President Donald Trump says DOJ Inspector Generals’ report ‘totally destroys James Comey’

President Donald Trump responded again on Saturday to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General’s report, saying it ‘totally destroys James Comey.’ 

The report is centered around then-FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, and was released on Thursday.

After its release, Trump claimed it exonerated him, although it’s not clear what Trump perceives it to have exonerated him from since his actions were not within the scope of the review.

The document, titled ‘A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election,’ is the culmination of an investigation started before Trump took office by IG Michael Horowitz, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama in 2012. 

Trump tweeted on Saturday: ‘The IG Report totally destroys James Comey and all of his minions including the great lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who started the disgraceful Witch Hunt against so many innocent people. It will go down as a dark and dangerous period in American History!’    

President Donald Trump responded again on Saturday to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General’s report, saying it ‘totally destroys James Comey;’ Comey is seen here in an interview during a Washington Post Live event to discuss his recently published book: A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, on May 8 in Washington, DC

Part of the report revealed that FBI agent Peter Strzok and colleague Lisa Page, who were linked romantically, exchanged text messages vowing to ‘stop’ Trump from becoming president.

Strzok was one of the lead investigators involved in the Clinton email case, and at one pointed worked on the still ongoing Russia investigation, before he was taken off that team.

But the report was not focused in any way on the Russia probe.  

In summary, the report found that Comey wrongly deviated from established FBI norms in announcing the completion of the investigation of Clinton’s email use without coordinating with the attorney general, and also when he notified Congress in late October that the FBI had reopened the investigation.

Trump said the IG report revealed 'a dark and dangerous period in American history'

Trump said the IG report revealed ‘a dark and dangerous period in American history’

President Donald Trump speaks to reporters at the White House on Friday in Washington, DC

President Donald Trump speaks to reporters at the White House on Friday in Washington, DC

FBI director Christopher Wray, the person appointed by Trump to replace Comey after Trump fired him last year, said that ‘this report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review,’ at a press conference on Thursday.

‘But the report does identify errors of judgment, violations of or disregard for policy, and decisions that, at the very least, in hindsight, were not the best choices,’ Wray added. 

Comey responded to the report’s findings succinctly on Twitter on Thursday, writing:

‘I respect the DOJ IG office, which is why I urged them to do this review. The conclusions are reasonable, even though I disagree with some. People of good faith can see an unprecedented situation differently. I pray no Director faces it again. Thanks to IG’s people for hard work.’

Part of the report revealed that FBI agent Peter Strzok and colleague Lisa Page (pictured), who were linked romantically, exchanged text messages vowing to 'stop' Trump from becoming president

Part of the report revealed that FBI agent Peter Strzok (pictured) and colleague Lisa Page, who were linked romantically, exchanged text messages vowing to 'stop' Trump from becoming president

Part of the report revealed that FBI agent Peter Strzok (right) and colleague Lisa Page (left), who were linked romantically, exchanged text messages vowing to ‘stop’ Trump from becoming president

Comey also penned a longer response, published in the New York Times on Thursday, similarly praising the IG’s office and highlighting what he felt where the most important takeaway messages from the report.

‘I do not agree with all of the inspector general’s conclusions, but I respect the work of his office and salute its professionalism. All of our leaders need to understand that accountability and transparency are essential to the functioning of our democracy, even when it involves criticism. This is how the process is supposed to work,’ he wrote.

‘First, he inspector general’s team went through the F.B.I.’s work with a microscope and found no evidence that bias or improper motivation affected the investigation, which I know was done competently, honestly and independently.    

‘The report also resoundingly demonstrates that there was no prosecutable case against Mrs. Clinton, as we had concluded. Although that probably will not stop some from continuing to claim the opposite is true, this independent assessment will be useful to thoughtful people and an important contribution to the historical record.

‘Second, this report is vital in shedding light for future leaders on the nature and quality of our investigation and the decisions we made.’  

Wray highlighted how the FBI plans to move forward, with new insight into ‘a specific set of events back in 2016, and a small number of FBI employees connected with those events.’ 

‘We’re going to make sure we have the policies, procedures, and training needed for everyone to understand and remember what’s expected of us,’ Wray said.

‘That includes drilling home the importance of objectivity—and of avoiding even the appearance of personal conflicts or political bias in our work; ensuring that recusals are handled correctly and effectively—and are clearly communicated to the appropriate people; making all employees fully aware of our new policy on contacts with the news media, which I issued last November—and making clear that we will not tolerate non-compliance; ensuring that we follow all DOJ policies about public statements on ongoing investigations and uncharged conduct; and ensuring that our employees adhere strictly to all policies and procedures on the use of FBI systems, networks, and devices.’

Soon after the report was released, Trump held an impromptu news conference on the White House lawn on Friday, speaking at length with journalists and especially Fox & Friends

Soon after the report was released, Trump held an impromptu news conference on the White House lawn on Friday, speaking at length with journalists and especially Fox & Friends

Soon after the report was released, Trump held an impromptu news conference on the White House lawn on Friday, speaking at length with journalists and calling the report a ‘total disaster for Comey, his minions and sadly the FBI.’

Trump referred to Comey as a ‘ringleader of this whole den of thieves’ in an interview with Fox & Friends on Friday. 

‘I did nothing wrong. There was no collusion, there was no obstruction, and the IG report yesterday went a long way to show that,’ he said on Friday. 

‘I think the Mueller investigation has been totally discredited.’

The point made in the report related to the Russia investigation was that some FBI agents were found to have expressed private anti-Trump rhetoric, but that affirmative evidence showed decisions were made by Strzok based on his political leanings.

However, Horowitz did note in the report that he ‘did not have confidence’ that Strzok’s prioritizing of the Russia/Trump campaign investigation over Clinton emails that resurfaced through a search of Anthony Weiner’s computer ‘was free from bias’ and that Strzok and other FBI employees ‘brought discredit to themselves’ and damaged the reputation of the FBI.