Popular acai café shut down by health authorities over claims 45 customers were struck down with food poisoning

A popular acai takeaway cafe in Sydney has been temporarily closed after dozens of customers allegedly fell ill with food poisoning.

Blue Lemon Acai in Wahroonga was given a prohibition order on Friday by the state health authorities which forces the business to close until further notice.

About 45 people were allegedly affected by the outbreak after purchasing the frozen treats from the cafe in the city’s north over the last two weeks. 

The business owners said they are assessing the complaints.

‘We have been operating in Wahroonga for 10 years and take great pride in serving our friends and the local community the healthy products we make with love every day,’ they said in a statement reported by the Daily Telegraph. 

‘We are devastated by the news of people getting ill and have undertaken a full review of the situation, including our suppliers.’

The owners said they were aware of 16 complaints, though some appeared to be from ‘fake’ accounts.

NSW Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty said the government was aware of 45 reports alleging people had become ill after eating at the business. Three of those had required hospital treatment, she said.

Blue Lemon Acai in Wahroonga (pictured) was given a prohibition order on Friday by the state health authorities which forces the business to close until further notice

‘In the interests of public safety, a prohibition order was issued by my department through the NSW Food Authority on the Wahroonga located business Blue Lemon Acai,’ Ms Moriarty said in a statement.

‘(This) follows a large number of complaints by customers alleging food-borne illness symptoms after consuming acai-based frozen desserts. 

‘The order was put in place to reduce any further public health impact and will close the facility until further notice.’

Acai is made from powdered acai berries native to Brazil that are mixed with frozen fruit, often banana and blueberries, to form a desert similar to ice cream.

Equipment is also often used which resembles traditional soft serve machines. 

Samples from the store were taken by officers from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) with the results expected in 10 days.

It is usual practice for local councils to undertake food safety inspections but the DPIRD is handling this case as it is an alleged outbreak of a foodbourne illness.

Acai is made from berries native to Brazil which are powdered and mixed with frozen fruit to make a desert like ice cream but 'healthier' (stock image)

Acai is made from berries native to Brazil which are powdered and mixed with frozen fruit to make a desert like ice cream but ‘healthier’ (stock image)

It is not known what the alleged contaminant is but those who have reported illness are speaking with doctors and the North Sydney Local Health District has asked for others potentially affected to submit samples. 

The investigation is ongoing and there have been no penalty notices or breaches issued against the business.

The closure notice will likely remain in effect until the investigation concludes. 

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Blue Lemon Acai for comment. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk