Police evacuate entire street in Oxford

  • Thames Valley Police evacuated an entire street amid concerns of chemical leak
  • Nursery closed, warning 90 parents to keep their children away from the area
  • Police were making an arrest and several officers have been taken to hospital

Police have evacuated an entire residential street and several officers have reportedly been taken to hospital after a suspected ‘chemical leak’.

Officers were carrying out an arrest at 5.16am in Elizabeth Jennings Way, Oxford when they became aware of a potential chemical hazard.

Dozens of residents in the area have been evacuated and the local nursery has closed, warning some 90 parents have been told to keep their children away.

The area remains cordoned off and a number of police officers have reportedly been taken to hospital. 

Liberal Democrat councillor for the area John Howson was called to the scene to help residents at 8am.

He said: ‘All three of the emergency services have acted extremely professionally and quickly. 

‘As it was a police operation in the first place officers were able to immediately call the hazardous chemicals team when they spotted the danger.’

A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: ‘Officers were conducting a routine arrest at a property in Elizabeth Jennings Way, Oxford, this morning at 5.16am.

‘We were made aware by the occupants of a potential chemical hazard and precautions were taken as a result.

‘The property was evacuated but at this time we have no reports of any members of the public being injured.

‘Fire and ambulance services are also in attendance.’

They have cordoned off the area as a precaution.

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