Police arrest three teenagers over murder of 15-year-old schoolboy who was stabbed to death

 Keelan Wilson was attacked as he and a friend tinkered with a broken down car in Wolverhampton on May 29

Three teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 15-year-old boy was stabbed to death just yards from his home during half term.

Keelan Wilson was attacked as he and a friend tinkered with a broken down car in Wolverhampton on May 29.

Emergency services were called to Langley Road, in the Merry Hill area of the city, at around 11pm following reports of a violent disorder between a group of youths.

The teenager, who was due to start a college course in September, was rushed to hospital with serious injuries but died a short time later.

West Midlands Police said three lads, aged 14, 16 and 17, had been arrested this morning on suspicion of murder.

Detective Inspector Warren Hines, from the force’s homicide unit, said: ‘This is a further significant development in our investigation.

‘We continue to work on a number of leads and I am extremely grateful to everyone who has provided us with information.

‘The tragic death of Keelan was unnecessary and tragic and we are working round the clock to understand what happened and get answers for Keelan’s family who are being kept updated with the latest developments.’

His mother Kelly Ellitts, 40, who is pregnant, has since spoken of her heartache and said the grief had made her ‘want to go with him.’

She said: ‘I feel like he needs me – he’s still a baby.

Forensics teams at the site in Wolverhampton where the 15-year-old schoolboy was stabbed to death as he tinkered with a car 

Forensics teams at the site in Wolverhampton where the 15-year-old schoolboy was stabbed to death as he tinkered with a car 

A forensics officer examines the scene of the youngster’s death (left). Chief Superintendent Jayne Meir giving statement to the media at Strathfield Walk, Wolverhampton (right)

‘He was my world. We did everything together, we went everywhere together.

‘Nobody deserves anything like this to happen to them. I did not think this would happen to my son.

‘He was an extremely loving person. He would leave me notes around the house and send me messages throughout the day asking if I was ok. We were very close.

‘He did everything he could for me to make things special – we had a very close relationship.’

Detective Inspector Warren Hines, from the force's homicide unit, said: 'This is a further significant development in our investigation.

Detective Inspector Warren Hines, from the force’s homicide unit, said: ‘This is a further significant development in our investigation.

West Midlands Police said three lads, aged 14, 16 and 17, had been arrested this morning on suspicion of murder

West Midlands Police said three lads, aged 14, 16 and 17, had been arrested this morning on suspicion of murder

His dad, Gary Wilson, 47, said: ‘Some boys when they are young you can tell them you love them and we were always like that.

‘On Sunday I asked him if he loved me and he said ‘yes’.

‘Everyone recognised what a nice person he was. For him to be gone just like that, it’s not right.’

Keelan, who would have turned 16 on July 1, had just enrolled at a college in Birmingham.

Last week, his grandfather George Ellitts, 74, said Keelan once raised hundreds of pounds for Great Ormond Street Hospital after being sponsored to shave his hair off.

He added: ‘To me, he was an angel.’

Anyone with further information can contact police on 101 or information can be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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