Pole-dancing robots appear in Las Vegas to spice up CES

Robots created from scrap may not seem like they would make for the sexiest strippers, but one visionary sculptor has made it his mission to create alluring pole-dancers from rubbish.

The android adult entertainers are the creation of a British artist who says they are a comment on the nature of surveillance, power and voyeurism. 

With a head formed from a jettisoned surveillance camera and bodies built using mannequins and car parts, there is little risk of anyone confusing these bots with the genuine article, however.

They were brought in to entertain the crowds descending on Las Vegas this week for the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show.


They may grind and gyrate around a pole with moves like a real stripper, but these robotic dancers are unlikely to replace human performers anytime soon. They were brought in to entertain the crowds descending on Las Vegas for the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show


The robots were originally created in 2012 by Mr Walker for a show called ‘Peepshow’.  

Mr Walker has previously hired out the robots for £2,500 ($3,100) at another technology industry event.

They also performed at the Sexpo trade event in Melbourne in November 2016.

‘By placing the CCTV on the body of a pole dancer I am looking at the relationship of voyeurism and power,’ Mr Walker told AAP at the time.

‘Is she (the stripper) the one with the power, or is it the people watching her?’.

The robo-strippers were built by Giles Walker, who specialises in constructing machines with the aim of addressing social issues.  

While they may grind and gyrate around a pole with moves like a real stripper, these robotic dancers are unlikely to replace human performers anytime soon.

Artificial intelligence? Don’t even think about it. 

These strippers are powered with recovered windshield wiper motors and are programmed to move with the artist’s sense of feminine style.

They are currently on display at the Sapphire Gentleman’s Club a few blocks off the Vegas Strip, which will host the robotic exotic dancers from January 9 to 13

Speaking at a media event Monday night, which was not part of the official CES program, Mr Walker said: ‘I wanted to do something sexy with rubbish.’

Peter Feinstein, the club’s managing director, said he invited Walker and his robots to add variety at a venue which has long hosted attendees to one of the world’s largest tech shows.

‘This is our 18th year for the club, and we felt we needed to come up with something new and unique,’ Mr Feinstein said.

The android adult entertainers are the creation of a British artist who says they are a comment on surveillance, power and voyeurism. A human dancer performs next to a stripper robot

The android adult entertainers are the creation of a British artist who says they are a comment on surveillance, power and voyeurism. A human dancer performs next to a stripper robot

The robo-strippers were built by Giles Walker, who specialises in constructing machines with the aim of addressing social issues. A stripper robot wears a garter while performing

The robo-strippers were built by Giles Walker, who specialises in constructing machines with the aim of addressing social issues. A stripper robot wears a garter while performing

The bots are currently on display at the Sapphire Gentleman's Club a few blocks off the Vegas Strip. Two robots perform during their on-stage debut

The bots are currently on display at the Sapphire Gentleman’s Club a few blocks off the Vegas Strip. Two robots perform during their on-stage debut

‘It used to be just nerds. But we wanted something more creative that would appeal to both men and women.’

At the club, where human dancers were also performing, the robots got mixed reviews.

‘I think it’s a good idea,’ said one male customer who asked not to be identified, but added that he preferred the real thing.

With a head made from a jettisoned surveillance camera and the rest from bits of scrap material from mannequins and car parts, there is little risk of anyone confusing the bots with real strippers, however

With a head made from a jettisoned surveillance camera and the rest from bits of scrap material from mannequins and car parts, there is little risk of anyone confusing the bots with real strippers, however

At the club, where human dancers were also performing, the robots got mixed reviews. 'I think it's a good idea,' said one male customer who asked not to be identified, but added that he preferred the real thing

At the club, where human dancers were also performing, the robots got mixed reviews. ‘I think it’s a good idea,’ said one male customer who asked not to be identified, but added that he preferred the real thing

One of the club's dancer's who gave her name only as Rouge said she was not worried about the competition. The Sapphire will host the robotic dancers from January 9 to 13

One of the club’s dancer’s who gave her name only as Rouge said she was not worried about the competition. The Sapphire will host the robotic dancers from January 9 to 13

The robots were originally created in 2012 by Mr Walker for a show called 'Peepshow'. Dollar bills are seen in a tip bucket as a 'stripper robot' performs during their debut

The robots were originally created in 2012 by Mr Walker for a show called ‘Peepshow’. Dollar bills are seen in a tip bucket as a ‘stripper robot’ performs during their debut

‘This is just the first step. They’re not there yet.’

One of the club’s dancer’s who gave her name only as Rouge said she was not worried about the competition.

‘I think there are a lot of people with weird fetishes so I am sure somebody will get turned on by that. But nobody can beat the beauty of someone, and our talent with our brains, the way we talk, the way we use our bodies,’ she said.

‘We can make people feel better than them.’

The robots were originally created in 2012 by Mr Walker for a show called ‘Peepshow’.  

Mr Walker previously hired out the robots for £2,500 ($3,100) at another technology industry event.

They also performed at the Sexpo trade event in Melbourne in November 2016.

‘By placing the CCTV on the body of a pole dancer I am looking at the relationship of voyeurism and power,’ Mr Walker told AAP at the time.

‘Is she (the stripper) the one with the power, or is it the people watching her?’.

Mr Walker previously hired out the robots for £2,500 ($3,100) at another technology industry event

Mr Walker previously hired out the robots for £2,500 ($3,100) at another technology industry event

They also performed at the Sexpo trade event in Melbourne in November 2016. This image shows two of the robots gyrating on stage

They also performed at the Sexpo trade event in Melbourne in November 2016. This image shows two of the robots gyrating on stage

'By placing the CCTV on the body of a pole dancer I am looking at the relationship of voyeurism and power,' Mr Walker told AAP at the time

‘By placing the CCTV on the body of a pole dancer I am looking at the relationship of voyeurism and power,’ Mr Walker told AAP at the time

'Is she (the stripper) the one with the power, or is it the people watching her?' Mr Walker added. Fake bank notes are strapped on a 'stripper robot' as it performs

‘Is she (the stripper) the one with the power, or is it the people watching her?’ Mr Walker added. Fake bank notes are strapped on a ‘stripper robot’ as it performs

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk