Pictures show a father cuddling his newborn twins skin-to-skin in the delivery room

A father who lost his young daughter to a rare genetic disease celebrated the birth of his newborn twins by having skin-to-skin contact with each of his sons — just like he did with his little girl.

Erin Fortney Photography captured the heartwarming moment Brennan Brackbill from Hershey, Pennsylvania, held his sons Isaiah and Caleb to his bare chest when they were born on April 24.

Brennan and his wife, Lesa, were devastated when their 20-month-old daughter, Victoria, died from Krabbe disease in March 2016, and the incredible loss made him even more determined to have an initial bond with his sons.

Look of love: Brennan Brackbill from Hershey, Pennsylvania, was photographed holding his twin sons Isaiah and Caleb to his bare chest when they were born on April 24

Finding the joy: The father, who lost his young daughter, Victoria, to a rare genetic disease in 2016, vowed to appreciate special moments with his sons 

Finding the joy: The father, who lost his young daughter, Victoria, to a rare genetic disease in 2016, vowed to appreciate special moments with his sons 

So peaceful: Brennan said the boys immediately calmed down once they were put in his arms

So peaceful: Brennan said the boys immediately calmed down once they were put in his arms

Sharing his family’s story with the website Love What Matters, Brennan explained that Victoria was delivered via C-section on July 30, 2014. 

Because of her epidural, Lesa was unable to move her arms and doctors said she wouldn’t be able to do skin-to-skin contact with their daughter.  

‘I quickly volunteered and held our precious daughter for over an hour until Lesa joined us in recovery,’ he wrote.

‘I still tear up a bit here and there thinking about how amazing that experience was! She was so calm the entire time as I sang and talked to her. 

Daddy's arms: Brennan held Isaiah for 10 minutes and then Caleb 

Daddy’s arms: Brennan held Isaiah for 10 minutes and then Caleb 

Happy family: The father happily held his sleepy sons in front of his wife, Lesa, who gave birth via C-section

Happy family: The father happily held his sleepy sons in front of his wife, Lesa, who gave birth via C-section

Mom's turn: A nurse laid one of Lesa's son's against her cheek while she was on the operating table 

Mom’s turn: A nurse laid one of Lesa’s son’s against her cheek while she was on the operating table 

Heartwarming: One of her little boy's put his little hand on her cheek while curled up on top of her 

Heartwarming: One of her little boy’s put his little hand on her cheek while curled up on top of her 

‘It helped us bond from the very beginning! Right then I decided if we had any more kids, skin to skin was a must!’

The doting dad said that five months later little Tori ‘became a completely different baby overnight’ and it sounded like she was in pain. 

She was diagnosed with Krabbe, a rare and generally fatal genetic disease that both he and Lesa carry.

Signs and symptoms of the condition, which attacks a child’s nervous system, often develops in babies before six months of age and usually results in death by the age of two, according to the Mayo Clinic.  

Blessing: Lesa found out she was pregnant with the boys in September, less than two years after Victoria's death 

Blessing: Lesa found out she was pregnant with the boys in September, less than two years after Victoria’s death 

Grateful: Neither of the boys have Krabbe disease, the rare genetic condition that caused Victoria's death

Grateful: Neither of the boys have Krabbe disease, the rare genetic condition that caused Victoria’s death

Prepared: Knowing that he wanted to have skin-to-skin contact with his sons, Brennan went shirtless underneath his hospital gown 

Prepared: Knowing that he wanted to have skin-to-skin contact with his sons, Brennan went shirtless underneath his hospital gown 

Spreading the word: Photos of Brennan holding the boys have gone viral, and he and his wife are using their newfound fame to raise awareness for Krabbe disease 

Spreading the word: Photos of Brennan holding the boys have gone viral, and he and his wife are using their newfound fame to raise awareness for Krabbe disease 

The couple did everything they could to ensure that Victoria had the best possible life, including completely a 50-item bucket list that ranged from simple pleasures to extravagant trips. 

Less than two years after their daughter’s death, Lesa found out she was pregnant with identical twins. Thankfully, neither of the boys have Krabbe disease nor are they carriers. 

Brennan explained that on the day their sons were born he was determined to have skin to skin contact with them.  

He went shirtless under his operating room outfit, and as soon as Isaiah was delivered, he unzipped gown and held his newborn son on his chest. 

Tragedy: Victoria (pictured with her parents) was diagnosed with Krabbes disease when she was six months old 

Tragedy: Victoria (pictured with her parents) was diagnosed with Krabbes disease when she was six months old 

Heartbreaking: The genetic disease attacks a child's nervous system and is generally fatal. Victoria died from the disease in March 2016 when she was 20 months old

Heartbreaking: The genetic disease attacks a child’s nervous system and is generally fatal. Victoria died from the disease in March 2016 when she was 20 months old

Unforgettable moment: Brennan was determined to have skin-to-skin contact with his sons just like he did with Victoria when she was born 

Unforgettable moment: Brennan was determined to have skin-to-skin contact with his sons just like he did with Victoria when she was born 


Krabbe disease occurs when a baby inherits two copies of a mutated gene.

Genes tell the body how to produce proteins. When they are altered, the body’s proteins do not function properly.

Children with Krabbe disease cannot produce enough or any of a crucial enzyme called galactocerebrosidase.

Because children with the illness do not have enough of this enzyme, too much of certain kinds of fats called galactolipids build up in their bodies.

The accumulation of these fats creates a toxic effect.

Most children with Krabbe disease die as a result of respiratory complications, problems that arise because they are immobile or problems caused by decreased muscle tone.

In the U.S. about one in every 100,000 people has Krabbe disease.

Although Isaiah was ‘unhappy’ at first, Brennan said he immediately calmed down once he was in his arms. 

After holding Isaiah for 10 minutes, he then cuddled Caleb. They were even able to lay the babies on Lesa’s chest for a short amount of time. 

Brennan said he continued to have skin-to-skin contact with his sons once they were back in their hospital room.  

Keeping her memory alive: Lesa has published a memoir about Victoria

Keeping her memory alive: Lesa has published a memoir about Victoria

‘We can no longer hold our precious Tori so holding our boys from the very beginning meant so much more,’ he explained. 

‘We treasure every moment with them because of her. Tori’s loss taught us to find good in everything and it has certainly amplified our joy!’ 

One of the touching photos from inside the delivery room shows one of the doctors handing Brennan his son, who appears to be reaching out to him.

On their family blog, Lesa admitted that they were surprised when the photo went viral, but they are using the newfound attention to raise awareness for Krabbe.

Although incurable, it can be treated with a transplant of stem cells from donated umbilical cord blood — but only if the disease is identified in the first days of life.

Brennan and Lesa are both advocates for screening newborns for Krabbe disease. Only six states (New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and Missouri) currently do so.

In addition to sharing their story on their blog, Lesa has also published a memoir about Victoria titled ‘Even So, Joy: Our Journey through Heartbreak, Hope, and Triumph.’