Pictured – Final resting place of the Fishmongers’ Hall terrorist

Hidden away in the corner of a remote hillside cemetery, this is the final resting place for London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan.

After the inquest into his horrific 2019 Fishmongers’ Hall attack concluded on Thursday that he was lawfully killed, the 28-year-old’s grave nearly 4,000 miles away is pictured here for the first time.

The hardened British-born jihadist murdered two people and wounded three others before being shot dead by police.

MailOnline tracked down the grave to his family’s ancestral village in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir where wary locals try and keep outsiders away from the grave, which is guarded by Pakistani intelligence officials as well as villagers.

Khan’s family condemned his bloody rampage, but the headstone carries a message from his grieving father Taaj Muhammad Khan, saying: ‘Forever these eyes will desirously long to see you.’

This is the tomb of London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan who was laid to rest in the village of Kajlani, in Azad Kashmir, in 2019

MailOnline tracked down the grave his family's ancestral village where wary locals try and keep outsiders away from the site

MailOnline tracked down the grave his family’s ancestral village where wary locals try and keep outsiders away from the site

Khan's headstone includes a message from his father and the words: 'Bismillah Irrahman Irrahim (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)'. It goes on: 'Usman Ahmed Khan son of Taaj Muhammad Khan. Date of death: 29 November 2019.'

Khan’s headstone includes a message from his father and the words: ‘Bismillah Irrahman Irrahim (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)’. It goes on: ‘Usman Ahmed Khan son of Taaj Muhammad Khan. Date of death: 29 November 2019.’

Khan (pictured), 28, murdered two people and wounded three other in his horrific attack at London Bridge in 2019

Khan (pictured), 28, murdered two people and wounded three other in his horrific attack at London Bridge in 2019

Referring to his son’s savagery before he was gunned down by City of London Police, he adds: ‘This heart had no idea that you would depart like that.’

Khan displayed no such humanity to his victims, Cambridge University graduates Saskia Jones, 23, and 25-year-old Jack Merritt, who were trying to help him re-build his life and move on from his jihadist views.

The Midlands-based fanatic – well-known to the security services – was released from jail on licence in 2018, halfway through a 16-year sentence for terrorism offences and was attending a prisoner rehabilitation programme.

He launched his terror attack near London Bridge on November 29, 2019, nearly a year after his release.

On Thursday an inquest jury ruled that police believed Khan was ‘pulling for the trigger’ on his fake suicide vest when they unleashed a second volley of shots at him after he sat up and opened his jacket on London Bridge.

One officer shot Usman Khan twice at close range but did not kill him and another five officers then discharged 18 more rounds when he sat up, eight minutes later. Only 12 of the rounds hit him and two caused fatal injuries. 

His grave is in the village of Kajlani, in Azad Kashmir in a valley some 950m above sea level where villagers and Pakistan intelligence officers monitor it to prevent people accessing what has become a symbol of embarrassment for the country.

One villager told MailOnline: ‘We know Usman Khan did something bad in the UK. But we don’t know too much about what he did. 

Khan murdered Jack Merritt (pictured), 25, a course coordinator for Learning Together, a programme run by the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Criminology

Khan also stabbed to death Saskia Jones (pictured), 23, a 'brilliant' Cambridge University graduate, from Stratford-upon-Avon, who had applied to join the police

Cambridge University graduates Jack Merritt (left), 25, and Saskia Jones (right), 23, were stabbed to death by Khan at an offender rehabilitation conference held at Fishmongers’ Hall, London Bridge, during the horrific terror attack 

Khan was chased onto London Bridge by three bystanders who were armed with a fire extinguisher and a narwhal tusk in an attempt to disarm him before he was held down on the ground and armed police officers arrived

Khan was chased onto London Bridge by three bystanders who were armed with a fire extinguisher and a narwhal tusk in an attempt to disarm him before he was held down on the ground and armed police officers arrived

A new image released on Thursday showing armed police aiming their weapons at Khan on the ground as a bystander (with the pink colouring around their neck) runs away

A new image released on Thursday showing armed police aiming their weapons at Khan on the ground as a bystander (with the pink colouring around their neck) runs away 

London Bridge terrorist’s graphic final moments 

The final moments of Usman Khan’s life were as graphic in content as they were extraordinary in nature.

Bloodied from two point-blank gunshot wounds to his body that left him writhing in agony on the west-side pavement of London Bridge eight minutes earlier, the 28-year-old terrorist summoned a final adrenaline-fuelled thrust of energy to sit bolt upright, legs outstretched in front of him, and stare purposefully at an effective firing squad of police.

Nine shots were fired at him during that 13-second period, including at least one to the face which caused Khan, as a final act, to touch his forehead with his hand as if to assess the damage before falling onto his back to die.

A couple of limb twitches caused police to fire at him again, having been granted clearance to perform a ‘critical shot’ – a near-instantly fatal wound – due to the presence of a suspected suicide belt around his waist.

He was officially pronounced dead an hour later after police experts had declared the scene safe.

Khan had travelled to London by train from his home in Stafford that morning wearing a hoax suicide device secreted under his coat, and attended a prisoner education event where he stabbed Cambridge graduates Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, before being chased from the venue.

The scene was played out to an audience of horrified members of the public, and was captured by a variety of cameras recording events unfolding.

Live footage from a police helicopter also filled a gigantic screen in the Met’s control room nearby south of the River Thames.

Recalling Khan’s death throes, shortly after 2pm on November 29 2019, a tactical firearms commander known only as WA30 told the jury during the two-week inquest into Khan’s death: ‘I thought he was going to detonate that device.

‘I was just in a cold sweat, I could hear my own heartbeat, I was sweating profusely, my mouth went so dry.’

He added: ‘It was like watching a slow motion car crash.

‘I was squinting at the monitor thinking he would detonate that at any moment, thinking he would kill my officers, the public as well.’

At the scene, armed response officers from the Met and City of London Police standing well within the 100m blast zone said they feared they would be killed as Khan sat up, having spent several minutes breathing deeply lying prone on his back following the first two gun shots, and appearing to reach for something nearby.

An officer known as AZ99 said: ‘At that point there, I thought: We’re dead.’

It was at this moment that officers opened on Khan again, firing nine of the 20 shots aimed at Khan that afternoon.

All the while, handfuls of pedestrians could be seen milling around on the walkway directly underneath Khan, oblivious to the dramatic events on London Bridge above them.

‘I was flabbergasted that the man (Khan) had been shot numerous times and it took a while for him to cease moving,’ WA30 said.

‘Eventually – very slowly, nothing like you see in the movies – he ceased moving.’

The footage, recorded against the low hanging sun of a November afternoon, is so graphic it was not released to the media and is unlikely ever to be shown in public again.


‘Moreover, we do not want people to photograph his grave because we feel that it will be used as a means to attack Pakistan by the West.

‘Some people and journalists have tried and been beaten back. The ISI (Pakistan Intelligence) people came here and asked villagers like me to stop the media from seeing the grave because it would look bad for Pakistan.’

Another local said: ‘His family who live here have said he did terrible things in England. That is all most of us know of Usman Khan. But he is a son of Pakistan and we must still respect him in death.’

Khan had visited Kajlani several times and would stay there in-between attending terrorist training camps.

He was first arrested in 2008 after police surveillance showed him to be a Jihadist sympathiser, but released.

Khan was arrested again in December 2010 after returning from Pakistan.

He was one of nine men held after an anti-terror operation by MI5 called Operation Guava .

In 2012, he and his eight collaborators pleaded guilty to Al-Qaeda-inspired terrorism offences.

They planned to bomb the London Stock Exchange, the Houses of Parliament, the US embassy, two rabbis at two synagogues, the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral and the home of then London Mayor Boris Johnson.

After being freed in 2018 he was ordered to wear a GPS tag to enable police to monitor his movements.

But police believed Khan ‘may have been behaving in a deceptively compliant manner in order to facilitate his release’, the inquest has heard.

There was also an intelligence report two months before he was freed from HMP Whitemoor in December 2018 suggesting he ‘would return to his old ways’, interpreted as meaning terrorism, the inquest jury has been told.

But crucially the report was not shared with the Probation Service or with Prevent deradicalisation officers dealing with Khan.

It was reported that Khan was inspired by the ideology of Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and that he was a ‘student and close friend’ of al-Muhajiroun leader Anjem Choudary.

Following his attack during a rehabilitation session, he was chased on to London Bridge by members of the public armed with a fire extinguisher and narwhal tusk and then shot dead by police.

His family, who decided to fly his body back to Pakistan, held his funeral on December 6th 2019, attended only by close relatives and an Imam.

The white headstone was inscribed in both Urdu and Arabic and carried the date of his death according to the Gregorian calendar, used by much of the world, as well as the Islamic version.

The inscription begins: ‘Bismillah Irrahman Irrahim (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)’.

It then adds the Islamic declaration of Muhammad being the Prophet’s messenger and that there is no ‘deity but Allah.’

It goes on: ‘Usman Ahmed Khan son of Taaj Muhammad Khan. Date of death: 29 November 2019, Friday. Islamic date: 29 Rabaul Awal 1414H.’

In a statement, released through police after the atrocity, the Khan family said: ‘We are saddened and shocked by what Usman has done.

‘We totally condemn his actions and we wish to express our condolences to the families of the victims that have died and wish a speedy recovery to all of the injured.’

Raja Mushtaq Ahmed, the only relative to speak publicly of the terrorist and who lives in Kajlani, said Khan was angry over ‘western injustices’ in the Muslim world.

He told the BBC shortly after his cousin’s death: ‘He used to say this is injustice… conspiracies are being hatched against Islam. Muslims are being oppressed. Why did they do injustice to us?’

Mr Ahmed added: ‘I used to tell him that it should be stopped but we should make it stop by responding peacefully.’

Khan's grave is located in the village of village of Kajlani (above), in Azad Kashmir in a valley, 950m above sea level - 4,000 miles from where he carried out the atrocity in London where he murdered two young people and wounded three more

Khan’s grave is located in the village of village of Kajlani (above), in Azad Kashmir in a valley, 950m above sea level – 4,000 miles from where he carried out the atrocity in London where he murdered two young people and wounded three more 

Usman Khan: The ‘unremarkable’ high school dropout who became a double murderer 

Usman Khan was, according to one former teacher, ‘fairly unremarkable’.

A low-achiever with delusions of grandeur, a name-dropper who begged for status and attention.

And on a cold afternoon four weeks before Christmas 2019 in central London, the 28-year-old became a cowardly killer.

He strapped an authentic-looking suicide belt to his waist and attacked defenceless victims with kitchen knives, before goading the police to shoot him, knowing they feared he could cause mass casualties by setting his device off.

Khan on board a train to London, which was shown in court at the earlier inquest into the terror attack at the Fishmongers' Hall

Khan on board a train to London, which was shown in court at the earlier inquest into the terror attack at the Fishmongers’ Hall

His victims that day were two successful young Cambridge graduates, Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones. They embodied everything he sought but failed to be.

Khan was born in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, on March 10 2001. He was the sixth of seven children, and went to a local state comprehensive school but dropped out.

One of Khan’s former teachers described him as having ‘a teenage swagger, a little bit of a chip on his shoulder’.

‘But,’ the teacher said, Khan was ‘fairly unremarkable’.

It was during his teenage years that he became interested in the extremist views of prominent figures Anwar al-Awlaki and Anjem Choudary, head of the banned terror organisation al-Muhajiroun.

He later admitted planning a terror training camp to send anti-West fighters to the UK, and was handed an indeterminate sentence which was varied upon appeal to an extended sentence. As such, he was released without parole after eight years inside.

Khan was described as an ‘influential’ inmate who associated with other high-profile terrorists, including Fusilier Lee Rigby’s killer Michael Adebowale, while Khan later told people he had mixed at various times with the likes of hooked cleric Abu Hamza and notorious prisoner Charles Bronson.

But he successfully convinced many, including his prison chaplain and his probation officer, that he had changed his ways for the better.

He even succeeded in duping Mr Merritt, a co-ordinator on the Learning Together prisoner education scheme, who insisted Khan had been ‘de-radicalised’ when a colleague raised concerns about possible terrorist imagery in a poem Khan wrote ahead of his release.

His 11 months in the community on licence were characterised by isolation and rejection.

He failed to find a job – even Timpson, one of the largest employers of ex-offenders in the country, turned him down – he stopped going to the gym and to the mosque, and spent most of his time in his one-bedroom flat playing computer games and watching DVDs. He also used sex lines.

But he continued to tell people he had changed.

Even on the day of the attack, wearing a fake suicide belt and carrying a backpack containing the eventual murder weapons, Khan bounded over to his former prison counter-terrorism governor, offered him a hug, and declared: ‘I have learnt that violence isn’t the path.’

Another lie – but one which would have profound consequences on the lives of two young academics and all those present at Fishmongers’ Hall that day.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk