President Trump asks AG to investigate Hillary Clinton links to Ukraine and Steele dossier

Donald Trump has asked Attorney General William Barr to look into potential ties between Hillary Clinton, Ukraine and the bombshell anti-Trump dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele.  

The president claimed that he’s heard rumors that his 2016 rival Clinton hired someone from the Ukraine to write the dossier during a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity aired Monday night.  

‘You hear about Ukraine, and you’ve been hearing about it. I heard Clinton was involved,’ Trump said. 

‘I heard they got somebody who wrote the fake dossier was out of Ukraine. All of the things that happened.

‘And, I assume that the attorney general – I would like the attorney general to find out what’s going on. Because, you know what? We are investigating corruption. 

‘In my opinion, that is what it was, corruption, and if Ukraine would know something about the 2016 election, you have to give that information.’


During an interview with Sean Hannity on Monday night, President Donald Trump said he wants Attorney General William Barr to look into potential ties between Hillary Clinton, Ukraine and the bombshell anti-Trump dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele

Trump claimed that he has heard rumors that his 2016 rival Clinton (pictured) hired someone from the Ukraine to write the dossier

The president branded the dossier - which was compiled by Steele (pictured) and contended that the Russian government had compromising information on Trump during the 2016 election - 'fake' and 'a disgrace'

Trump claimed that he has heard rumors that his 2016 rival Clinton (left) hired someone from the Ukraine to write the dossier compiled by Steele (right). The president branded the dossier – which contended that the Russian government had compromising information on Trump during the 2016 election – ‘fake’ and ‘a disgrace’

Trump branded the Steele Dossier – which contended that the Russian government had compromising information on Trump during the 2016 election – ‘fake’ and ‘a disgrace’.  

The dossier contained unverified information that Trump was vulnerable to blackmail from Russia having ordered ‘golden showers’ with prostitutes during a 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant. 

It was seized upon by Trump’s detractors as evidence that Putin had interfered in the election – and by his supporters of proof of a political attack by Washington establishment forces backing Democratic nominee Clinton.

Trump’s unfounded claims that Clinton was behind the dossier came as he faces a House impeachment inquiry sparked by allegations that he threatened to withhold nearly $400million in military aid from Ukraine unless its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, opened investigations into his rivals’ ties in the eastern European nation. 

The US president allegedly asked Zelensky to look into potential collusion between Ukrainian officials and Democrats during the 2016 election. 

He is also accused of pressuring Zelensky into investigating Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine.  

House Democrats are working to determine whether Trump engaged in a political quid pro quo when he asked his Ukranian counterpart for a ‘favor’ during the controversial phone call in July. 

During Monday’s interview Trump repeated his insistence that it was a ‘perfect conversation’. 

Trump's unfounded claims that Clinton was behind the dossier came as he faces a House impeachment inquiry sparked by allegations that he threatened to withhold nearly $400million in military aid from Ukraine unless its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, opened investigations into his rivals' ties in the eastern European nation. Trump and Zelensky are pictured together at meeting in September

Trump’s unfounded claims that Clinton was behind the dossier came as he faces a House impeachment inquiry sparked by allegations that he threatened to withhold nearly $400million in military aid from Ukraine unless its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, opened investigations into his rivals’ ties in the eastern European nation. Trump and Zelensky are pictured together at meeting in September

Trump accused Democrats of opening the impeachment inquiry because they knew he was on his way to winning re-election in 2020

Trump accused Democrats of opening the impeachment inquiry because they knew he was on his way to winning re-election in 2020

He called impeachment a ‘dirty, disgusting word’ and contended that his predecessor Barack Obama did ‘many different things’ worthy of being removed from office.  

He went on to accuse Democrats of going after impeachment because they knew he was on course for re-election in 2020.  

‘Who would do this? Who would play a dirty game like this?’ an incredulous Trump asked. 

‘[Impeachment] would be a terrible thing for the country, because then if you have a Democrat president, and someday you will have this combination, I guess, if you have a Democrat, hopefully a long time but that’s okay. 

‘You have a Democrat president. So wait a minute. Let’s tell them we are running for 16 years. But listen, Sean, if you have a Democrat as president and a Republican house and a speaker that is tough, crazy, like [Nancy] Pelosi, she’s crazy.’

Trump then said that Pelosi should be impeached along with California Democratic Rep Adam Schiff, one of the leaders of the impeachment inquiry. 

Hannity ended the interview by asking Trump: ‘Would you care at all what [Democrats] do as long as you win back in November? Does it matter to you?’

Trump replied that impeachment ‘will never happen’.