Pictured: Family who ‘left bride in a vegetative state when she was flown from Pakistan for arranged marriage but failed to meet their expectations’

The family who allegedly left a bride unconscious for days before calling for help after she ‘failed to meet their expectations’ have been pictured as she lies in a vegetative state. 

Ambreen Fatima Sheikh, who has been in a vegetative state for eight years, was called ‘smelly’ and criticised by her in-laws for not cooking her husband chapatis after moving to the UK following an arranged marriage in Pakistan, a court heard.

She was also allegedly given drug-filled cigarettes to smoke by her husband Asgar Sheikh, 30, and there had been talk of sending her back to Pakistan by her new British family.  

Ambreen ‘wasn’t meeting the expectations of her husband or family,’ the court has previously heard. 

A jury has been told that Ambreen was left lying unconscious for up to three days before her new family called for an ambulance in July, 2015 – and she has never regained consciousness.

She had suffered a severe burn to her lower back and had ingested anti-diabetic medication, despite not being a diabetic.

Her husband, Asgar, father-in-law Khalid Sheikh, 55, mother-in-law Shabnam Sheikh, 53, and brother and sister-in-law Shakalayne, 24, and Shagufa Sheikh, 29, are all standing trial charged with causing or allowing a vulnerable adult to suffer serious physical harm.

Shagufa, Shabnam and Asgar Sheikh are also accused of doing an act intending to pervert the course of justice. 

All five defendants are accused of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. They deny all of the offences.

Ambreen’s husband Asgar Sheikh, 30, pictured right with a face mask on and her brother-in-law Shakalayne (left)

Ambreen's mother-in-law Shabnam (left) and sister-in-law Shagufa (right)

Ambreen’s mother-in-law Shabnam (left) and sister-in-law Shagufa (right)

Ambreen's father-in-law Khalid Sheikh, 55, is also standing trial

Ambreen’s father-in-law Khalid Sheikh, 55, is also standing trial 

Ambreen wed Asgar in an arranged marriage in Pakistan in 2013. 

Asgar and his parents returned to the family home in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, soon after, but Ambreen did not follow until November 2014.

Leeds Crown Court heard from Shabnam’s cousin Naheela Saddiq, who speaking though an interpreter, told the jury what the family thought of Ambreen.

In January 2015 Naheela was told by Shabnam that Ambreen ‘has smoked a cigarette with like a drug in it’.

‘I asked Ambreen ‘have you smoked a cigarette with a drug in?’ and Ambreen told me that Asgar has given her the cigarette.

‘I said that it is not good offering a cigarette to his wife and smoking it with drugs in there.’

On another occasion, during a telephone call, Shabnam told her cousin that Ambreen was ‘very smelly. She doesn’t take a shower, she doesn’t keep her body clean.’

Naheela advised that the family should buy her shampoo, deodorant and perfume because she is young and new to the country.

All five defendants are accused of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. They deny all of the offences

All five defendants are accused of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. They deny all of the offences

A jury has heard that Ambreen was left lying unconscious for up to three days before her new family called for an ambulance in July, 2015 - and she has never regained consciousness

A jury has heard that Ambreen was left lying unconscious for up to three days before her new family called for an ambulance in July, 2015 – and she has never regained consciousness

‘I told Shabnam that she is in a new environment, she has come from Pakistan and to give her time, give her six months to get used to it,’ Naheela told the court.

‘Shabnam was saying that Ambreen is not cooking chapatis, not doing chores for her husband, stuff like that.

”Routine household things she does not do’ – I told her to give her time to pick things up.

‘I said that if you cannot get on with this girl, send her back to Pakistan.’

The court heard that Khalid wanted to send Ambreen back to Pakistan, but Shabnam refused.

The jury has been told that at around 1.12am on August 1, 2015, a call was made to the ambulance service from Shagufa who ‘reported that her sister-in law couldn’t breathe properly’. 

It was said the ambulance arrived at 1.31am and paramedics were taken to Shagufa’s bedroom where Ambreen lay unconscious.

Ambreen was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and was put onto the intensive care ward and intubated. A CT scan found swelling on her brain and staff ‘took the necessary steps to try and discover the cause’, the court heard. 

It was the next day when a lumbar puncture – or spinal tap – was going to be performed that it was discovered she had a ‘severe’ burn to her lower back. The spinal tap showed no evidence of infection to the brain.

Medical professionals say the burn pre-dated Ambreen’s admission to hospital and had taken place for a period of five to seven days before and was likely to have been caused by a caustic substance.

The trial continues.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk