Police search for uncle of teen arrested over Gaia Pope

Police are searching for the uncle of the teenager originally arrested on suspicion of murder in relation to Gaia Pope’s disappearance, his family said tonight.

Paul Elsey, 49, has not been since Tuesday afternoon shortly before police searched his father’s home and seized his car for forensic examination.

His mother Rosemary Dinch, 71, and her actor grandson Nathan Elsey, 19, were arrested on suspicion of killing Gaia on Monday but were released pending further inquiries 24 hours later.

Yesterday, Mrs Dinch’s ex-husband Greg Elsey, 69, said police had obtained a warrant to search his £460,000 bungalow in Romsey, Hampshire, in the hunt for his son on Tuesday evening.

He revealed officers had also seized Paul’s car for forensic examination but said he had not seen or heard from his son since he left the bungalow with a friend on Tuesday afternoon.

Police believe Gaia (pictured) was wearing the same grey and white woven leggings and white trainers, but was last seen in a red checked shirt with white buttons. When she disappeared she was not wearing the black jacket pictured, which was recovered at an address in Manor Gardens

Dorset Police have released new CCTV of missing 19-year-old Gaia Pope (pictured) before she disappeared in Swanage on November 7. She is seen buying an ice cream at a petrol station in Valley Road between Langton Matravers and Swanage at around 2.55pm

According to Mr Elsey, Paul, who left his mobile phone at his father’s address, claims he was carrying out work on a flat he owns in Weymouth, Dorset, on the day of Gaia’s disappearance last week.

The carpenter shares a first-floor flat with his mother Mrs Dinch in Swanage, where Gaia was last spotted when she visited last week.

Mr Elsey told the Mail: ‘Last week, the police spoke to Paul and asked him where he was when Gaia went missing.

‘He turned around to them and said, “There’s my iPhone, there’s my bank card, I bought some stuff down in Weymouth last Tuesday. You can take it and do you want to check my car?” They didn’t want to.

‘Then suddenly last night, Dorset Police turned up with a search warrant and then took the car away in a covered wagon.’

He added: ’I don’t know where he is, he went off with one of his mates on Tuesday afternoon. He’s got no mobile phone.

‘He left it because he has no charger for it. Would you want to be banged up for 24 hours like Nathan?’

Gaia's mother Natasha is pictured with her daughter in 2013. Today she has taken to social media asking people to check their 'garages and vans' in case the 19-year-old (pictured left) is being held hostage there against her will 

Gaia’s mother Natasha is pictured with her daughter in 2013. Today she has taken to social media asking people to check their ‘garages and vans’ in case the 19-year-old (pictured left) is being held hostage there against her will 

Since their release from custody on Tuesday, Nathan and his grandmother have been staying at Mr Elsey’s home in Romsey.

Mr Elsey married Mrs Dinch in 1966. They had two children, Paul and Debbie, before divorcing.

He said Debbie and her son Nathan had been very close to Gaia and her twin sister Maya when Nathan was growing up.

But the teenagers fell out recently after Nathan broke up with his ex-girlfriend.

Mr Elsey claims his ex-wife received a visit from Gaia out of the blue on Tuesday last week.

He said: ‘Rosemary is on her own at home and Nathan didn’t have college on the Tuesday so he was at home too.

‘At 3pm, Rosemary hears “bang, bang, bang” on the front door. She goes down and sees Gaia crying her eyes out, screaming, talking all sorts of broken biscuits.

‘She says, “Come on up Gaia”, trying to calm her down. She called Rosemary “Nana”, they were ever so close.

‘Rosemary has taken her upstairs and she’s taken her top off and said “I’m red hot”. Rosemary won’t tell anybody what Gaia was saying. She doesn’t think it’s right because the girl was in a neurotic state.

‘She then turned around and said she was going to see a girl she went to school with. Rosemary made her put her top back on but she wouldn’t take a coat with her.’

Criticising the police’s arrest of his ex-wife, who suffers from lung condition emphysema, Mr Elsey added: ‘She’s terminally ill, she’s 71 years old and the police took her away on suspected murder. They’re a load of bumbling p***** like something out of Hot Fuzz.’   

Her mother Natasha, an actress who has starred in The Bill and Inspector Morse, posted on Facebook (pictured) today saying: 'Back of vans, in garages somewhere she could be hidden, against her will. In a house...keep looking, be bold with respect.'

Her mother Natasha, an actress who has starred in The Bill and Inspector Morse, posted on Facebook (pictured) today saying: ‘Back of vans, in garages somewhere she could be hidden, against her will. In a house…keep looking, be bold with respect.’

The Bill and Inspector Morse actress thanked people for their help in trying to find her daughter who has been missing since last week 

The Bill and Inspector Morse actress thanked people for their help in trying to find her daughter who has been missing since last week 

A map shows the timeline of events we know about so far before Gaia Pope disappeared. She was spotted at a petrol station near Swanage at 2.55pm buying an ice cream, having been driven there by a member of her family. She was then seen on CCTV sprinting along Morrison Road in Swanage, last spotted banging on Rosemary Dinch's door in Manor Gardens

A map shows the timeline of events we know about so far before Gaia Pope disappeared. She was spotted at a petrol station near Swanage at 2.55pm buying an ice cream, having been driven there by a member of her family. She was then seen on CCTV sprinting along Morrison Road in Swanage, last spotted banging on Rosemary Dinch’s door in Manor Gardens

Speaking at his home earlier today, 69-year-old Greg Elsey told MailOnline police had contacted his son Paul, a carpenter, last week and he offered to provide officers with his phone and bank card, showing he was away from home working in Weymouth, Dorset, at the time of Gaia’s disappearance.

He said police officers turned up at his home yesterday looking to speak to Paul, who had been staying there, but had left with a friend.

He said: ‘Paul went off with one of his mates. I don’t know where he is. The police asked where Paul was and I said he was not here.

‘They came in and had a look everywhere so they could see Paul was not here.’ 

Mr Elsey lives with his mother in Manor Gardens, but occasionally stays with his father – who is separated from Rosemary Dinch.

Today, forensic investigators have been spotted removing parts of piping and toilet fixtures from Mrs Dinch’s home in Manor Gardens – the last place Gaia was seen before disappearing.

Police teams have also been seen wading through a nearby millpond in Swanage looking for clues that could trace her. 

Dorset Police’s senior investigating officer Neil Devoto said today: ‘We believe Gaia was wearing the same grey and white woven leggings and white trainers, but was last seen in a red checked shirt with white buttons.

Police teams have been spotted today wading through a mill pond in Swanage, Dorset, where Gaia went missing eight days ago

Police teams have been spotted today wading through a mill pond in Swanage, Dorset, where Gaia went missing eight days ago

Detectives have released CCTV images of her at a petrol station, while forensic investigators comb a nearby mill pond and Rosemary Dinch's home in Manor Gardens, off Morrison Road, Swanage 

Detectives have released CCTV images of her at a petrol station, while forensic investigators comb a nearby mill pond and Rosemary Dinch’s home in Manor Gardens, off Morrison Road, Swanage 

Police teams are pictured wading through a nearby millpond in Swanage, where Gaia Pope disappeared eight days ago 

Police teams are pictured wading through a nearby millpond in Swanage, where Gaia Pope disappeared eight days ago 

Forensic investigators are pictured carrying equipment to scour the home of Rosemary Dinch, 71, in Manor Gardens, Swanage

Forensic investigators are pictured carrying equipment to scour the home of Rosemary Dinch, 71, in Manor Gardens, Swanage

Police are seen removing items from Mrs Dinch's home, where her son Paul sometimes stays, in the hunt for Gaia Pope 

Police are seen removing items from Mrs Dinch’s home, where her son Paul sometimes stays, in the hunt for Gaia Pope 

Not giving up: Gaia’s family believe she is still alive  

The cousin of missing teen Gaia Pope has said the family still belive she is still alive. Marienna Pope-Wiedemann said the family are ‘devastated’ by her disappearance but have not given up hope the 19 year old will be found.

The 26 year old said: ‘The whole family has been given no reason to believe anything other than that she is alive.’

Speaking to Meridien TV, Marienna said the CCTV footage of Gaia running from the address where she was last seen alive was ‘frightening’ for the family.

She said: ‘It was just an ordinary day, then she disappeared. It’s frightening looking at the CCTV because we don’t know what the story is. We just know she is alive.’

Marienna said the family were left shocked and confused by the arrest of 19 year old film extra Nathan Elsey as he was considered a friend of the teen.

He was arrested on suspicion of murder with his 71 year old grandmother Rosemary Dinch but later released by police. Nathan and Gaia were friends. They went to school together. I can’t believe he has any reason to hurt her,’ said Marienna.

‘I believe she is out there, she is just waiting for us to find her. Gaia’s mum and dad are devastated. There are no words for what they are going through.

‘The community has been absolutely incredible and we are so profoundly grateful for what everybody is doing and we ask them to keep going.’

In an emotional message to her cousin, Marielenna begged to get in contact. ‘We just want to know you are safe,’ she said. 

‘You are deeply, deeply loved by us. Gaia baby, you are not in any trouble. Nobody is angry with you. We just want to know you are alright. We are not going to stop looking until we find you. We want to bring our girl home.’

Police today released new CCTV footage of Gaia after she stopped to buy an ice cream at the petrol station in Valley Road, Swanage.

The family’s optimism that Gaia will be found alive is in contrast to that of the police who have said they believe she has come to harm.

Police teams scoured the local area, including searching a stream in Swanage, but have been unable to locate the missing girl. 

‘When she disappeared she was not wearing the black jacket pictured, which was recovered at an address in Manor Gardens.

‘Our search efforts are continuing and I would again appeal to the public that if they have any information, however small, that could lead us to finding Gaia, please get in touch.

‘Finally, I would like to offer my thoughts to Gaia’s family and friends in what is an incredibly difficult time for them. It has been over a week since she went missing and we are doing all we can in order to find her.’

An hour after the first message, Gaia’s mother posted: ‘Deepest gratitude and thanks.  Desperation accumulative. 

‘We all need Gaia back so she can follow through on her life plan.

‘Her talents are cross the board. Society stands to gain massively by getting her back.

‘Gaia is dynamic, fun, exceptionally intelligent, compassionate and loving. Gaia is special indeed, so we best crack on discover the truth of things so we may bring her home very soon.’ 

After the elderly grandmother was released by police, her first husband Greg Elsey revealed she is terminally ill and has to carry an oxygen cannister, coming to her defence to say she ‘couldn’t even murder a chicken’. 

Mrs Dinch, 71, (pictured outside her house) was held hours after she was interviewed on local TV where she admitted to being the last person to see Gaia and said they shared a cuddle and she left. The grandmother was bailed yesterday

Mrs Dinch, 71, (pictured outside her house) was held hours after she was interviewed on local TV where she admitted to being the last person to see Gaia and said they shared a cuddle and she left. The grandmother was bailed yesterday

Nathan Elsey (pictured on his personal website) is an aspiring actor who appeared as an extra alongside Harry Styles in Christopher Nolan's epic Dunkirk. He was arrested with his grandmother on Monday but has since been bailed

Nathan Elsey (pictured) is an aspiring actor who appeared as an extra alongside Harry Styles in Christopher Nolan's epic Dunkirk and is a close friend of Gaia

Nathan Elsey (pictured) is an aspiring actor who appeared as an extra alongside Harry Styles in Christopher Nolan’s epic Dunkirk and is a close friend of Gaia. He was arrested with his grandmother on Monday but has since been bailed

The mother of missing teenager Gaia Pope (pictured right), Natasha (left), has launched a Facebook appeal desperately urging people to 'check their garages and vans because she could be held prisoner there'

The mother of missing teenager Gaia Pope (pictured right), Natasha (left), has launched a Facebook appeal desperately urging people to ‘check their garages and vans because she could be held prisoner there’

Today forensic investigators (pictured) have been combing the 71-year-old's home where the teenager was last seen 

Today forensic investigators (pictured) have been combing the 71-year-old’s home where the teenager was last seen 

Forensics are pictured combing the house where Gaia Pope was last seen in Manor Gardens, Swanage in Dorset

Forensics are pictured combing the house where Gaia Pope was last seen in Manor Gardens, Swanage in Dorset

Mr Elsey slammed the police investigation, telling MailOnline they should be ‘ashamed’ of the way they have conducted themselves.

He said: ‘[Rosemary is] terminally ill and she is 71 years old. The police took her away on suspected murder. They’re all bumbling, like something out of Hot Fuzz.’

The 69-year-old added that Nathan is ‘petrified’ at having been arrested and held by police for 24 hours.

He claimed he is ‘very popular at school’ and ‘a lovely lad who wouldn’t hurt a fly’, adding: ‘Nathan is severely dyslexic, but he comes across as articulate. He’s a young lad and he is petrified. He has never been in trouble before.’

Mr Elsey also said he believes Gaia might have been distressed because of the release of someone convicted of assault several years ago.

Gaia Pope, 19, from Dorset, (pictured) has not been seen for almost a week but her family has told MailOnline that they have not given up hope she could be found alive

Gaia Pope, 19, from Dorset, (pictured) has not been seen for almost a week but her family has told MailOnline that they have not given up hope she could be found alive

He said Mrs Dinch phoned her daughter, Debbie, who was able to get in touch with Gaia’s mother, to tell her they were worried.

He added: ‘Rosemary and Nathan gave the police all of the information. This has gone on for nearly a week- it took them a week to arrest them.’

Reporting Mrs Dinch’s account of the incident, ex-husband Greg Elsey said the teenager started taking off her clothes, saying she was ‘too hot’.

He told The Sun: ‘Gaia went in and stripped off the top half of her clothes down to her bra.

‘Rosemary was really concerned and managed to persuade her to put her clothes back on, but she left without her coat.

‘She said she needed to go and find one of her old school friends.’

Neighbours said they heard Mrs Dinch and Gaia having an ‘altercation’ on the day she went missing.  

Mrs Dinch appeared on television on Monday describing how the upset teenager ‘pounded’ on her door, saying ‘help me’.

She told the BBC: ‘There was a sort of, ‘Help me,’ bang, pounding. She didn’t have a (epileptic) seizure, I’m quite sure. I have no idea where she is. She just seems to have disappeared.’ 

Meanwhile Gaia’s cousin Marienna Pope-Weidemann says the community effort to help find the teenager has been ‘completely overwhelming’.

She told the BBC: ‘We want to come together as a family and as a community and get out looking for her,’ she said.

‘Everyone is giving 150 per cent. All I can say is please, please, please don’t stop looking. We know she is out there, we know she’s alive.

‘We’re going to bring our girl home.’

Gaia’s aunt Talia Pope, 59, has told MailOnline there is still ‘no evidence’ to prove she is dead and police have not found a body.

Gaia's cousin Marienna Pope-Weidemann says the community effort to help find the 19-year-old has been 'overwhelming' she is pictured today overlooking Swanage Bay in Dorset 

Gaia’s cousin Marienna Pope-Weidemann says the community effort to help find the 19-year-old has been ‘overwhelming’ she is pictured today overlooking Swanage Bay in Dorset 

She said she is desperate to 'bring our girl home' and begged locals to 'please, please, please, don't stop looking for her'

She said she is desperate to ‘bring our girl home’ and begged locals to ‘please, please, please, don’t stop looking for her’

She said: ‘We are just searching until we find her. The search is continuing for my niece. It’s ongoing at the moment. It’s inconclusive. But we are just searching until we find her. We’ve got a long way to go yet’. 

In an emotional statement released via Dorset Police yesterday afternoon, the Pope family said they missed Gaia ‘beyond words’ and begged anyone with information to come forward. 

They said the search to find her would not be stopped until they found a ‘definite conclusion’.  

Mrs Dinch sobbed as she told how a ‘very upset’ Gaia had ‘pounded’ on her door a week ago but had left again after they shared a hug.

‘I’m pleased because I gave her a cuddle. Of course I want her found. I have no idea where she is. She just seems to have disappeared’, she told BBC South. 

Her grandson Nathan is an aspiring actor and drama student who appeared as an extra alongside Harry Styles in Christopher Nolan’s epic Dunkirk and said on his casting website that the ‘experience gave me more determination than ever to fulfill my dream of becoming an actor’.

Neighbours said they saw police leading the grandmother and her grandson away from the house yesterday evening and allegedly heard ‘shouting and screaming’ from Mrs Dinch’s flat on the day Gaia disappeared.

‘If anyone knows where Gaia is, we beg you to tell us’: The Pope family release emotional statement

This evening, the family of Gaia Pope have released the following statement: ‘We want to express our deepest gratitude to the police, other emergency services and the huge numbers of volunteers and well wishers.

‘The massive effort to find Gaia has been great comfort in what everyone will understand is a deeply worrying and scary experience for all who love Gaia so deeply.

‘We understand that the police continue to investigate all possible scenarios, and we want to emphasise that the search for Gaia continues.

‘We will be releasing information on the Find Gaia Facebook page regarding further volunteer search support.

‘Please understand that we want to keep social media to constructive and positive efforts to find Gaia and not to encourage uninformed speculation which can have a negative impact on the family and be a distraction.

‘Please keep an eye out for requests for further search support.

‘We are aware of the arrests that have taken place but want to emphasise that these must not put a stop to the search until or unless there is a definite conclusion. If anyone knows where Gaia is we beg you to let us know.

‘To Gaia. We all love you forever. We miss you beyond words. We will find you darling girl. The thought of seeing the sunshine of your smile again soon keeps us all going and hoping.’ 

Gaia Pope is pictured with comedian Russell Brand

She is epileptic and was also badly affected by a traumatic incident two years ago, her family has said

Gaia (left with Russell Brand and right on social media) is epileptic and also badly affected by a traumatic incident two years ago, her family has said

Officers are still guarding the property today and a team of forensics experts, including some with sniffer dogs, are inside. One policeman carried out a large brown package hidden in an evidence bag this afternoon. 

Two days before her disappearance Gaia posted a message on Instagram that said she was worried about being ‘shut up and put in a cell’ with the hashtag #sexualassault and one follower urged her to ‘run somewhere safe’, MailOnline can reveal.

Police will be investigating the possibility she is hiding and Dorset Police’s Det Supt Int Paul Kessler said today the force ‘remains hopeful’ she is still alive and ‘somewhere in the Swanage area’ although he also admitted she ‘may have come to harm’.

Dorset Police has refused to confirm the names of those arrested but said the 71-year-old was held overnight and bailed this morning – the 19-year-old is in custody ‘assisting police with enquiries’, a spokesman said.

A neighbour who witnessed the arrests last night said: ‘Mrs Dinch has emphysema and uses a trolley to walk. I saw police officers escort her to the car. She wasn’t in handcuffs.

‘I saw Nathan being led to the car and his hands were behind his back and there were police officers on either side escorting him. We saw them both being taken away.

‘The whole place has been crawling with police all week. We didn’t know at the time but we have been told since that Gaia was living there.’ 

A large team of forensics officers, including some with sniffer dogs, are inside the house in Manor Gardens, Swanage and have sealed off the block of flats where the two suspects lived

A large team of forensics officers, including some with sniffer dogs, are inside the house in Manor Gardens, Swanage and have sealed off the block of flats where the two suspects lived

Two days before her disappearance she posted a desperate message on Instagram suggesting she feared for her safety and used the hashtag #sexualassault

Two days before her disappearance she posted a desperate message on Instagram suggesting she feared for her safety and used the hashtag #sexualassault

Natasha Pope, the mother of missing teenager Gaia Pope, (pictured with Jeremy Corbyn) is  an actress who appeared in ITV's police dramas The Bill and Inspector Morse

Natasha Pope, the mother of missing teenager Gaia Pope, (pictured with Jeremy Corbyn) is an actress who appeared in ITV’s police dramas The Bill and Inspector Morse

Nathan lives in a flat behind his grandmother’s flat with his mother, Debbie.

Neighbour Jack Goode, 25, said there had been reports of ‘shouting and screaming’ from Mrs Dinch’s flat on the day Gaia disappeared.

Mr Goode said: ‘The neighbour who lives below told me they heard shouting and screaming on the day it happened.

Gaia (pictured) is from nearby Langton Matravers but had recently been staying with an aunt in Swanage, a few streets away from the home of Nathan Elsey

Gaia (pictured) is from nearby Langton Matravers but had recently been staying with an aunt in Swanage, a few streets away from the home of Nathan Elsey

‘It would’ve been not long before she went missing. Debbie, Nathan’s mum, went over and apologised to them disturbing them.’

He added that Gaia appeared to be good friends with Elsey.

He said: ‘I saw Gaia, I think she was good friends with Nathan. I probably saw her walking to his flat with him twice a week before she disappeared. They spent a lot of time together.’

Mr Goode’s partner Marta Ren, a 30-year-old health care assistant, saw police taking Nathan Elsey away in handcuffs and said: ‘His uncle was shouting ‘don’t worry everything will be fine’.’

Gaia is from nearby Langton Matravers but had recently been staying with an aunt in Swanage, a few streets away from the home of Nathan Elsey.

Neighbours there said Gaia had visited Nathan’s flat two or three times a week before she disappeared, but weren’t sure if they were a couple or close friends.

A police officer was today stood outside the home of Gaia’s mother, Natasha Pope, in Langton Matravers, a village just outside Swanage, and said the family did not wish to speak.

A female relative of Emilie Brylak, a close friend of Nathan’s said: ‘I have heard about the arrests, I just don’t believe it.

‘He is a very quiet young man. I have known Nathan for quite a while and he is good friends with my granddaughter.

‘They go to the same college. He comes here and I take her to his house.

‘He is a very gentle young man who doesn’t go out. I just don’t believe it.’

Nathan Elsey  who was arrested on Monday has since been released pending investigation. Gaia is thought to have been staying with his family or visiting regularly before she vanished

Hundreds of people from the town also joined the search, with an appeal shared widely on social media in attempts to find Gaia but to no avail

Nathan Elsey  who was arrested on Monday has since been released pending investigation. Gaia is thought to have been staying with his family or visiting regularly before she vanished

This is the last sighting of Gaia Pope shown running up Manor Gardens in Swanage at 4pm on November 7

This is the last sighting of Gaia Pope shown running up Manor Gardens in Swanage at 4pm on November 7

Rosemary Dinch, 71, sobbed yesterday as she told how a 'very upset' Gaia Pope, 19, had 'pounded' on her door (pictured)

Rosemary Dinch, 71, sobbed yesterday as she told how a ‘very upset’ Gaia Pope, 19, had ‘pounded’ on her door (pictured)

Officers are still guarding Mrs Dinch's property today and a teams of forensics experts is inside and sniffer dogs is inside

Police dogs at the scene in Manor Gardens, off Morrison Road in Swanage, Dorset

Police are still guarding Mrs Dinch’s property today and a teams of forensics experts is inside and sniffer dogs were also used by specialist officers

Neighbours said they police took away Mrs Dinch and her grandson Nathan from this Swanage house on Monday evening

Neighbours said they police took away Mrs Dinch and her grandson Nathan from this Swanage house on Monday evening

Det Supt Int Paul Kessler said the force 'remains hopeful' she is still alive and 'somewhere in the Swanage area' and officers were still putting up missing person posters in the area earlier this week 

Det Supt Int Paul Kessler said the force ‘remains hopeful’ she is still alive and ‘somewhere in the Swanage area’ and officers were still putting up missing person posters in the area earlier this week 

Gaia was epileptic and there are fears she may have suffered a seizure – she was also badly affected by a traumatic incident two years ago, her family has said. 

Police, the coastguard and hundreds of members of the public have been searching for Gaia on cliffs, woods, nature reserves and beaches after her disappearance.

Gaia's (pictured) family have been left distraught by her disappearance, especially because of her epilepsy 

Gaia’s (pictured) family have been left distraught by her disappearance, especially because of her epilepsy 

Search warrants have been secured for two addresses in Swanage and forensic officers are carrying out fingertip searches of them for clues.

Senior Investigating Officer Neil Devoto, of Dorset Police’s Major Crime Investigation Team, said: ‘It has been almost a week since Gaia’s last confirmed sighting and she has not been seen or heard from since.

‘We have looked through CCTV that covers the Swanage area, including transport hubs, and there is nothing to suggest she has left the area.

‘Her disappearance is completely out of character and, following our extensive enquiries, we sadly now believe that she may have come to harm.

‘We have not yet found Gaia and our searches will continue. I would appeal to anyone who has information about her disappearance to please contact Dorset Police.

‘Our specially-trained officers have updated Gaia’s family and are supporting them at this very difficult time.’   

Gaia’s family have been left distraught by her disappearance, especially because of her epilepsy.

Speaking about her missing cousin, Marienna Pope-Weidemann, told the Bournemouth Daily Echo: ‘This is a waking nightmare for Gaia’s family, but we are so grateful to our community, the volunteer coastguard and all the people who’ve been out searching for her.

‘There’s a lot of ground to cover, so anyone watching – please help us get the word out.’

She added: ‘Gaia, if you hear this, we love you with all our hearts.’

