risqué photoshoot.

It’s understood that Canadian would-be influencer Savahnna Cross, 28, was the one who partially stripped – and onlookers believed Ms Hopson was assisting on the photoshoot and reported her to police.

At one stage Savahnna was seen walking bare-bottomed up the steps of the 900 year old religious building in the picturesque Italian coastal resort of Amalfi.

Local media outlets said both Jemma and Ms Cross were ‘influencers’ but MailOnline understands the pair were both holidaymakers celebrating a mutual friend’s birthday.

According to her social media profiles Jemma graduate from Leeds Beckett University where she obtained a degree in Sport and Exercise science and is now a forensic collision investigator at West Yorkshire police.

The glamorous brunette’s Linkedin page also lists universities in the United States and where she is said to have studied and also lists a previous employer as Emirates where she was cabin crew and Jet 2 where she worked as a trainer.

A British tourist has been quizzed by police in Italy after her friend sparked outrage by posing naked at the top of the majestic steps of the Amalfi cathedral for an Instagram stunt

 A British tourist has been quizzed by police in Italy after her friend sparked outrage by posing naked at the top of the majestic steps of the Amalfi cathedral for an Instagram stunt

According to her social media profiles Jemma graduate from Leeds Beckett University where she obtained a degree in Sport and Exercise science and is now a forensic collision investigator at West Yorkshire police

According to her social media profiles Jemma graduate from Leeds Beckett University where she obtained a degree in Sport and Exercise science and is now a forensic collision investigator at West Yorkshire police

Her bio reads: ‘Experienced fitness instructor with a demonstrated history of working in the airlines/aviation industry. Skilled in operations management, foreign languages, team building, management and time management.

‘Strong community and social services professional with a Bachelor of Science focused in sports and exercise.’

Local police in Amalfi have confirmed to the MailOnline the pair were ‘reported’ for ‘obscene acts in a public place’ and a local prosecutor will now decide if there is enough evidence for the pair to face a full trial.

If convicted they could be fined up to 30,000 Euro with the local council also possible considering a private prosecution against the pair for bringing the town into disrepute.

Jemma and Savahnna, who until recently lived in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, are both now thought to be on their way back to the UK from Italy. 

Footage of the photoshoot went viral within minutes of it being posted online on the site of local news outlet Vescovado. 

It showed stunned workers and passers by looking up the steps to the famous cathedral and filming the scenes that were unfolding before them. 

The footage showed the Canadian striking seductive poses in front of the famous bronze doors of the cathedral. 

The pair are said to have been staying in a luxury villa close to Amalfi as part of the birthday celebration of a mutual friend. 

But Jemma’s mum Janice, who lives in Rotherham, south Yorkshire, today insisted her daughter didn’t even know the semi-naked woman. 

Using nothing but a flowing red veil to cover herself, a woman stunned early-rising locals on Monday morning with the risque display, with her 'photographer' and 'assistant'

Using nothing but a flowing red veil to cover herself, a woman stunned early-rising locals on Monday morning with the risque display, with her 'photographer' and 'assistant'

Using nothing but a flowing red veil to cover herself, a woman stunned early-rising locals on Monday morning with the risque display, with her ‘photographer’ and ‘assistant’ 

She told MailOnline: ‘This photoshoot was nothing to do with Jemma although she saw it happening because she was in the area at the time.

‘She didn’t know the girl in the pictures but saw what was happening. She said it looked as if it was some kind of modelling shoot.’

Footage of the photoshoot shows workers, pausing their task of unloading boxes ready for the week ahead, to instead film the spectacle at the top of the staircase

Footage of the photoshoot shows workers, pausing their task of unloading boxes ready for the week ahead, to instead film the spectacle at the top of the staircase

The steps leading up to the entrance of the Sant’Andrea cathedral are long, and rise above a square on which dozens of small shops, cafes and restaurants sit. Footage of the photoshoot shows workers, pausing their task of unloading boxes ready for the week ahead, to instead film the spectacle at the top of the staircase

Pictured: A view of the Sant'Andrea cathedral in Amalfi, one of the most famous attractions of the Italian Amalfi Coast

Pictured: A view of the Sant’Andrea cathedral in Amalfi, one of the most famous attractions of the Italian Amalfi Coast

A spokesperson for the local police said:’ The pair were questioned and their details taken. They were a Canadian woman and a British woman. We have their details on file and the local prosecutor will decide what to do.

‘We take matters like this very seriously. We have the image of the town of Amalfi to think off – this isn’t the sort of tourism and publicity we are looking for.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk