Police officers who confronted terrorists nominated for…

Police officers who confronted terrorists during the attacks at Westminster and London Bridge last year have been nominated for bravery awards.

Those put forward for recognition at the annual Police Federation ceremony next month include Pc Keith Palmer, who lost his life during the Westminster Bridge terror attack when he was stabbed while on duty near the Houses of Parliament.

In the atrocity at London Bridge, when three attackers ploughed a van into pedestrians before indiscriminately stabbing people at Borough Market, fellow Metropolitan Police officer Pc Charlie Guenigault entered the fray while walking home.

Bravery awards

He had gone out with friends after his shift, and despite being unarmed and off-duty, he ran towards the terrorists and was stabbed in the head, back and stomach.

A group of officers from City of London Police –  Pcs Mark Murphy, Matthew Kerby, Ryan Tullett, Simon Hill, Sergeant David Prashner and a colleague who cannot be named – are also nominated for giving first aid to victims as the atrocity unfolded.

Chairman of the Police Federation Calum Macleod said: “This year’s awards are especially poignant as we reflect on two of the terrorist attacks which our country has suffered in the past year.

“Hundreds of officers from the Metropolitan and City of London forces ran towards the unknown dangers they presented, several of them are included in our nominees, and Pc Keith Palmer – who is of course also nominated – tragically paid the ultimate price protecting others.”

Officers have been nominated from forces across England and Wales, including several who have confronted suspects armed with swords, axes or guns.

There have also been daring rescues – Wiltshire Inspector Ian Stevenson grabbed a vulnerable woman from the path of a train in a scene described by his colleague as “like something out of a movie”.

Several involved braving icy water. Pcs Andrew Kinsey, Joshua Leach, Neil Clark, Steven McAllister and Wayne Hargreaves helped a suspected car thief climb from the boot of a stolen Audi seconds before it plunged over an underwater ledge and fell 90ft to the bottom of a lake.

The nominees will be invited to an event at Downing Street before the winners are announced at a ceremony in central London on July 12.


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