Police, family, friends and worried residents of Swanage have been searching all the areas Gaia (pictured) is known to frequent in the area

Police, family, friends and worried residents of Swanage have been searching all the areas Gaia (pictured) is known to frequent in the area

The 19-year-old suspect has been named locally as her grandson Nathan Elsey and Gaia is understood to have been staying there or visiting very regularly

The 19-year-old suspect has been named locally as her grandson Nathan Elsey and Gaia is understood to have been staying there or visiting very regularly

Her older sister Clara Pope-Sutherland, 21, told the Daily Echo on Tuesday evening: ‘We just want her to come home.

College friends in shock over actor’s murder arrest

Students at the college where Nathan Elsey studies acting today said he is a ‘really good actor’ who ‘hopes to make a career out of it’.

Pupils at Brockenhurst College in the heart of the New Forest, Hampshire, described the budding actor, who has been arrested on suspicion of murder, as ‘one of the nice guys’.

They also said the 19-year-old would have known Gaia Pope through the college and added that he has a girlfriend who studies there as well.

One student, who didn’t wish to be named, said she knows Gaia’s twin sister and said its ‘awful’ for the family.

She said: ‘I know him, he lives in Swanage. He’s got a girlfriend who goes to this college, I don’t know her name though.

‘I’m not sure how he knows Gaia – the only way he would know her is through college.

‘It’s awful for her family, I’m friends with her twin sister but I haven’t spoken to her because I just don’t know what to say.’

One pupil, who also didn’t wish to be named, said: ‘I used to get the train with him, he’s a really lovely guy and just so nice, you could have a nice conversation with him.

‘He’s a really great actor, he does level 3 I think so he is really good, he’s hoping to make a career out of it.’

A male student added: ‘I’ve seen him around college a bit and spoken to him a few times – he’s one of the nice guys.

‘I would be pretty surprised if he’s got anything to do with it to be honest.’

‘She’s a home bird. She would never do anything like this.

‘She’s just not the kind of person to go off like this – she’d always let us know what was happening.

‘That’s the most concerning thing of all.

‘We’re so worried and we just want to know she’s safe.’

The last reported sighting of Gaia was at an address in Manor Gardens on Morrison Road of Swanage.

She was said to be wearing a red checked shirt with white buttons, grey and white woven leggings and white trainers.

Gaia is 5ft 7ins tall, medium build and has long mousey blonde hair. 

Hundreds of people from the town also joined the search, with an appeal shared widely on social media in attempts to find Gaia. 

Comedian Russell Brand, who has more than 12 million followers on Twitter, re-tweeted a poster with information about the appeal.

Speaking about the disappearance, Gaia’s sister Marienna Pope, described the situation as a ‘waking nightmare.’

Her mother Natasha said on Facebook: ‘Full scale alert ; my daughter Gaia Pope-Sutherland is missing. Vulnerable. Helicopter out, full scale search they say. Do your best for us people??Find her!!!Knock on doors’. 

Last week, Miss Pope’s family issued a statement urging her to get in contact.

They said: ‘We are all frantic with worry Gaia and are desperate to know you are OK. You are not in any trouble and we just want to know you are somewhere safe.

‘Please get in touch with someone to let us know where you are so we can help you’. 

Gaia’s older sister, Clara, 21, revealed that Gaia when missing without a coat on and while en-route to see a doctor with her and her aunt.

She revealed that Clara had been suffering from severe anxiety.

She said: ‘In dire need of help; sister missing. There is a full-on police search for my sister Gaia in Swanage. On the way out to get a referral from the GP with my aunt, she walked out the house with no phone or means of contact at around 5pm.

‘Gaia suffers from increasingly severe epilepsy (we have no idea if she has her medication with her) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

‘She is currently going through a period of extreme worry/PTSD episode. As you can probably imagine, she is very vulnerable.

‘I’m hoping that she’ll show up after being sat somewhere and say ‘I was just chilling out and taking some me time’. But after a full night of no one having any contact from her, its safe to say I’m feeling sick to my stomach.

‘So this is a call to arms, please, if you can. Swanage/Dorset/People with cars. I need to find my sister.’

Gaia's bereft family have described the situation since she vanished as a 'walking nightmare'

Gaia's bereft family have described the situation since she vanished as a 'walking nightmare'

Gaia Pope’s (pictured) bereft family have described the situation since she vanished on November 7 as a ‘walking nightmare’ 

Forensics officers (pictured) arrived in a van at the scene yesterday and are now continuing to comb the Swanage house 

Forensics officers (pictured) arrived in a van at the scene yesterday and are now continuing to comb the Swanage house 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk