Piers Morgan: Liberals should stop fat-shaming Trump

So there we have it… Donald J. Trump IS a stable genius.

Well, he’s definitely, definitively stable anyway.

The ‘genius’ bit admittedly depends on whether you think that anyone who wins the US Presidency without a scintilla of political experience, and by defeating the ‘most qualified candidate in history’, is self-evidently something of a genius.

Picture of health: Trump is pictured on his private jet, nicknamed Trump Force One, during the campaign trail, picking at a large McDonald’s french fries with a Big Mac and diet Coke in front of him

Trump is known to have indulged in McDonalds and other fast food on the campaign trail - but Dr Ronny Jackson said he has changed his habits since becoming president and has been eating healthier

Trump is known to have indulged in McDonalds and other fast food on the campaign trail – but Dr Ronny Jackson said he has changed his habits since becoming president and has been eating healthier

The President’s medical results, announced yesterday by White House physician Admiral Dr Ronny Jackson, were truly astonishing for anyone in the news business.

Following the recent publication of Michael Wolff’s blockbuster book “Fire and Fury”, the media narrative – widely shared by many liberal celebrities – has been very clear: Trump’s a dumb, illiterate, mentally deranged psychopath living off a killer diet of burgers and coke.

As such, he is wholly unfit for office and should be forcibly displaced from the White House as a matter of extreme urgency.

Indeed, rumours even began to swirl in Washington of a push to invoke the 25th Amendment that provides a mechanism for removing a president who is mentally or physically incapacitated.

Wolff asserted that EVERYONE around Trump, including his entire staff and family, agrees with this assessment – so disturbed are they all by the way Trump now apparently repeats himself every ten minutes, and mumbles and rambles incoherently all day long.

The first blow to these startling, sensational claims came when Trump promptly hosted a one hour cabinet meeting live on national television during which he was perfectly lucid, didn’t mumble or ramble at all, and appeared completely in control of all his cerebral and bodily functions.

Now, a week or so later, we have received official proof that Trump’s marbles remain fully intact.

He didn’t just pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test with flying colours, he got 30/30 – which is a perfect result.

This is significant because the test is specifically designed to screen for any memory loss or clear thinking ability, both of which can indicate the early onset of dementia.

Trump was the first president to ever undergo this screening.

‘I have absolutely no concerns about his cognitive ability,’ said Admiral Jackson, adding that he ‘found no reason whatsoever to think the President has any issues with his thought process.’

As for Trump’s overall health, the doctor described it as ‘very, very good’.

He noted: ‘Based on his cardiac assessment, hands down, there is no question he is in the excellent range.’

Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician, speaks about the physical exam conducted on President Trump

Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician, speaks about the physical exam conducted on President Trump

The White House press corps could barely hide their incredulity.

What about all the Big Macs, the cans of coke, the ice cream, the lazy TV-fuelled couch potato lifestyle???

To which Jackson had an answer that will have thrilled Trump beyond any other: ‘He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him. I told the President if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years he might live to be 200 years old!’

Ironically, this revelation alone will probably reduce the life expectancy of most of the world’s liberals by at least a third.

As to Trump’s physical and mental suitability for the highest office in the land, Jackson said this: ‘Absolutely, he is fit for duty.’

Indeed, he went further: ‘I think he will remain fit for duty for the remainder of this term and even the remainder of another term if he is elected.’

It’s one thing for Trump, arguably the world’s least modest man, to describe himself as ‘a stable genius’.

It’s quite another for a highly respected naval physician to state he’s mentally and physically very healthy.

Yet, I’m not as surprised as everyone else seems to be.

Trump’s never had a drink, a cigarette or an illegal drug in his life.

Contrast with Barack ‘Halo’ Obama who admitted taking a variety of illegal drugs in his youth including cannabis and cocaine, and continues to drink and smoke throughout his adult life.

You can LOOK as fit as a butcher’s dog but that doesn’t necessarily equate to great health.

Trump’s never going to beat Obama in a 100m sprint – though he would beat him easily at golf – but that doesn’t mean he’s less healthy.

Of course, none of these results made the blindest bit of difference to Trump’s critics.

As we now know, Trump is perfectly mentally sound and surprisingly healthy too. He’s a bit overweight, but so are many Americans

As we now know, Trump is perfectly mentally sound and surprisingly healthy too. He’s a bit overweight, but so are many Americans

They’ve spent over two years abusing him in the most appalling fashion over everything from his mental health to being fat and having ridiculous hair.

No personal slur, however vicious, has ever been off limits when it comes to Trump. It’s like he’s not really a human being so doesn’t count.

Well, it does count.

It particularly counts when the people screaming this kind of vile stuff the loudest are the very same people who demand the rest of us be ultra sensitive when it comes to talking about mental health or body shape.

Nobody is ever allowed to joke about such matters in the modern PC-crazed world, unless the target is Donald Trump.

Today, social media was rampant in its derision of the medical results.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes, a man normally dripping with political correctness from every pore, fuelled the mocking fat joke fire, tweeting: ‘Has anyone coined “girther” for those who believe the president weighs more than his doctor reports?’

Sure enough, that very hashtag quickly went viral, as people openly ridiculed Trump’s physique and questioned Admiral Jackson’s statement of fact that Trump weighs 239lbs.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn even offered $100,000 to charity if Trump steps on a scale in public to prove he doesn’t weigh more.

Imagine if Gunn suggested that about a female politician? Hollywood’s new puritans would have driven him straight out of town.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has already offered to donate $100,000 to a charity of Trump's choice if he steps on a scale

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has already offered to donate $100,000 to a charity of Trump’s choice if he steps on a scale

Some are questioning whether his true weight was provided following the examination, with many claiming the president must be heavier than his official 239 pounds weight

Some are questioning whether his true weight was provided following the examination, with many claiming the president must be heavier than his official 239 pounds weight

A woman using the Twitter handle “VeronicaResists”, who has a verified Twitter blue tick, tweeted: ‘We need to get to the bottom of this. The big fat bottom.’

Ho ho.

Hilarious, right?

Well sure, so long as we can also do this same joke about Hillary Clinton without the world’s feminists – including no doubt VeronicaResists – screaming ‘FAT-SHAMING PIG!!!’

No, thought not.

There was something truly unedifying about watching the White House Press Corps spend an hour frenziedly and very sceptically questioning the President’s mental and physical state despite being told inarguable medical facts.

Donald Trump is not, as he would have us believe, perfect.

Far from it.

He’s a rough, tough, bellicose, uncompromising real estate tycoon from New York prone to shooting his mouth off in an offensive manner.

There are many obvious flaws in the personality and demeanour of the man currently occupying the White House, and the way he goes about running the country.

It is absolutely right that these flaws are all properly examined and challenged.

But as we now know, Trump is perfectly mentally sound and surprisingly healthy too.

He’s a bit overweight, but so are many Americans.

When his liberal critics openly mock and abuse him for being fat, mentally sick, or having terrible hair, they expose themselves as a bunch of repulsive hypocrites.

To those who say ‘he does it, why shouldn’t we?’ about personal abuse – which is entirely true – I simply remind them of Michelle Obama’s famous comment about what to do when a political opponent plays rough and personal: ‘When they go low,’ she beseeched, ‘we go high.’

By going even lower, the hypocritical Trump mental health and fat shamers play right into his hands.

In a race to the bottom, he’ll always win.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk