Poisoner puts cleaning product in milk at Suffolk school

  • The bottles were tampered with at Lakenheath Community Primary School
  • The milk had been left in two fridges in separate rooms over the weekend
  • The 280-pupil school has now tightened its security following the incident 

Children at a village primary school were nearly poisoned after cleaning fluid was put into their milk. 

The bottles were tampered with after being left over a weekend in separate fridges in the staff room and hall at Lakenheath Community Primary School, Suffolk.

Teachers discovered the sabotage before any of the staff or pupils drank the milk.

The 280-pupil school has now tightened its procedures by adding locks to all its fridges and disposing of unused non-sealed produce daily.

The bottles were tampered with after being left over a weekend in separate fridges in the staff room and hall at Lakenheath Community Primary School (pictured)

The school also has several American students from the nearby USAF airbase. 

A spokesman for Suffolk Police confirmed that no threats had been made and it was being treated as an isolated incident.

Suffolk Constabulary said: ‘It was discovered by staff on the Monday that two half-empty bottles of milk left in fridges had been tampered with.

‘The tampering was quickly identified and analysis of the bottles has established they were filled on the school premises with a cleaning product.

‘The school has swiftly introduced additional security measures including adding locks to classroom fridges, and disposing of all unused and non-sealed produce daily.

‘No milk was given to any staff or pupils and no threats have been made.’

The fridges were targeted between Friday October 6 and Monday October 9 when the tampering was discovered.

Anyone who has any knowledge of the incident or witnessed any suspicious activity should contact Suffolk police.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk