Max Coopey allegedly assaulted a press photographer as he arrived for the inquests into the deaths of the men he killed,today
An 18-year-old drug-driver who hit and killed two men after smoking cannabis but escaped jail was legally absolved of all responsibility today when a coroner decreed she could not rule the deaths unlawful killing.
Max Coopey, 18, hit and killed Jason Imi, 48, and John Shackley, 61, while driving his parents’ Audi near Ascot last August, after smoking cannabis with friends.
Coopey, who is the son of two police officers, was not prosecuted for causing death by dangerous driving and only received a community service order for the crime of drug driving at his trial in February.
Today in her court in Reading assistant coroner Alison McCormick said the killings of Mr Shackley and Mr Imi were not an appropriate case to provide an unlawful killing verdict because she could not be sure, beyond reasonable doubt, that Mr Coopey was speeding at the time of the collision or that the cannabis he had smoked impaired his ability to drive.
Instead, the coroner provided a verdict of ‘road traffic collision’ in respect of both deaths – and added that she would be sending a report to the Highways Authority to see if future deaths could be prevented on the road.
Today outside the inquest into the men’s deaths Coopey allegedly assaulted a press photographer, swearing and spitting at him before trying to rip the camera from his neck, before going on to tell the court to ‘Google it’ when claiming the cannabis in his bloodstream would not have impaired his driving.

John Shackley, 61, left, and Jason Imi, 4, right, were killed as they walked back from an evening meal with colleagues

Jason Imi with his wife of 18 years, Sarah. She said in court that their future together had been stolen from them

He swore at a press photographer before allegedly grabbing his cameras and spitting at him
Coopey was over the drug-driving limit for cannabis when he hit and killed Jason Imi, 48, and John Shackley, 61, who were away from home on a work golf trip on August 2 last year.
The 18-year-old, who was a juvenile at the time, had only passed his driving test two months before the fatal collision and already had a string of convictions, mainly for drugs.
Adrian White, a police collision investigator, told the inquest his reconstruction of the incident led him to the view that the accident could not be avoided.
He was immediately challenged by lawyers for both victims’ families who told him his science was wrong, to which Mr White countered ‘science isn’t wrong.’
The experienced officer, who was based in Aylesbury, Bucks., told the inquest Max Coopey had been travelling east along the road and Mr Imi and Mr Shackley had crossed the road on his right hand side, crossing the middle line and entering the eastbound carriageway when the collision happened.
In his evidence, teenager Max Coopey had said he had noticed the men while they stood on the pavement on the far side and had seen them begin crossing. He said he had braked for up to three seconds and the pair had seemed to panic and begin walking faster when they saw his black Audi approaching – they had almost made it across the road at the time of impact.
Mr White said: ‘If any ordinary member of the public drove down the road – irrespective of speed – in this vehicle, in the dark and on dipped beam headlights, these pedestrian would not be visible within a range of 10 to 20 metres and at that point only 67 per cent would detect them within the range of 10 to 20 metres.
‘Even if the driver had not used cannabis exceeding the specified limit prior to driving, the collision is still more than likely to have occurred,’ he told the coroner.
‘You can’t get away from the fact that the accident could not have been avoided in the circumstances,’ he maintained.
The inquest heard Mr White’s accident investigation reconstruction report said Mr Shackley would have been walking to the right of Mr Imi and would have been obscured from Mr Coopey’s view at the time of the collision – significant because Mr Shackley was wearing a brightly coloured top and so would have been more visible.
Mr Buckett, representing the Shackley family, said: ‘You make the assumption that Mr Shackley was to the right of Mr Imi at the time. Why did you make that assumption?’
Mr White replied: ‘I have to give the benefit of the doubt to the driver.’
Mr Buckett said: ‘Why is that? You’re looking at this presumably in an impartial manner, not looking to give the driver any special treatment.’
Mr White said he had to consider whether a prosecution would follow his report and for the benefit of a theoretical defence team, he had to consider the worst case scenario and he said his report had been peer reviewed when it was suggested it was misleading.
The lawyer told him his accident reconstruction test had been flawed because it involved one police officer wearing dark clothing standing still at the side of the road – whereas in this case there were two people, moving and one of them had light coloured clothing on.
He added: ‘So, all three variables on the evidence that is now before the coroner, demonstrate that your scientific approach does not fit the facts of this case.’
Mr White conceded that based on the evidence given by Mr Coopey during the inquest, that was correct but he contested that Mr Coopey’s evidence was unlikely to be correct, based on his calculations.
Mr Hinchliffe concluded: ‘Therefore, when we say that the evidence we have heard must be wrong because of your science, turning that on its head, if your science is wrong, the evidence could have been correct?’
In response Mr White said: ‘If the science is wrong… but science isn’t wrong.’

Max Coopey admitted drug-driving but was not prosecuted for careless or dangerous driving
Counsel for teh bereaved families, Mr Hinchliffe, argued the coroner should reach a verdict of unlawful killing because Max Coopey had been driving dangerously while high on cannabis.
But Ms McCormick said she would need to hear submissions from him if she were to consider that.
Mr Hinchliffe said: ‘If there was adequate time, at least two seconds, as has been suggested, then the braking of that car could have been achieved so as to reduce the speed very substantially so as to avoid a fatal collision.’
Earlier the inquest heard that in the collision in August last year the car the two men with such force as they crossed the road that they were thrown over the top of the Audi and died instantly on impact with the ground.
Despite killing both men with his car Coopey, whose parents Russel Coopey and Catherine were both police officers, was only charged with drug-driving after he was arrested at the scene and found to have 3.3 mcg of cannabis in his bloodstream – above the legal limit of 2 mcg.
He told an inquest today: ‘Just because something is in your blood doesn’t mean you’re under the influence of it and it can impair your ability to drive and that is in any research.
‘Google it and you can find it,’ he told the coroner and legal representatives at the hearing.
Mr Coopey had been advised by Alison McCormick, the assistant coroner for Berkshire, that he did not need to provide the answer to a question posed by a lawyer for Mr Imi’s family, Nicholas Hinchliffe QC.
Mr Hinchliffe put to the teenager that he had been found to have cannabis and traces of the sedative drug codeine in his system.
The lawyer had asked: ‘Did you know that opiates were a sedative found in your blood system? Did you know that a combination of cannabis and opiates can impair your ability to drive safely?’
Mr Coopey said: ‘I don’t have to answer that question.’
Mr Hinchliffe agreed and then added Mr Coopey could answer the question if he wanted to, at which point Mr Coopey said: ‘Any drug combination can affect your ability to drive safely, but I wasn’t, in my opinion, under the influence of cannabis.’
He added that he had not taken codeine on the night of the crash and had not smoked any cannabis since 6pm, when he smoked a ‘cannabis vape’ with his friends.
Mr Coopey, who lives at his parents’ £1million home on The Burlings in Ascot, Berks., was giving evidence at the double inquest in Reading.
His father Russel, who is a police sergeant in the Metropolitan Police and who had rushed to the scene on the night of the collision when his son called him and said he had hit people with the car, gave evidence to the inquest in a written statement.
He had allowed his son to borrow his car because his own, a BMW, was in for repairs after being involved in a collision, the coroner heard.
Sgt. Coopey said: ‘We agreed he had to be back by midnight and was to drive carefully. He acknowledged and agreed to this.’
Mr Hinchliffe said to Mr Coopey: ‘You asked to borrow your father’s car. Your father gave you strict instructions as to when you were to return it.’
Mr Coopey replied: ‘Which I don’t normally obey.’
The lawyer told the inquest that Mr Coopey’s father was a serving police officer and got the witness to confirm that his father held the rank of sergeant, which Mr Coopey said was a ‘very low rank’ but maintained it was irrelevant.
Mr Hinchliffe then quizzed Mr Coopey on why he had not slowed down as he approached a dip in the road, a blind spot, and why he did not have his full beam headlights on.
Towards the end of the questioning, Mr Coopey said: ‘I may have slowed down slightly. Even if I didn’t, even if I hadn’t it would have been perfectly fine because that is how they teach you to drive.
‘You don’t slow down for the possibility of someone being on the other side of a blind corner. I don’t expect there to be someone in the road, you drive in the ordinary fashion, as any driver would.
‘If anyone else here was in the same situation, the same thing would have happened. You can keep asking me questions to try to make it look like…’
The coroner interjected to remind Mr Coopey that Mr Hinchliffe was asking questions which he was entitled to ask as part of the inquest, which was trying to determine who the person who died was, when and where they died and how they died.
Sol Russell-Coyle, who was a passenger in the car, said in his evidence to the coroner: ‘I am traumatised. It’s quite hard for an 18-year-old boy to go through this.’
Edwin Buckett, a lawyer representing Mr Shackley’s family, asked Mr Coopey: ‘Have you smoked cannabis before driving on previous occasions?’
Mr Coopey answered: ‘That is completely irrelevant?’
Mr Buckett pressed on: ‘Did you appreciate your ability to drive would be impaired in some way?’
Mr Coopey said he did not want to answer that question if he did not have to and said he could not remember the night very well because it was one year ago.
Jeffrey Wakeling, who was Mr Imi and was Mr Shackley’s manager at Computacentre, told the inquest he and the two men were part of a group of nine men staying at the Royal Berkshire Hotel in Sunningdale, Berks., for an annual work get together.
They had all been eating at a nearby Italian restaurant, Pazzia, on London Road. The men had taken wine with their meal and Mr Wakeling said they had all been in good spirits.
A toxicology report conducted on both of the deceased men showed they had been over the drink-drive limit for alcohol.

Zen Ogilvy, pictured, was in the car when Coopey hit and killed the two men last August
Mr Wakeling said that as he had walked back to the hotel just before midnight, the nine had split into groups, with Mr Imi and Mr Shackley bringing up the rear.
He said they had heard a sound like a car hitting a deer on the 50mph stretch of road behind them, which is completely straight for 800 metres, the inquest heard.
He said that somebody in the group said: ‘Christ, that sounds bad. I hope that wasn’t one of our guys.’
Mr Coopey’s father had told the inquest in his statement that he had rushed to the scene in a taxi after his son had called him, sounding panicky and frightened, and said: ‘Dad, I have had an accident, somebody ran in front of me and I have hit them. I think they may be dead.’
After arriving at the scene, Sgt. Coopey had introduced himself to the other police officers as Max’s father, at which point in the evidence coroner Ms McCormick said she would not read the rest of his statement.
When barrister Mr Hinchliffe had asked Mr Coopey whether his father was a serving police officer, the coroner had said she did not think the question was relevant but Mr Hinchliffe had ignored that objection and asked the question again until Mr Coopey answered it.
Mr Buckett suggested to Mr Coopey that if he had dropped his friend Zen off in Hampton, where he lived, then he would not have arrived home at midnight as his father had asked him to.
The lawyer said: ‘Your dad said that you had to be back by midnight.’
Mr Coopey replied: ‘But, as you can imagine, I wouldn’t always be back at midnight. You’re trying to suggest I was hurrying, but that is completely wrong. That is completely absurd.’
Mr Buckett said: ‘You could not be back in time for midnight but you did not want to be much over midnight.’
The inquest heard that the victims were Mr Shackley, of Deanshanger, Milton Keynes, Bucks., who was a sales manager and Mr Imi, who was a solution specialist, at the same European IT services company, Computacenter.
Mr Shackley’s daughter, Danielle Shackley, aged 31 years and of Milton Keynes, attended the inquest with her partner, Jesse Potton.
Sarah Imi, Mr Imi’s widow, who had been with Jason for almost 22 years, also attended.
They were a couple of weeks away from their 18th wedding anniversary when he died and they had three children.
The hearing continues.
The widows of the two men who died gave written statements to January’s trial.
Sarah Imi was Jason Imi’s partner of almost 22 years and they were days away from their 18th wedding anniversary. The couple had three children together.
Mrs Imi said: ‘We had so many plans for our future together and I feel that has been stolen from us.
‘Why was he driving a car that powerful? It seems like no lessons have been learned.’
Mrs Imi’s lawyer Soyab Patel told MailOnline the Imi family were outraged by the sentence. He added: ‘If you ask any member of the public, ‘a guy is driving down the road, he’s killed two people, and he was over the limit on cannabis, and he got 100 hours of community service’, you just get the answer ‘what? are you kidding me?’.’
In court in January, a statement from Mrs Shackley read: ‘I previously worked in a school setting. I know that some kids need extra discipline.
‘To assist them to choose the right life path is something that parents need to do to get them to avoid getting into dangerous situations.
‘He was able to drive a powerful car and perhaps the family should have been more alert to the warning signs.
‘My husband was killed after a meal out with colleagues. He said he would be back around 11 o’clock.
‘He was killed instantly only 5-10 minutes walk from the restaurant.
‘Our only hope is that they felt no pain or fear – that is our only consolation’.
Sentencing Coopey to community service in February, presiding magistrate Penny Wood she and her colleagues’ ‘initial thinking’ was to jail Coopey, saying: ‘It can’t be right to drive your car and knock down two people, innocent pedestrians and kill them.’
However, she added: ‘There are no charges in relation to the standard of your driving on that day. But we can begin by saying so it can be heard by anyone in the court, that we take this extremely seriously.’
The magistrates put Coopey on a new youth rehabilitation order including supervision for 24 months, a 20-day ‘thinking skills programme’, a safe driving course, 100 hours of unpaid work, and a six month curfew.
The teenager was also disqualified from driving for 24 months and charged £105 in costs, which his parents said they would pay.
The magistrates suggested he could pay them back by doing odd jobs about the house.