Plus-size LA model hits back at body-shamer

When a plus-size model was shamed for her body by a man she considered a friend, she knew she couldn’t take it as some joke.

Los Angeles-based Imogen Ker, 25, was at a housewarming party at a male friend’s home in Highland Park, LA, when she was blindsided by the shocking remark.

She was standing on her own in the kitchen when the friend walked up to introduce her to one of the other partygoers.

Blonde beauty: Plus-size model Imogen Ker, 25, has revealed the moment a male friend body-shamed her in front of a stranger – and how she handled it

The skin she's in: The remark was made to Imogen while she was at a housewarming party in Los Angeles

The skin she’s in: The remark was made to Imogen while she was at a housewarming party in Los Angeles

‘Imogen would be perfect if it wasn’t for her body,’ the friend said as he described her to this total stranger. 

Imogen was totally taken aback, telling Today that her friend had even made the comment with a ‘very snarky look as if he was trying to be playful.’

Working as a plus-size model, Imogen has a thick skin from years of online abuse, but this felt like an entirely different situation – she thought this man was her friend. 

Even so, her first instinct was to let the comment slide, thinking that it wasn’t worth the confrontation. 

But after a few days of his words playing on her mind, Imogen decided to clear the air by sending him her thoughts in a text message. 

‘You don’t get to make comments about my body. Nobody does. It’s not okay,’ she told him. ‘I’m saying this so I can get over it and move on. Women’s bodies are not fair game.’ 

Telling it straight: Imogen stewed over the comment for days before deciding to confront him over it via text

Telling it straight: Imogen stewed over the comment for days before deciding to confront him over it via text

Thick skin: As a plus-size model, Imogen was used to cruel comments from strangers online, but coming from someone she considered a friend, the remarks hurt

Thick skin: As a plus-size model, Imogen was used to cruel comments from strangers online, but coming from someone she considered a friend, the remarks hurt

Putting it out there: After the confrontation, Imogen decided to share the story to send a message

Putting it out there: After the confrontation, Imogen decided to share the story to send a message

She added: ‘We still live in a world where women and their worth is almost entirely placed on our bodies. And by saying what you said, you are just a moving wheel in that operation. I’m not expecting an apology, I just needed to let you know how it made me feel.’

He responded not only with an apology, but with a certain amount of horror at his own words.  

‘I don’t have any recollection saying that. I am flabbergasted by myself … really that’s not OK,’ he said. 

Imogen finished the conversation by simply thanking him for the apology, but the experience made her realize that she had to broadcast the story to other women going through the same thing. She had the text encounter covered by the likes of Today and Shape.

‘Sharing this experience has been incredibly therapeutic,’ she wrote in an Instagram post about the encounter. ‘My greatest hope is that women who have experienced the same kind of abuse can read my story, relate and get angry. You deserve to be angry.’

She added: ‘Most of the time, I want to love myself. It comes naturally. Then other times the brain washing of media takes hold. That brain washing has trained me to pick apart my body and tell myself if this was different or if that was different I would be perfect. 

Concerned: She told her followers that the comment hurt because he was saying the words that she would try not to say to herself

Concerned: She told her followers that the comment hurt because he was saying the words that she would try not to say to herself

All glam: She also encouraged other women to stand up for themselves rather than let comments like that go

All glam: She also encouraged other women to stand up for themselves rather than let comments like that go

‘Which is exactly why my “friend’s” comment was so harmful. Because he was saying out loud the words which I fight so hard to rid my mind of every day, “I would be perfect if it wasn’t for my big body.”’ 

Imogen, who is also studying to become a midwife, advises other women in a similar situation to also call out such moments of abuse, saying that pretending that it didn’t happen will only make things worse.

‘So don’t hold on to that s***. It will make you sick,’ she wrote. ‘We must rid ourselves of shame. So what I did was take that shame and turn it around. Shame belongs on this man for saying what he said!’

The story was well received by Imogen’s many followers, with several sharing stories of their own featuring shaming coming from people closest to them.

One of those followers was Imogen’s friend, actress Dakota Fanning, who posted in support of the model, writing: ‘Who is this f***er?? Lemme at him!’