Police issue new advice to ‘just drive off’ if you’re in a crash, as carjackings increase 

Rising carjacking attacks have forced police to advise motorists to drive away from a crash scenes to avoid falling victim to vehicle theft.

People involved in a car crash are legally required get out of the car to swap details with those involved.

With increasing numbers of carjackers intentionally smashing into vehicles to lure in their targets, authorities believe it is no longer safe to get out at a crash scene.

Rising carjacking attacks (stock image) have forced police to advise motorists to drive away from a crash scene to avoid falling victim to vehicle theft

With increasing numbers of carjackers (stock image) intentionally smashing into vehicles to lure in their targets, authorities believe it is no longer safe to get out at a crash scene

With increasing numbers of carjackers (stock image) intentionally smashing into vehicles to lure in their targets, authorities believe it is no longer safe to get out at a crash scene

Victoria Detective Acting Sergeant Dean Higgins said drivers should follow their ‘gut feelings’ to determine the safety of the situation, according Fairfax Media. 

‘Have a look first before getting out of the vehicle. And if you don’t believe it is safe, just drive off,’ he said.

Acting Sergeant Higgins advised people to leave a crash site and drive straight to a police station after calling triple zero to report any incident.

The suggestions come after a number of carjackers purposefully caused accidents to then steal a victim’s car.

A 57-year-old Melbourne woman’s car was stolen after a car crash-jacking situation unfolded Friday after 9pm.

Victoria Police said the woman was involved in a rear-end collision and when she got out of her car to check the damage, she was threatened at gun point by two African-looking men.

Victoria Detective Acting Sergeant Dean Higgins said drivers should follow their 'gut feelings' to determine the safety of the situation (carjacking pictured) and 'drive off' if doesn't feel safe

Victoria Detective Acting Sergeant Dean Higgins said drivers should follow their ‘gut feelings’ to determine the safety of the situation (carjacking pictured) and ‘drive off’ if doesn’t feel safe

‘One of the men was armed with a firearm, he threatened the woman and demanded that she hand over her car keys,’ a statement said.

‘The man punched the woman in the face before she handed him her keys.’

The two men then sped off in the white Volkswagon Golf R about 40 kilometres east of the city.

‘I couldn’t sleep last night,’ the victim told the Herald Sun.

‘I think what they did was absolutely heartless.

‘Towards the end I thought I was going to die. I thought they were going to shoot me.’

The incident follows a carjacking attack in Queensland earlier this month where a woman pulled over to donate clothes to charity only for a man to attack her and drive off with her luxury car.

Warnings come after a 57-year-old Melbourne woman's car (pictured) was stolen after a car crash-jacking situation unfolded Friday after 9pm 

Warnings come after a 57-year-old Melbourne woman’s car (pictured) was stolen after a car crash-jacking situation unfolded Friday after 9pm 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk