Prince Harry to join Donald Trump and the Queen for a private lunch during US State Visit

Prince Harry will join the Queen for a private lunch with Donald Trump on the first day of his state visit to the UK – but Meghan will be staying at home with baby Archie.

Meghan has been a vocal critic of President Trump in the past and once branded him ‘divisive’ and a ‘misogynist’. 

Buckingham Palace has released the itinerary for the president’s three-day visit to the UK, which will see him and first lady Melania also having tea with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at Clarence House before visiting Downing Street for talks with Prime Minister Theresa May. 

Mr and Mrs Trump will arrive in the UK on the morning of Monday, June 3 and the Queen, joined by Prince Charles and Camilla, will officially welcome them at Buckingham Palace. 

The private lunch will see the Queen and Prince Harry meet the president, but the Duchess of Sussex is set to stay at home with her newborn and avoid a potentially awkward meeting with the leader. 

The full itinerary of US President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK has been revealed by Buckingham Palace today (pictured with the Queen in July 2018)

In 2016, then-Suits actress Meghan campaigned against Mr Trump becoming president and instead backed Hillary Clinton for the position.

She said: ‘I’m voting for Hillary Clinton, not because she is a woman, but because Trump has made it easy to see that you don’t really want that kind of world that he’s painting.’

President Trump will receive a ceremonial welcome in the Buckingham Palace Garden when he arrives on June 3, before inspecting the Guard of Honour, which is formed of Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards.

He will be accompanied by Prince Charles.   

Royal Gun Salutes will be fired in Green Park and at the Tower of London to mark the visit.

During President Trump’s private lunch with the Queen and Prince Harry, Her Majesty will invite him and the First Lady to view a special exhibition in the Picture Gallery, which will showcase items of historical significance to the United States from the Royal Collection.

President Trump (speaking to the press at the White House on May 24) will then receive a ceremonial welcome in the Buckingham Palace Garden before he inspects the Guard of Honour, which is formed of Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards

President Trump (speaking to the press at the White House on May 24) will then receive a ceremonial welcome in the Buckingham Palace Garden before he inspects the Guard of Honour, which is formed of Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards

After this, Mr and Mrs Trump, accompanied by Prince Andrew, will visit Westminster Abbey, where the President will lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.

They will then be taken on a short tour of the Abbey.

A packed day will continue with the President and First Lady joining The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall for tea at Clarence House.

In the evening, The Queen will host a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace and both Her Majesty and the President will make speeches at the start of the Banquet. 

The following morning, the President and Theresa May will co-host a business breakfast meeting, attended by The Duke of York, at St James’s Palace, with senior UK and US business leaders.

President Trump will be welcomed by the Queen at Buckingham Palace

The president will also have tea with the the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at Clarence House

Arriving on June 3, President Trump will be welcomed by the Queen at Buckingham Palace (left). The president will also have tea with the the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall (right) at Clarence House

The President and Mrs Trump will then visit 10 Downing Street to hold talks with the Prime Minister. 

Following lunch together, the leaders will attend a press conference.

In the evening, the President and Mrs Trump will host a return dinner at Winfield House, the residence of the Ambassador of the United States of America. 

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will attend the dinner on behalf of The Queen. 

On Wednesday, the final day of the visit, the Queen, accompanied by Prince Charles, will join Mr and Mrs Trump and will attend the National Commemorative Event for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings at Southsea Common, Portsmouth, alongside more than 300 D-Day veterans. 

Prince Harry will join the Queen for a private lunch with Donald Trump but Meghan is set to stay at home with baby Archie

Prince Harry will join the Queen for a private lunch with Donald Trump but Meghan is set to stay at home with baby Archie

President Trump will receive a ceremonial welcome in the Buckingham Palace Garden when he arrives on June 3

President Trump will receive a ceremonial welcome in the Buckingham Palace Garden when he arrives on June 3

Meghan has been a critic of the US President in the past and openly supported Hilary Clinton before Mr Trump was elected - meaning she'll miss a potentially awkward lunch with the president

Meghan has been a critic of the US President in the past and openly supported Hilary Clinton before Mr Trump was elected – meaning she’ll miss a potentially awkward lunch with the president

The event will tell the story of D-Day through musical performance, testimonial readings and military displays, including a fly-past of 25 modern and historical aircraft. 

Heads of State and Government representatives from the countries involved in the military operation will also attend.

The Queen will formally bid farewell to the President and Mrs Trump in Portsmouth.

The President and Mrs Trump will depart privately later in the day.

Mr Trump’s first trip to the UK as president sparked controversy last year and critics have said he should not have been given the honour of an official state visit. 

The visit comes after Prime Minister Theresa May announced that she would resign as Tory leader on June 7. 

The visit has already stirred up political opposition, with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn declining an invitation to the banquet, accusing Trump of using ‘racist and misogynist rhetoric’.

House of Commons speaker John Bercow, who has ruled out allowing Trump to address parliament, and Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats, have already declined the invitation to the dinner.

Full itinerary of Donald Trump’s three-day state visit to the UK


  • Arrive in the morning and receive Ceremonial Welcome in the Buckingham Palace Garden, hosted by the Queen and joined by Prince Charles and Camilla.
  • President Trump, accompanied by The Prince of Wales, will inspect the Guard of Honour, formed of Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards.
  • Private lunch with the Queen followed by a special exhibition in the Picture Gallery, which will showcase items of historical significance to the United States from the Royal Collection.
  • Mr and Mrs Trump, accompanied by The Duke of York, will visit Westminster Abbey, where the President will lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior. They will also be given a tour of the Abbey.
  • They will then join The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall for tea at Clarence House.
  • In the evening, The Queen will hold a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace and both the Queen and the President will both make speeches at the start of the Banquet.  


  • On Tuesday morning, the president and Prime Minister Theresa May will co-host a business breakfast meeting, attended by The Duke of York, at St James’s Palace, with senior UK and US business leaders.
  • The president and Mrs Trump will then visit 10 Downing Street to hold talks with the Prime Minister. 
  • Following lunch together, President Trump and the Prime Minister will attend a press conference.
  • In the evening, the president and Mrs Trump will host a return dinner at Winfield House, the Residence of the Ambassador of the United States of America. Prince Charles and Camilla will attend the dinner on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen. 


  • On Wednesday, the Queen, accompanied by Prince Charles, President Trump and Melania will attend the National Commemorative Event for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings at Southsea Common, Portsmouth, alongside over 300 D-Day veterans.
  • The Queen will formally bid farewell to The President and Mrs Trump in Portsmouth.
  • President Trump and Mrs Trump will depart privately later in the day.