Prince George terror threat ‘jihadi’ in court

Husnain Rashid is accused of encouraging attacks on the royal family

An alleged ISIS supporter accused of sharing details of Prince George’s school on social media will go on trial in the spring.

Husnain Rashid, 31, made the post about the four-year-old prince on messaging app Telegram, it is alleged.

The British national, of Nelson, Lancashire, also allegedly planned to travel to Syria to join ISIS.

He was arrested on November 22 and charged with preparing acts of terrorism and assisting others to prepare acts of terrorism.

He appeared at the Old Bailey via video link from Wandsworth prison and spoke only to confirm his date of birth and British nationality.

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave set a four-week trial at Woolwich Crown Court to be heard before Judge Andrew Lees from April 30.

A plea hearing was also set for April 13. The defendant was remanded into custody.

Prince George, pictured with his father and member of staff Helen Haslem, started at Thomas's school in Battersea in September

Prince George, pictured with his father and member of staff Helen Haslem, started at Thomas’s school in Battersea in September

The alleged jihadi is alleged to have posted a picture of Prince George's school on Telegram

The alleged jihadi is alleged to have posted a picture of Prince George’s school on Telegram

The case was brought following separate concerns over the young prince’s security. 

Just four days before George started school, a woman filmed herself walking through the corridors unchallenged, calling the lack of security ‘astonishing’.

Then in September, a woman was arrested at the school after trying to get into the property twice within 24 hours.

Both of the those incidents were completely unconnected to today’s court case. 

Neighbours of Rashid expressed shock following the arrests in Nelson, Lancashire last month.

The woman, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘It’s usually so quiet. I have not seen or heard anything suspicious myself.’ 

Rashid was arrested during a police raid on this terraced street in Nelson, Lancashire

Rashid was arrested during a police raid on this terraced street in Nelson, Lancashire


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