President Donald Trump says ‘crazy’ Nancy Pelosi’s ‘teeth are falling out’

President Donald Trump took a pointed jab at Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in a spiteful tweet that implied her ‘teeth were falling out’ because she ‘didn’t have time to think’ during a press conference. 

Pelosi came under Trump’s line of fire after she responded to a reporter’s question about the articles of impeachment against the president at a press conference last week. 

When asked why bribery was not included in the charges presented to the House Judiciary Committee, Pelosi said it was a joint decision made by varying groups. 

‘I myself am not a lawyer…sometimes I act like one. This was a decision that was recommended by working together with our committee chairs, our attorneys and the rest,’ she said. 

Pictured: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi

President Donald Trump (left) fired at Nancy Pelosi (right) in a mean spirited tweet on Sunday evening 

Trump said Pelosi's 'teeth were falling out of her mouth' during the press conference because she 'didn't have time to think'

Trump said Pelosi’s ‘teeth were falling out of her mouth’ during the press conference because she ‘didn’t have time to think’

Pelosi’s answer seemed to incense Trump and prompted him to taunt her about her teeth falling out while she seemingly paused to ready an answer. 

‘Because Nancy’s teeth were falling out of her mouth, and she didn’t have time to think!’ he wrote. 

Trump’s response comes after Rep. Mark Meadows says the bribery allegations the president ‘are not true.

Trump continued to rail against ‘crazy’ Pelosi and ‘do nothing’ Democrats in an additional tweet where he said they’re losing support for their impeachment probe. 

‘Congressional Do Nothing Democrats are being absolutely decimated in their districts on the subject of the Impeachment Hoax. People that voted for them are literally screaming in their faces. Crazy Nancy is finding defending Shifty Schiff harder than she thought!,’ Trump wrote.  

 Trump also called out Rep. Adam Schiff, who assisted in compiling evidence filings to submit to the House Judiciary Committee. 

Rep. Mark Meadows (pictured) claims allegations of Trump partaking in bribery are not 'true'

Rep. Mark Meadows (pictured) claims allegations of Trump partaking in bribery are not ‘true’ 

Trump: 'People that voted for them are literally screaming in their faces. Crazy Nancy is finding defending Shifty Schiff harder than she thought!'

Trump: ‘People that voted for them are literally screaming in their faces. Crazy Nancy is finding defending Shifty Schiff harder than she thought!’

Trump’s jeer at Pelosi joins several other tweets where he blasted Hillary Clinton, the impeachment inquiry and former FBI director James Comey. 

Wall Street Journal Columnist Kimberley Strassel shared a tweet claiming that Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigation report shows that Clinton paid for foreign influence during the 2016. 

Strassel alleges that Clinton’s team ‘funneled’ Russian dossier lies to the FBI, to which Trump called ‘Crooked Hillary’ a ‘total train wreck!’

Trump blasted 'crooked' Hillary Clinton as a total 'train wreck' in response to a tweet from a Wall Street Journalist columnist

Trump blasted ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton as a total ‘train wreck’ in response to a tweet from a Wall Street Journalist columnist 

The Commander-in-Chief then went on to declare his innocence in the ‘impeachment hoax.’

‘A PERFECT phone call. “Can you do us (not me. Us is referring to our Country) a favor.” Then go on to talk about “Country” and “U.S. Attorney General”,’ Trump wrote.

‘The Impeachment Hoax is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt which has been going on for 3 years. We will win!’

Trump also declared his innocence in any apparent wrongdoing and called the current proceedings an 'impeachment hoax'

Trump also declared his innocence in any apparent wrongdoing and called the current proceedings an ‘impeachment hoax’ 

Trump: 'The Impeachment Hoax is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt which has been going on for 3 years. We will win!'

Trump: ‘The Impeachment Hoax is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt which has been going on for 3 years. We will win!’

On Sunday, Comey interviewed at Fox News and admits he was wrong when he said the FBI investigation into Russian interference was done in a ‘thoughtful, responsible way.’

Comey also agreed with Horowitz findings after his probe into the FBI’s investigation found 17 faults issues with the agencies procedure. 

‘Because he’s right,’ Comey added, ‘referring to Horowitz. ‘There was real sloppiness, 17 things that either should’ve been in the applications or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable and so he’s right. I was wrong.’

Trump appeared to revel in Comey’s admission and asked for an apology and wondered about the consequences. 

‘So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong. Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red handed,’ Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon. 

Trump taunted James Comey, saying: 'So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?'

Trump taunted James Comey, saying: ‘So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?’

Trump touted polling numbers that show a major approval of the Republican Party and more than 50 percent overall approval

Trump touted polling numbers that show a major approval of the Republican Party and more than 50 percent overall approval

‘He was actually caught a long time ago,’ the president continued. ‘So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?’

He then doubled down on his ‘with hunt’ statement by sharing the alleged approval ratings of the Republican Party. 

It is unclear where these polling numbers came from. 

‘Approval Rating in Republican Party = 95%, a Record!’ he said. 

‘Overall Approval Rating = 51%. Think of where I’d be without the never ending, 24 hour a day, phony Witch Hunt, that started 3 years ago!’