‘Poisoned’ Putin critic Alexei Navalny is flown out of Russia for emergency care in Germany

A plane carrying Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning left for a German hospital on Saturday.

Images taken from the tarmac of an airport in the Siberian city of Omsk show Navalny being lifted into a private air ambulance – which was chartered to to fly him to Berlin’s Charite hospital for treatment. 

The flight could then be seen taking off just after 8am local time and was expected to take about five hours.

Navalny’s personal doctor Anastasia Vasilyeva this morning confirmed that he had been put into an ‘artificial’ coma in a bid to stop his ‘very deep convulsions.

She believes a ‘poison or some toxic agent’ must have caused Navalny’s extreme condition and said a ‘metabolic changes’ – the cause cited by Russian doctors – could not have lead to his brain damage. 

A video at the hospital in Omsk showed an ambulance with its rear doors opened as the unconscious Navalny was loaded in by medics wearing masks.

More footage showed the ambulance entering Omsk airport ahead of a five and half hour flight to Berlin.

The private air ambulance was chartered by German NGO Cinema for Peace.

Navalny, a 44-year-old politician and corruption investigator who is one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s fiercest critics, was admitted to an intensive care unit in Omsk on Thursday. 

His supporters believe that tea he drank was laced with poison – and that the Kremlin is behind both his illness and the delay in transferring him to a top German hospital.

Dr Vasilyeva said she went to the hospital in Siberia but was barred from visiting him.

She told Radio 4’s Today Programme: ‘They didn’t allow nobody except Yulia, his wife, and his brother to come to him and visit him. So that’s why I didn’t see him but I spoke to his doctors and at least they described the whole clinical picture and I understood all about his health, about his condition now and it’s not very good news.

She added: ‘So he’s in a coma. He’s in coma number two and some toxic agent, some toxic substance, that I think […] only some poison or some toxic agent can influence in such a way that it damages the brain.’

She said he suffers from a ‘convulsive syndrome’ and his coma is ‘artificial’ to prevent ‘very deep convulsions’.

She went on: ‘What can lead to this condition? Only some toxic substance. Russian doctors didn’t say anything about it. They said it is only metabolic changes and carbohydrate changes. But all doctors can understand that no damage and changes of the metabolic system can lead to damage of the brain.’

She hopes that German doctors will be able to help Navalny. She said: ‘If he was in Germany at the moment of his case, maybe they could have understood quickly what the substance is. But now they can treat him based on his symptoms and his disease.’

When German specialists first arrived on a plane equipped with advanced medical equipment Friday morning at his family’s behest, Navalny’s physicians in Omsk said he was too unstable to move.

Navalny’s supporters denounced that as a ploy by authorities to stall until any poison in his system would no longer be traceable. 

Medical specialists carry Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on a stretcher into an ambulance on their way to an airport before his medical evacuation to Germany in Omsk, Russia

Members of staff handle an isolation capsule outside the emergency department of the Charite hospital where Navalny has been transferred

Members of staff handle an isolation capsule outside the emergency department of the Charite hospital where Navalny has been transferred

The ambulance that was carrying Navalny leaves the Berlin Charite Hospital after dropping off Navalny on Saturday

The ambulance that was carrying Navalny leaves the Berlin Charite Hospital after dropping off Navalny on Saturday

Jaka Bizilj, founder of Cinema For Peace, speaks to the media outside the Charite Hospital where Russian politician Alexei Navalny is being treated. The private air ambulance that took Navalny to Germany was chartered by Cinema for Peace

Jaka Bizilj, founder of Cinema For Peace, speaks to the media outside the Charite Hospital where Russian politician Alexei Navalny is being treated. The private air ambulance that took Navalny to Germany was chartered by Cinema for Peace

An ambulance which is believed to be carrying Navalny arrives at the Charite hospital in Berlin where he will receive further treatment

An ambulance which is believed to be carrying Navalny arrives at the Charite hospital in Berlin where he will receive further treatment

Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of the Russian opposition figure, arrived at the hospital today. He husband will receive further treatment there

Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of the Russian opposition figure, arrived at the hospital today. He husband will receive further treatment there

A plane carrying Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny (pictured being lifted onto the plane) who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning left for a German hospital on Saturday

A plane carrying Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny (pictured being lifted onto the plane) who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning left for a German hospital on Saturday 

The plane could be seen taking off from an airport in the Siberian city of Omsk (pictured) just after 8am local time

The plane could be seen taking off from an airport in the Siberian city of Omsk (pictured) just after 8am local time

Navalny's spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, confirmed the departure on Twitter. The flight to Berlin (pictured) was expected to take about five hours

Navalny’s spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, confirmed the departure on Twitter. The flight to Berlin (pictured) was expected to take about five hours

Navalny was loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher before being driven to the airport. His supporters believe that tea he drank was laced with poison

Navalny was loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher before being driven to the airport. His supporters believe that tea he drank was laced with poison

Alexei Navalny remain in a coma in a Russian hospital after allies say he was poisoned with a 'deadly' substance that was slipped into his cup of tea (pictured drinking it)

Alexei Navalny remain in a coma in a Russian hospital after allies say he was poisoned with a ‘deadly’ substance that was slipped into his cup of tea (pictured drinking it) 

Navalny's personal doctor Anastasia Vasilyeva (pictured) this morning confirmed that he has been put into an 'artificial' coma in a bid to stop his 'very deep convulsions

Navalny’s personal doctor Anastasia Vasilyeva (pictured) this morning confirmed that he has been put into an ‘artificial’ coma in a bid to stop his ‘very deep convulsions 

German police officers stand in front of the emergency entrance of the Charite hospital where Alexei Navalny is expected to arrive in Berlin, Germany

German police officers stand in front of the emergency entrance of the Charite hospital where Alexei Navalny is expected to arrive in Berlin, Germany

Dr Vasilyeva hopes that German doctors will be able to help Navalny. She said: 'If he was in Germany at the moment of his case, maybe they could have understood quickly what the substance is. But now they can treat him based on his symptoms and his disease.' Pictured: Police outside the hospital where Navalny will arrive

Dr Vasilyeva hopes that German doctors will be able to help Navalny. She said: ‘If he was in Germany at the moment of his case, maybe they could have understood quickly what the substance is. But now they can treat him based on his symptoms and his disease.’ Pictured: Police outside the hospital where Navalny will arrive

The Omsk medical team relented only after a charity that had organized the medevac plane revealed that the German doctors examined the politician and said he was fit to be transported. 

After their ruling, the German medics were marched into a nearby car and kicked out of the hospital. 

Navalny’s family were told they must take responsibility for any consequences of moving the gravely-ill anti-corruption campaigner to Germany. 

Earlier today his wife begged President Vladimir Putin to release her comatose husband amid claims of a cover-up by Russian doctors who said he has a heart disease. 

Navalny’s wife Yulia, begged arch-rival Vladimir Putin to allow him to leave the country for treatment after he fell into a coma. 

Yulia, who has been barred from seeing her husband since he fell unconscious on a flight from Siberia to Moscow yesterday, said it is vital he is taken to Germany for specialist treatment. 

Alexander Murakhovsky, the hospital’s head doctor, has flatly denied claims that Navalny was poisoned – saying he is suffering from a heart condition caused by low blood sugar.

He also said that ‘industrial chemicals’ were found on his hands and clothes, but did not say what they were.

Medics at the hospital insist they are more than capable of treating the condition, even as pictures laid bare the grim interior of the Soviet-era building. 

An ambulance carrying Alexei Navalny enters Omsk airport in Russia in the early hours of Saturday after he was suspected to have been poisoned

An ambulance carrying Alexei Navalny enters Omsk airport in Russia in the early hours of Saturday after he was suspected to have been poisoned

Yulia Navalny, wife of Russian opposition leader Alexei, has begged arch-rival Vladimir Putin to allow her husband to be taken out of the country for treatment after he fell into a coma amid suspicion he was poisoned with toxins mixed into his tea

Yulia Navalny, wife of Russian opposition leader Alexei, has begged arch-rival Vladimir Putin to allow her husband to be taken out of the country for treatment after he fell into a coma amid suspicion he was poisoned with toxins mixed into his tea

Doctors at the hospital where Putin critic Alexei Navalny is being treated say that no trace of poison has been found in his body - though a chemical was found on his clothes and hands

Doctors at the hospital where Putin critic Alexei Navalny is being treated say that no trace of poison has been found in his body – though a chemical was found on his clothes and hands

Ormsk hospital

Ormsk hospital

Yulia, in a letter to Putin, said it is vital her husband is flown out of the country to be treated by specialists – as pictures revealed the filthy interior of the hospital where he is being treated

Navalny was taken to Ormsk hospital, in Siberia, yesterday after he fell unconscious on a flight. Since then the hospital has been flooded by security guards and Russian police (pictured)

Navalny was taken to Ormsk hospital, in Siberia, yesterday after he fell unconscious on a flight. Since then the hospital has been flooded by security guards and Russian police (pictured)

Ormsk hospital

Ormsk hospital

Medics at the hospital, who insist Navalny was not poisoned and is suffering a metabolic condition caused by low blood sugar, insist they are more than capable of treating his condition – even as pictures revealed the grim conditions (left and right)

Images showed paint peeling from the walls, signs of water damage, rusted sinks and doors, an unclean toilet and parts of the building covered in plywood.

Another image showed two Russian security personnel in suits marching down a dimly-lit corridor towards a masked doctor coming in the opposite direction.  

Yulia, Navalny’s wife, accused the Kremlin of forcing doctors to delay the evacuation until all traces of poison have disappeared from her husband’s body, making it impossible to prove that he was attacked. 

The Kremlin has denied involvement, insisting that the decision to keep Navalny in Russia was a ‘purely a medical decision’. 

Kira Yarmysh, his press secretary, said doctors and the Kremlin had both agreed to the move but at 9.45am – 15 minutes before the evacuation plane arrived – medics suddenly changed their minds.

‘Until now, doctors have said that they are ready to authorize transportation,’ she tweeted early Friday. ‘That is why we organized it in the shortest possible time.  

An air ambulance was chartered from Germany to Ormsk on Friday to take Navalny to Berlin for treatment, but doctors denied permission for him to travel at the last moment

An air ambulance was chartered from Germany to Ormsk on Friday to take Navalny to Berlin for treatment, but doctors denied permission for him to travel at the last moment

Ivan Zhadnov, director of Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation, said anyone coming into contact with him is being told to wear a hazmat suit due to 'deadly dangerous' substance

Ivan Zhadnov, director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, said anyone coming into contact with him is being told to wear a hazmat suit due to ‘deadly dangerous’ substance  

Kira Yarmysh, Navalny's spokeswoman, (pictured outside hospital today) accused the Kremlin of making a second attempt on his life after refusing to let him leave the country

Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s spokeswoman, (pictured outside hospital today) accused the Kremlin of making a second attempt on his life after refusing to let him leave the country

How Alexei Navalny has been punished for defying Putin

2011: Navalny is arrested and jailed for 15 days for ‘defying an official’ after leading protests in Moscow

2012: Jailed for 15 days after leading an anti-Putin protest in the wake of presidential elections. His apartment is subsequently raided, and some of his private emails posted online

2013: Put on trial for embezzlement, amid claims he tried to steal wood from a state-owned company. He is convicted and sentenced to five years, but allowed out on bail. The conviction is subsequently overturned 

2014: Placed under house arrest, again charged with embezzlement alongside brother Oleg. Again, the conviction is overturned

2017: He is re-convicted in the first corruption case, and ordered to repay millions of rubles of compensation in the second

While leaving his office, a pro-Kremlin activist throws green disinfectant dye in his face, partially blinding him

2018: Arrested twice for leading protests against presidential elections he was barred from running in. Jailed for a total of 50 days in jail

2019: Arrested and jailed for a total of 40 days for leading protests during Moscow Duma elections. While in jail he was rushed to hospital, suffering from what medics called an allergic reaction. Others believe he was poisoned 

2020: Navalny is rushed unconscious to hospital and placed on a ventilator after falling ill on a flight. His allies say he was poisoned 

‘Now, at the last moment, doctors are not giving permission. This decision, of course, was not made by them, but by the Kremlin.’ 

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said German doctors who arrived on Friday had been invited to join Russian doctors treating Navalny. 

Speaking on a conference call, Peskov said it was still unclear what caused Navalny to fall ill while flying back to Moscow from Siberia on Thursday morning.

Medics later suggested that Navalny’s blood pressure was low, and that traces of chemicals had been found on his fingers and clothes – without saying what chemicals they were. 

Navalny, an anti-corruption campaigner and Putin’s most threatening political rival, became gravely ill after falling suddenly sick on a plane from Tomsk to Moscow. 

His aides and family believe his tea was spiked with an unidentified ‘toxic poison’ at Tomsk airport before his flight.

The aircraft made an emergency landing in Omsk and he was rushed to hospital.

Hospital chiefs today indicated his condition was too grave to be moved either to another Russian hospital or – as his family and aides wish – onto an air ambulance due to arrive from Germany.

His press secretary Kira Yarmysh said: ‘The ban on transporting Alexei means a direct threat to his life.

‘It is deadly to remain in the Omsk hospital without equipment and without a diagnosis in the current situation.’

She said Putin’s deputy chief of staff and spokesman Dmitry Peskov had promised to allow Navalny to be moved if needed.

‘Yesterday Peskov promised to provide help in treating Navalny and in transporting him to a different clinic.

‘Today doctors are refusing to give permission for his transportation.’

She warned: ‘Navalny’s life now depends on the fact that the chief physician of the intensive care unit has refused to ‘bear responsibility’ – by allowing him to be moved, ideally abroad, in a well equipped flying intensive care unit.’ 

Navalny fell sick on a plane which was forced to make an emergency landing as fellow passengers heard him screaming in pain, before he was taken unconscious into an ambulance

Navalny fell sick on a plane which was forced to make an emergency landing as fellow passengers heard him screaming in pain, before he was taken unconscious into an ambulance

Police officers detain a protester as he comes to support Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in front of the building of the Federal Security Service in Moscow

Police officers detain a protester as he comes to support Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in front of the building of the Federal Security Service in Moscow

A protester stands in front of a police officer holding a poster reading "Putin stop poisoning people!" during a picket in support of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

A protester stands in front of a police officer holding a poster reading ‘Putin stop poisoning people!’ during a picket in support of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Anatoly Kalinichenko, deputy chief doctor of the hospital, speaks to members of the media who have been camped out there for two days awaiting news of Putin's rival

Anatoly Kalinichenko, deputy chief doctor of the hospital, speaks to members of the media who have been camped out there for two days awaiting news of Putin’s rival

Yulia Navalny, the campaigner’s wife and mother of his two children, added that she believes the delay in transport is to allow the toxin to reduce to levels that would be undetectable after he is moved.

That means his supporters will never be able to confirm that he was poisoned, or what he was poisoned with. 

Zhdanov added: ‘All relevant documents have been submitted.

‘There was an application from a family member, consent from a clinic in Germany and documents for transportation (by air ambulance).

‘The clinic’s decision is inexplicable and monstrous.’

He said: ‘The doctors have now locked themselves up in the chief doctor’s office.

‘No-one is allowed to see them.’ 

Navalny’s camp say they are not being given proper details of his condition and have demanded he is allowed onto the air ambulance and flown to Berlin. 

The chief doctor in Omsk, Alexander Murakovsky, denied any knowledge of a poison in Navalny’s body, saying tests are underway and will take two more days. 

‘We cannot allow for the patient to be transported even under the responsibility of relatives unless the patient’s clinical condition is stable,’ he said.

‘His current state causes our concern in relation to transportation.’

If he was moved ‘anything can happen including the saddest thing possible’.

Navalny has been campaigning against corruption at Russian state-owned companies since 2008, and vowed to oppose Putin at the 2018 election but was banned from running

Navalny has been campaigning against corruption at Russian state-owned companies since 2008, and vowed to oppose Putin at the 2018 election but was banned from running 

Omsk transport police spokeswoman Yulia Shwartz refused to confirm a deadly substance had been found.

‘The analysis is still ongoing and so far we do not have any results.’

Russia has dispatched intensive care specialists, neurophysiologists and anaesthetists were sent to Omsk from two top Moscow clinics, the Pirogov Medical and Surgical Centre and the Burdenko Centre of Neurosurgery.

Navalny’s wife Yulia flew yesterday to be at his hospital amid claims that relatives were not being given the full facts of his condition.

German chancellor Angela Merkel offered treatment in Germany for the Putin foe.

‘I hope that he can recover and… he can receive from us all the help and medical support needed,’ she said.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov wished Navalny a ‘speedy recovery’ and said the Kremlin. Would help secure him treatment abroad if needed.

He claimed the poisoning allegations were ‘only assumptions’ until tests proved otherwise.

Political analyst Tatiana Stanovaya said Navalny had ‘hundreds of enemies including some hardened individuals’, pointing to his anti-corruption investigations that attract millions of views online.


Born in 1976 to mother and father who owned a basket-weaving factory south of Moscow, Alexei Navalny spent his childhood between Russia and Ukraine, where his father’s family live.

He graduated with a law degree from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in 1998, and then went on to study finance.

While politically active in opposition circles from 2000, Navalny first first rose to prominence in 2008 when he purchased stocks in major state-owned Russian companies, and began asking awkward questions at board meetings about their finances.

He also began blogging about alleged corruption within the firms, and linking it back to officials in Vladimir Putin’s government.

In 2010 he was awarded a scholarship to the World Fellows Program at Yale University, and spent a semester in the US.

Returning to Russia in 2011, he urged followers of his blog and social media to vote against Putin’s United Russia party in parliamentary elections.

The party won, but with a much-reduced majority and the victory was tarnished by allegations of vote-rigging and anti-corruption protests.

Navalny went on to lead mass demonstrations against Putin in the lead-up to the 2012 presidential elections, and was jailed several times in the process.

Putin easily won the election, and shortly afterwards Russia’s Investigative Committee launched a probe into Navalny.

In 2013 he was charged with embezzlement, convicted, and sentenced to five years in jail – a punishment he condemned as political. 

To the surprise of many, he was released on bail so that he could run in the Moscow mayoral elections against Putin ally Sergey Sobyanin as head of the newly-formed Progress Party.

Navalny is pictured in Tomsk with his supporters, shortly before he fell ill

Navalny is pictured in Tomsk with his supporters, shortly before he fell ill

Navalny lost the vote, garnering 27 per cent of ballots, but this was seen as an unexpected success since he was effectively banned from appearing on TV. 

The following year Navalny was placed under house arrest, before his embezzlement convictions were overturned by Russia’s Supreme Court following a similar ruling by the EU.

In 2016, he announced his intention to run against Putin in the 2018 election, prompting Russia’s state prosecutors to re-try him on the corruption charges.

He was subsequently convicted, meaning he was automatically barred from running in the election. 

In 2017 he was left partially blind in one eye after attackers threw green dye used as a disinfectant at his face outside his office.

In August last year he suffered rashes and his face became swollen while he was in a police detention centre serving a short term for calling for illegal protests. 

He was taken to hospital where doctors said he had suffered an allergic reaction but Navalny asked for an investigation into poisoning.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk