President hits out low IQ Robert De Niro after actor’s tirade at Tony Awards screaming ‘f*** Trump’

The president took time out during his summit with Kim Jong Un to watch Robert DeNiro’s expletive laden Tony’s speech against the president, and today- he took to Twitter to say the actor has a low IQ.

DeNiro took to the Tony Awards show stage to say ‘F*** Trump,’ on Sunday. He repeated ‘F*** Trump’ a second time and received a standing ovation from the crowd at the awards show for excellence in Broadway theater, held in New York.

The hyper-image aware president took aim at the actor tweeting on Tuesday afternoon ‘Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to (sic) many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be ‘punch-drunk.’

The president is readying to depart his summit with Kim in Singapore Tuesday evening, Eastern Standard Time. He likely spent some time after his meeting with Kim catching up on the news about him back in the United States.

While the president was wrapping up his historical summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, he watched actor Robert De Niro’s Tony Awards speech, and took issue with it

As soon as the president had a chance to catch up on news back in the United States on Monday, during his summit with Kim Jong Un, he was upset by it, and made fun of De Niro over Twitter Tuesday afternoon, saying he has a 'low IQ' and must have taken too many punches to the head

As soon as the president had a chance to catch up on news back in the United States on Monday, during his summit with Kim Jong Un, he was upset by it, and made fun of De Niro over Twitter Tuesday afternoon, saying he has a ‘low IQ’ and must have taken too many punches to the head

What did De Niro say exactly that would take away from the attention the president's historic summit received? 'It's no longer down with Trump. It's f*** Trump,' on stage at the Tony Awards

What did De Niro say exactly that would take away from the attention the president’s historic summit received? ‘It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f*** Trump,’ on stage at the Tony Awards

The president’s diatribe against De Niro did not end there either, he continued in a second tweet that the actor must not ‘realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country.’

Trump added a little name calling to the end of his missive, telling De Niro: ‘Wake up Punchy!’  

In fairness De Niro was pretty aggressive on the Tony stage, taking time away from the biggest awards show for Broadway with his curt, but pointed attack at the president. However his message still received a standing ovation.

The veteran actor went onstage at the Tony Awards 2018 and said: ‘I’m just going to say one thing. F*** Trump.’

The New York audience immediately started applauding, and as it rose to its feet, De Niro added: ‘It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f*** Trump.’

The awards were broadcast live on CBS but the network had enough time to bleep out the Godfather actor’s f-bombs. 

This is not the first time that De Niro has made his thoughts on Trump known.

He famously said he wanted to punch Trump ‘in the face’ during the 2016 US Election, called him a ‘f***ing fool’ and the ‘baby-in-chief’ in January 2018, and the following month said the US was currently suffering from a ‘case of temporary insanity’.

De Niro continued the streak for a third month in a row when he said in a speech in LA:  ‘A college education is important, but education without humanity is ignorance. 

‘Look at our president. He made it through University of Pennsylvania, so he was exposed to a quality education, but he’s still an idiot.’

Robert De Niro said 'F*** Trump' twice at the Tony Awards 2018 ceremony. (Pictured at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival).

Robert De Niro said ‘F*** Trump’ twice at the Tony Awards 2018 ceremony. (Pictured at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival).

The actor went on to say that as long as America’s ‘leadership is so appalling and so corrupt’ he’ll be ‘speaking out at every turn’. 

And, after the f-bombs at the Tonys on Sunday night, it looks like De Niro is staying true to his word about speaking out. 

A few hours prior to Trump’s tweets Tuesday, De Niro made a public apology — but not to Trump. While in Toronto Tuesday morning, De Niro told Canadians he was sorry for Trump’s behavior.

‘I just want to make a note of apology for the idiotic behavior of my president,’ he said. ‘It’s a disgrace. And I apologize to [Canadian Prime Minister] Justin Trudeau and the other people at the G-7. It’s disgusting.’