Prison officer let herself in to inmate’s cell so they could regularly have sex at night

The prison officer who had a year-long affair with an inmate let herself into his cell regularly at night using her own key so they could have sex – breaking strict protocol.

Amy Connors is alleged to have had a year-long affair with cop killer Sione Penisini at Kempsey maximum security prison in Sydney.

Ms Connors’ husband suspected she was having an affair for months and called prison managers, a source told the Daily Telegraph. 

Amy Connors on her wedding day

Female prison guard Amy Connors (pictured) is alleged to have had sex with cop killer Sione Penisini

Convicted cop killer Sione Pensini (right) and prison guard Amy Connors were under surveillance for more than a month before the alleged sexual liaison was uncovered 

Convicted cop killer Sione Pensini (right) and prison guard Amy Connors were under surveillance for more than a month before the alleged sexual liaison was uncovered 

‘She’s afraid to say what she thinks, we’re amazed she fell for someone like Penisini but he can be charming and had been wooing her for months, telling her she was looking amazing after losing weight,’ the source said.

‘She really liked him and was talking about divorcing her husband.’

Ms Connors had undergone a dramatic image overhaul, having had a gastric band operation which saw her drop from a size 18 to a size 12.

As part of her new image she also bought herself a motorbike and had new tattoos.

Phone calls between Ms Connors and Penisini were facilitated by a mutual friend, who would put him on loud speaker and them let them talk.

Intelligence officers intercepted a phone call between them after being contacted by Ms Connors’ husband.

‘Her husband was gobsmacked when he found out it was an inmate,’ the source said.  

Penisini was sentenced to 36 years in prison for the murder of police officer Glenn McEnally in 2002. 

Corrective Services staff reportedly had Connors and Penisini under surveillance for a month before they swooped, suspending the guard from duty, Nine News reported.    

Demmi Zeschke repeatedly had sex with drink-drive double killer Jarad Smith in Long Bay Correctional Centre, south-east Sydney

Demmi Zeschke repeatedly had sex with drink-drive double killer Jarad Smith in Long Bay Correctional Centre, south-east Sydney

Sordid: Demmi Zeschke (pictured) allegedly had steamy sex sessions with drink-drive double killer Jarad Smith in Long Bay Correctional Centre, south-east Sydney

Smith (pictured), now on day release until his parole in September 2019, was drunk and high on cocaine and MDMA when he ran over Katherine Pracy and her boyfriend Gary Kelly in December 2014

Smith (pictured), now on day release until his parole in September 2019, was drunk and high on cocaine and MDMA when he ran over Katherine Pracy and her boyfriend Gary Kelly in December 2014

Penisini has since been moved to Goulburn Supermax jail, home to Australia’s most hardened criminals, after allegedly assaulting a fellow prisoner in recent weeks. 

Penisini allegedly ‘groomed’ Connors by pushing her into weight loss surgery.

Connors and her husband have since separated. 

Corrective Service Commissioner Peter Severin is pushing for dramatic reforms after two female guards were this week accused of romping with convicted killers. 

It’s currently not illegal for corrections staff to have sex with inmates, although it is a breach of their code of conduct.

‘If I had my way I would make it an offence punishable by imprisonment,’ Mr Severin told The Daily Telegraph. 

Hinting at anti-libido drugs, he added: ‘I want to do anything that will stop inappropriate behaviour from happening. 

‘If there are medically based options would I say no? No I wouldn’t, no I wouldn’t because I want to stop this behaviour from happening.’

Corrections Minister David Elliott said it was his mission to make sure guards who have relationships with inmates can never work in government.

‘I want their reputation so badly tarnished they can never work for the state government again,’ he said, adding that he wants to criminalise sex with prisoners.

He has ordered an investigation into alleged prisoner-staff relationships over the past 10 years.  

Corrective Service Commissioner Peter Severin is pushing for dramatic reforms after two female guards were this week accused of romping with convicted killers

Corrective Service Commissioner Peter Severin is pushing for dramatic reforms after two female guards were this week accused of romping with convicted killers

It comes after guard Demmi Zeschke was accused of having steamy sex sessions with drink-drive double killer Jarad Smith, 23, in Long Bay Correctional Centre, south-east Sydney.

She is said to have swapped shifts with colleagues to work at night when the pair could sneak to the gym for sordid trysts.

In 2015, officer Jody Marson (pictured), 33, was sacked for having an 'improper relationship' with Thomas Kelly's killer 

In 2015, officer Jody Marson (pictured), 33, was sacked for having an ‘improper relationship’ with Thomas Kelly’s killer 

The couple’s cunning arrangement came to a sudden end when other guards allegedly caught them in the act before Zeschke resigned.

Smith, now on day release until his parole in September 2019, was drunk and high on cocaine and MDMA when he ran over Katherine Pracy and her boyfriend Gary Kelly in December 2014.

The couple’s families – already dismayed at Smith’s ‘lenient’ four-year sentence – are furious that he was allowed to have sex behind bars. 

‘He probably has got it easier than we have,’ Ms Pracy’s sister Louise Miller told 9 News. 

‘Incarceration is supposed to take away all those privileges but some of the prisoners are still getting that privilege,’ brother-in-law Duncan Miller said. 

On his radio show on Wednesday, 2GB host Ryan Hadley called prisons ‘hotbeds’ for illicit sexual relationships. 

It comes after convicted cop killer Sione Penisini was caught having a sexual relationship with a guard in Kempsey maximum-security prison in New South Wales.

Police Association president Tony King slammed Mr Elliot and Corrective Services Commissioner Peter Severin after the allegations were made public.

‘If Elliott and Severin were doing their jobs, every cop killer would be rotting away in Supermax, it’s a direct slap in the face of every officer, all of us who have worn the blue shirt,’ he said on Tuesday. 

Connors reportedly attempted to tender her resignation after being suspended on Friday but it was denied because Correction Services wish to complete their investigations first.

Kieran Loveridge (left), was convicted of killing Thomas Kelly in an unprovoked attack in Sydney's Kings Cross in 2012

Kieran Loveridge (left), was convicted of killing Thomas Kelly in an unprovoked attack in Sydney’s Kings Cross in 2012

Mr Elliot is set to visit the Kempsey jail in the coming week and said he had spoken to Constable McEnally’s mother and expressed his sincerest apologies that this could happen. 

‘It is clear this inmate should never have been alone with a junior female officer. I am keen to see what options we could implement to ensure this is never allowed to happen again,’ he said. 

In 2015, correctional officer Jody Marson, 33, was sacked for having an ‘improper relationship’ with Kieran Loveridge, who was convicted of killing Thomas Kelly in an unprovoked attack in Sydney’s Kings Cross in 2012.

Loveridge’s relationship with Ms Marson took place inside the cell he shared with another prisoner before the 21-year-old was moved to Goulburn Supermax prison back in March 2015 for stomping on a fellow inmate’s head 

Pensini was jailed for 36 years after the 2002 killing of NSW Police Constable Constable Glenn McEnally (pictured)

Pensini was jailed for 36 years after the 2002 killing of NSW Police Constable Constable Glenn McEnally (pictured)