Three possible victims of modern day slavery were uncovered when police from Hertfordshire and London stopped more than 80 cars, vans and lorries on the M1.
The operation against human trafficking targeted drivers travelling across the border between the two areas on Saturday.
Over a 6-hour period, checks were carried out for involvement in trafficking, slavery and County Lines drug dealing – where drug gangs move part of their operation to rural areas and small towns.
More than 100 police and other law enforcement officers were involved in the operation which saw drivers stopped

Eighty-three vehicles were stopped by Hertfordshire and London police officers on Saturday

Three possible victims of modern day slavery were uncovered by the police
Immigration and vehicle safety checks were also performed at London Gateway Services on the motorway.
More than 100 police and other law enforcement officers were involved and 83 vehicles were stopped by police.
From this, three potential victims of modern slavery or trafficking were identified by police and supported by the Red Cross.
The operation also led to four people being arrested on suspicion of a range of offences including theft, theft of a motor vehicle, drug possession and driving while disqualified, possession of a knife and drug driving.

Over a 6-hour period, checks were carried out for involvement in trafficking, slavery and County Lines drug dealing – where drug gangs move part of their operation to rural areas and small towns

Immigration and vehicle safety checks were also performed at London Gateway Services on the motorway
Special Chief Inspector Andrew Lobel said: ‘Trafficked people or other victims of exploitation are often moved around by road.
‘The aim of the operation is to disrupt that activity, making the Hertfordshire/London border a hostile area for the criminals or gangs that choose to exploit people.
‘Members of the public using the services were also engaged on the subject trafficking and modern slavery.
‘It is vital that the public are aware of how to spot the signs that someone might be being exploited or controlled by others for commercial gain.’
Liam Vernon from the NCA’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Unit said: ‘Modern slavery is a high priority for UK law enforcement, and operations like this contribute greatly to our improving knowledge and intelligence picture.

The operation also led to four people being arrested on suspicion of a range of offences including theft, theft of a motor vehicle, drug possession and driving while disqualified, possession of a knife and drug driving

David Lloyd, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire, said: ‘Tackling modern slavery requires a co-ordinated and united approach and this operation shows how seriously this crime is being taken in Hertfordshire’
‘This is a crime which seeks out the most vulnerable men, women and children and abuses them for criminal profit. It affects every community across the UK.
‘Anyone with suspicions about modern slavery can call the police on 101 or the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700.’
David Lloyd, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire, said: ‘Tackling modern slavery requires a co-ordinated and united approach and this operation shows how seriously this crime is being taken in Hertfordshire.
‘I’m particularly pleased to see our Special Constables playing such an important role in this operation.
‘When the Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership was set up last year (May 2017), the objective was to increase partnership working to set a strategy which had real impact. This is clearly evidence of that.’